Sup Sup Forums

Sup Sup Forums,

Ive been making a game for the past year and a half or so and just released it on Greenlight. I use to post in the Sup Forums gamedev threads and agdg frequently, maybe some of you have seen it before.
Im here to shill my game, get berated, and watch this thread die along with my dreams :^), so here it is.

On a scale of Slight Garbage to Hot Garbage, what would you rate this trailer?

Other urls found in this thread:

Can we buy the soundtrack?

Youtube link in case you dont want to give my Greenlight page traffic.

Yes, my sound guy actually had me put a link in the description to one of his albums. There is also links to his youtube, etc. Great music tbqhwyf

This looks neat 2bh

Thanks pham.

I should clarify. The actual soundtrack to the game is still in progress and will be compiled when it comes out. However, some of Happenstance's already posted songs are being used currently. So we will have new stuff tailored specifically to the game (although its all really fitting anyways).

Oh hey, I think I remember you talking about this in the Game Dev threads we have once in a while.
Looks pretty nice in my honest opinion. I'm a sucker for techno/neon aesthetic and puzzle/adventure, so I might even buy it if it makes it.

This looks like the kind of game I'd show my normie friends from work and they'll all be blown away by it's drug trippy inspired visuals.

I don't think it looks any good, but don't let me stop you from doing what you do. Good luck to ya' OP.

Awesome, m8. I use to post quite often but as the project has gone on ive had to branch out and start doing social media pages, so ive been sparsely here for quite some time except to post help/responses to people in dev threads sometimes. I dont really like the social media stuff but its the only way to get free marketing that isnt underhanded or shady.

Pretty good trailer actually, game looks good as well. I think you're being too hard on yourself

Really, the only bad thing about this trailer is the music is a bit repetitive.

>Rez meets Xen level from Half Life
pretty fucking cool

Thanks, man, I take compliments where I can get them so at least knowing normies might be blown away is p cool. To each their own and all.

It looks pretty interesting, man. Keep working on it and any other projects you can. If you break into the industry, maybe you can make a few good under the radar games. Once the big companies start trying to hire you, you know they're scared.

Thanks. It all starts to look like shit to me sometimes but I think maybe everyone who makes anything thinks that at some point. Ive been happy with how its shaping up lately though. I feel you there, it will be much better when we get the music split into clips and can cue them up with the action in the game.


The more you work at it, the better it'll get. Take your time and release a quality game.

>the industry

Im too introverted for all that, its this way or bust for me. I get what youre saying though, and I appreciate it.
Im actually talking with a sound design guy though atm who has done a few Nat geo shows and a handful of advert sound designs. Guy really has some talent from some things ive seen and hopefully we can get to work soon. Im not entirely against working with a team, but the industry kind of jobs are really what im trying to avoid.

Looks pretty cool, but I wouldn't see myself playing it. I'd launch it for 10 minutes and never play it again. Use this as a stepping stone to make better games, take what you learned and make it better. You could really apply the art style to something more interesting than platformer puzzle games.

No idea if it will actually be an enjoyable experience to play it, but I love the visuals! Either way good luck with your game dude

It was originally going to be a 2.5d schmup, but after realizing I learned 3d modeling just to show off 50% of the things I made it evolved into this. 2bh this is one of my favorite styles of games and this style of play is what originally got me into level design back in 1999 Unreal Tournament on UE 2.0.


Here's a video of someone running the obstacle course map I made for UT99 when I was a teenager. Not particularly relevant and hard to understand out of context probably, but if you were in to the BunnyTracks mod almost 20 years ago you might remember

I hear you. It's just, having someone making games that actually browses here, maybe draws inspiration, would be cool. Might get to see some concepts the larger game companies are afraid to introduce.

It would be cool maybe to make a studio or something eventually, but Ive lost faith in the gaming industry as a whole years ago. A Sup Forums studio would be pretty cool though. It would be the real life equivalent of the old "Sup Forums mansion threads" kek

Mite b cool. Thats some good eye candy.

I'm really liking the visuals and I love puzzle and platformers too but I have a few questions about your trailer:
The parts in the beginning with the flying platforms are kinda different from the caves you showcase in the rest of the video. Are they at the beginning or the end?
Also, I felt like the bug section was kinda wierd for two reasons. First, it felt kind of slow compared to the rest of the platforming. Second, you tell us in the description that you can do tons of things as an insect but you don't showcase any of that. Maybe they're not complete yet, who knows? It would be nice to see it in another trailer.

All in all your game looks pretty interesting and you seem like a good guy user. May success and happiness come to you.

The flying platforms are the first upgrade area that you access from the special yellow altars. Each powerup takes you to a different mini-zone where that you must complete in order to receive the upgrade.
The bug mechanics are worked out- simple AI to lure them to locations and switches with 'seeds' and possessing them.

The flying bug is not complete though. The flight mode is ready but the fp camera either needs some vfx on it when you possess the 'flight' bug, or a model and panning the camera back to 3rd person for the bug. The idