Play Skyrim for years

>play Skyrim for years
>stack more and more survival and outdoorsy mods on top
>get comfy playing a vagabond walking around the country, fishing, hunting, camping under the stars
>finally feel that enough is enough
>sell my stuff
>pack my backpack with all I need to live comfortably on the road
>get 1 year visa to Japan
>been here 3 months now
>generally super comfy
>miss playing games video games

I feel a bit silly.

Other urls found in this thread:

>loving the outdoors
>visiting japan
I woulda gone to the rockies desu.

Hey I'm not done yet.

I have 10 grand and a fishing pole. I can stay /out/ for years.

Thinking of hitting up New Zealand next year, they have sweet visa deals.

nice bait


Nice filename

Damn dude. How is it there? Where are you originally from? I really want to go to New Zealand or Japan for a long stay, Aus-fag here.

That's great OP, but what about after you're done traveling? How are you going to get a job?


Reposted from my thread on /trv/. Couldn't bother hook up my phone to my laptop.

Bretty gud. The countryside is amazingly beautiful. Do you have Working Holiday deals with Japan? That's what I'm doing right now.

And I'm from Scandinavia.

I have a solid network back home. Job and a place to stay is basically guaranteed.

But I count on settling down somewhere out here. I don't really like my country.

visit north eastern russia, sweden,norway then try balkans, georgia, armenia and north canada
not suggesting more adventurous places like south asia you can get killed there, like in bruma
though kazahstan and mongolia are safe enough
thailand is somewhat safe, they care about publicity there so you won't get in trouble in teh countryside
also turkish people, in the country(city folk sucks everywehre), are really nice

Do you know anyone out there? Or do you know Japanese? I can't imagine trying to do something like that without any resources

also proof

Current light level should confirm my longitude

Canada is on my list, since they have decent WHV deals.

I've considered Thailand, but I can't get over the whole "white man in Thailand = sex tourist" stigma.

Turks are bros, I agree.

I know a little Jap, I have over 10 years of outdoor experience, and generally balls of steel when it comes to doing crazy shit.

Are you squatting? lol

>I'm from Scandinavia.
oh, visit middle of US
they are sticklers about private property it's doted everywhere and got some weird laws about camping
honestly it's safer to set up a tent in the middle of a town in spain than in US in the middle of nowhere

How do you charge your laptop?

seriously consider georgia, it's really pretty there and people are good

Without a timestamp mostly useless.

Nah, doing WWOOF to stretch my budget. No wifi in the room I'm in, so I'm sitting outside.

But it's like 20C and I got a bottle of green tea, so it's good.

I asked on /out/ what would happen if I went to the US and asked someone to camp on their property. Half said they'd shoot me on sight.

Also, travel insurance including the US is like twice as expensive as the rest of the world, so I'm not going there.

With a travel adapter.

If I ever decide to go back to Europe, sure, I'll do a round trip.

What mods should I even use for this cozy vibe?

i'd also suggest crimea, it's a great place no wodner people fight over it for 2.500 eyars,
but they can take you for a spy so don't go there

It's literally this thread on the screen. mostly. Find a good ENB and texture replacers, too.

While I do love STALKER, I'm not going into a warzone.

Oh hi OP, I'm you 3 months ago. Just about to leave australia for spain and then the rest of europe. Not really excited since living here has really worn me down to the point of not giving a fuck about anything, hopefully I will re-obtain some enthusiasm once I am overseas and free of all these fuckwits.

how is the language barrier thing in Japan?

or were you a weeb before that learned runespeak from watching anime before you went abroad

>I'm not going into a warzone.
Crimea is very safe. Except for the spy thing if you don't speak russian perfectly.

>Just about to leave australia
why did you even go there? it would be on the bottom of my travel lsit

>Not really excited since living here has really worn me down to the point of not giving a fuck about anything
That was my general feel before I left.

Being surrounded by strange mountains in a little valley town in the middle of nowhere with strange looking people who don't understand you got that fixed right up.

Be excited, m8.

Not that bad. I get by with words and simple phrases, or simply pointing at things. The most important thing is that you try. If you start a conversation with a solid "konichiwa!" and then later doesn't understand them, people will be understanding and polite since you did your best.

I don't speak any Russian except for knowing how to say "Cheers!" and "Sup bro".


I went to australia like 10 years ago and while I ocassionally miss it, I'm also well aware that I've spent some of the most boring, miserable fucking times out of my entire life there

how xenophobic are japs really

are they plainly show it or hide it and act polite?

I am, sadly, from here. I get more and more disappointed with this country and its inhabitants by the day. On the plus side I saved 10 grand doing minimum wage shit part time for a year.

Not at fucking all.

They're all good-spirited people.

The xenophobic meme comes from Americans who go here and act American, which is the anti-thesis to Japanese mentality, and get shit on by pissed off Nips.

I've never been offered drinks in bars by old couples before. It happens regularly here.

>tfw already seen this thread on /r9k/ and /out/

Why are you doing this homie?

Because I want more people to explore the world instead of wasting away behind a computer screen.

>about 2 years later I will have the same freedom
got me hooked for sure

Because he's regretting his decision to go in the first place and is bored out of his fucking mind, not to mention incredibly lonely.
Japan is not a very fun place to be in with no friends since barely anybody speaks english.

Which Scandi country are you from originally?

Start saving a bit already. You'd want around $10000 to go with. That can last you 3-4 years frugally, or a year in ridiculous comfort.

Couldn't be more wrong, m8, and Denmark.

how are prices in japan
how much you spent in a week

Pretty high on an international scale, rather cheap compared to Denmark.

I've budgeted 1000 yen a day, which I barely spend on vending machine coffee. Meals and room is provided for with WWOOF. I just hitchhike wherever I want to go. If I cook myself, I do it on my wood stove, and spend maybe 500yen a day on groceries since I catch my own fish.

Always curious what "acting American" means- presumably acting like an annoying tourist.

With ths US being as large as it is, there is actually large differences in attitudes, just like any other country.

I was raised in a small town in the midwest, and lived around NYC for a while- people were baffled at my demeanor and general polite attitude.

I eventually moved back, after deciding it wasn't really for me.

Texan here, everytime I go to NYC I end up unintentionally offending people by using manners.

Apparently if you aren't being cold and shitty towards other people there, you're being disrespectful and mocking them or saying they're old or something, I don't know.

Midwesterners are highly valued by employers on both coasts due to their manners and work ethic.

>I've been in Japan for 3 months
>Japanese are not xenophobic.

Okay. Go try rent an apartment in any city that isn't some shitty 1room leopalace aimed at foreigners. See how that goes for you.

Try and actually contribute to society and rent out places such as rooms at a community centre. See how much they treat you like a criminal and ask for impossible information.

Listen to them talk about how shit every country is except for their own. Listen to ignorance about other countries and cultures. HEY DID YOU KNOW THAT JAPAN HAS 4 SEASONS? Yeah, I know right. Gaijin don't know what it is like to have 4 seasons.

Go get on buses in medium size towns that have "BE CAREFUL OF THIEVES" and they show a cartoon of a guy with blonde hair and blue eyes stealing a Japanese girl's bag.

Yeah Japan is good, but they treat all foreigners there like dirty criminals and think of you as such. Which is fine, people have stereotypes, whatever, just don't deny this shit man.

Are you?? Read my post again. I was talking about NYC.

He was talking about New Yorkers, idiot. Reading comprehension.

Well enough, I guess. I never had issues with finding a job out there, though I can travel with my current job with no issue. I've actually considered just adventuring around the states to find a place to settle down in.

OP specifically isn't hanging around the cities, but honestly I've heard conflicting things from a variety of friends of friends who decided to visit. You're either sticking around young people in the Tokyo area who are interested in foreigners, or trekking around the countryside where people will be more polite.

Otherwise they treat you quite poorly, or so I'm to understand.

No thanks, already been there.

why do i sense such ass mad in this post? what the fuck did the chinks do to you, man? sheesh, who cares if they are """xenophobes""" in their own fucking country? is that not the best place to be if you only want to be around your own people?

Ken-sama wants to visit. Maybe one of them kicked his shin on the train, or wouldn't let him date their daughter.


Shit is fucked everywhere. You can't go anywhere without getting shanked by some random. And travel is fucking expensive for Australians like myself.

What is really left to go explore now?

not that user but if you are forced to deal with foreigners because you have to(work, study etc) you will agree with the general bad stereotype of that nation

I want to travel independently; I lack experience.
What essential skills do you use to survive while backpacking, OP? How did you learn? What resources are available for someone who wants to follow a similar journey?

You misunderstand, I don't care how they treat foreigners, I think denying it like OP is saying is stupid. They are totally the best people ever XD! Coming from someone who has been in the country for 3 months probably interacting with people for at most a few hours seems a bit insincere. Try actually living there first then talk about it.

How are you supposed to travel to and explore japan, let alone live in japan, without knowing the language? Is it even possible? It doesn't seem like it's really something you can just pick up over time by just being surrounded by it
Like how much do you have to know to live there for a month?

Everything you talked is false
Don't come into Japan if having this belief

You don't have to speak any Japanese because most Japanese people know enough to make it so you don't die and can get you to where you need to be. Every now and then you will meet someone who is semi-fluent and they will seek YOU out. If you're standing still for longer than 5 seconds in a busy place someone will come up to you and try help you because you look foreign and aren't moving.

You will be fine with absolutely zero Japanese. If you actually want to live there, then learning Japanese is essential and it requires going to classes and speaking it a lot.

Same thing happened to me, except it happened because I played UnReal World, not some shitty Bethesda RPG with mods

Can you speak .jp ?
If not, how do the .jp persons react to you?

Using "talked" was good. Nice Japanese impression.

Living is easy enough if you know where to go, especially within Tokyo or other metropolitan areas. Backpacking like OP does, though? You'd have to at least have some comversational nippon down or you couldn't function.

Like normal people? Some will react because you're a foreigner, others give zero shits. Have you really never been out of your own country?

Unless you're in Europe it's not uncommon for people to have never traveled outside of their own country.

I live in Australia and I don't think I know a single person who hasn't left the country and we are out in the middle of no where.

Go to chernobyl
Maximum comfy
Just bring a geiger counter to avoid hotspots and you will be fine

Australia sucks, though.

Though really, even as a red-blooded american, I've been out of the US a handful of times. Traveling is fuckin' expensive.

pretty much this, travelled all over and realized all places are garbage, people are garbage, its all just a waste of time and money and a gimmick to get you there to get your money, dont feel like you have to "see the world", just watch it through periscope

I'll explore the world when I'm not overweight and has done military training or whatever it's called

t. periscope ceo

Why are you being such a bitch?

The thing about America is that we have so many different biomes and domestic natural wonders, there isnt any rush to go abroad if you want to go in vacation

Dude I'm from upstate NY and when I lived in the city the people were unreal to me. Like mutants or something. Especially Long Islanders, christ. I think upstate also has the polite thing going for it, people are amazed because you aren't a twat.

That's not it at all.

Most Americans are too poor to afford holidays, and too caught up in American exceptionalism to look overseas even if they aren't.

You are a nation of ignorant wage-slaves.

Not op but

>Know english
>some basic survival stuff (try to spent some time innawoods)

Thats all what I needed to hitchhike for a month around europe.

Statistically, very few us travel more than a few states away, especially in small town America. Unless we're going to some shitty theme park.

I'm exceedingly happy I got to see a lot of varied countryside over the years.

Except Pennsylvania. I've driven through that hellhole twice, lengthwise.

It's basically purgatory.

The only places that are only worth it in my opinion are Japan, NZ and maybe Faroe islands.

by the way somebody knows how much of nippon do i need to know to go backpacking over there?

I actually lived *on* Long Island for most of my time there. Something fucking else, I'll say. They're really proud of that rundown shithole, too.

Is that what your sociology professor taught you? Yeah it's cheaper to vacation inside your own country but when your country is the size of many countries its understandable. And when your own country has natural beauty there's no rush to travel abroad.

Oh wait...are you one of those faggots who goes on vacation to "meet people" and "see different cultures"?

Lol what the fuck are you smoking? NZ is shit mate, there is nothing there but pot smoking thieving natives, braindead sheep fuckers and chinks far as the eye can see. Go somewhere else because there is fuckall down here to see.

I'd rather be at my 110k a year job in America and getting to go on a vacation once a year with my family abroad than be making jack shit in Europe or elsewhere but being able to travel to other places more often.
I was never really into traveling anyways most places aren't very different from each other in the end anyways.

This is too true. Americans in general are ignorant and see no need in visiting other countries. Obviously I don't mean everyone - I don't feel that way. The work thing also sucks, the only option is saving and saving and eventually quitting if you have a blue collar job as I do. Many of the men I work with are the exact Trump supporting redneck stereotype. Unable to save money, work hard, or work without complaint. Looking at the rural poverty every where is so depressing.

Depends on your concept of "holiday", Aussie. Americans vacation plenty, but when the world doesn't care for you much, and you have no real need to leave...

Why would you?

It's one of the safest countries in the world plus it's pretty there. I'd rather go there for a week than literally anywhere in SA, Europe or Asia.

I love how you are attempting to argue the objective fact that the median American is poor as fuck compared to the rest of the Western world in terms of annual disposable income.

Americans are too poor to vacation overseas.

Not only that, but they don't have enough vacation days to let them :).

Buttmad Americans chime in trying to defend literal ignorance and poverty.

I live in Swedistan and I have never been in any other country, well, I've been to Södertälje and that's like little Baghdad or little Aleppo

Me too. I worked for a small solar company run out of a shop in Plainview. Lived in Valley Stream with my girlfriend. I couldn't stand the traffic or dealing with Long Islanders as customers every day. It is, as you said, a shithole.

Where do you live and what's your job?

I'd tell you to come visit Italy if we didn't have massive problems with earthquakes lately, the countryside is great in here and if you like to travel around you have it all, mountains, beaches, even volcanoes, kinda like Japan.
If you like to live mainly outdoors most regions have a huge variety of plants or fruits in the wild that you can eat, I wouldn't really recommend shrooms though because we do have some toxic varieties that are fairly hard to distinguish from the edible ones, there are usually small centers in all of the countryside towns and villages that will help you out though, problem is fucking nobody speaks english in here, even less in the countryside.
Another problem is the possibilty of trenspassing into protected areas or private properties that might be found in some weird places but most regions have done a good job in putting various warning signs around.
Been on a short trip to Osaka once and the people were more than welcoming, but I guess it varies from the region really, then again I am Italian and japs do have a weak spot for us.
Besides, I met an american girl that didn't think air conditioning and washing machines existed here in Italy and treated most people around her like they were some kind of neanderthals, so japanese xenophoby isn't really the worst you can find.

>It's one of the safest countries in the world
El oh el is that what the tourism board is telling people these days? Thats a load of shit because its the same as any place in the world where you will get your shit jacked, your arse raped, your wallet stolen and your passport denied for buying fruit off the plane. Also:
>its pretty there
I wouldn't call a few trees, some shrubs, and native taking a squat in the bush pretty in any light. Place is generic as fuck, if you want to pick a destination there are better places to go to then here, thats for sure. I have crossed this entire country in less then a week and there is nothing here but grass, sheep, sheep and more fuckin sheep.

That's a bit racist to assume that just because we have the highest percentage of blacks and other third-worlders in the western world, that means we're poor and dumb.

Fellow upstate new yorker here and I agree 100% with you. Tons of people from the city and long Island went to my school for some reason and you could always tell who they were and they were always, always the rudest or just most plain retarded people there for some reason. It's like a breeding ground of highly confident yet completely fucking ignorant people. I don't know how people even want to live in NYC, it's honestly like it's own little state considering how different everyone and everything there is.

When I lived there, I used to drive from Riverhead on the eastern of the island down to a variety of towns near the Islip area. The daily drive on the LIE was soul crushing.

Shitty roads, shitty people. Food was decent, and it's just about the only thing I miss.

Actuary with seven years experience, on $135,000 a year which is about 20k above median.


Niggers and darkies are Americans too. You made your bed, now lie in it.

Kek nice lie
>go into Google
>type in highest paying Australian jobs
>all while you're a bagger or stocker at a local grocery market

lmaooooo Bitter eikaiwa faggot alert.
How many textbooks did your company force you shill today?

Japan doesn't have a problem with foreigners, they have a problem with *you*. You deserve whatever treatment you get for being a directionless retard who had to fuck off to another country to get steady employment.

Imagine if Estonia only sent bald fat virgins to work in your country. You'd lose respect for Estonians pretty quickly.

That in an actual financial denomination, or Australian funbucks?

Aye, maybe we should take a lesson from your gasoline huffing natives out in the fucking deserts, m8.

>highest paying job
lmao i wish

Meanwhile this guy () makes 110k a year and you don't bat an eye? Confirmation bias much? Protip: I make LESS than him, after conversion, but I'm the liar and his claim is totally believable?

Kill yourself my man.

>getting this fucking defensive over lying
Just post a paycheck and everything will be OK

Funbucks, obviously.

I'll convert it into a currency you can understand.

A litre of Coca Cola in the US is about $1.66AUD, so I earn 81,000 litres of Coke a year.

Is that clearer?

>Just post a paycheck
No :).

The LIE, combined with the parkways, exposed me to more car accidents than I had previously seen in my entire life. It was like every other week I saw an upside down car on fire or had to sit at a dead stop for two hours while they unwrapped some poor fucker's body from his BMW.

You can stop posting anytime now. Why are all Australians just pure shitposting freaks that lie about everything? Yeah we get it you can't actually work or go outside because a kangaroo will kick your ass but that doesn't mean you have to shit up an entire website.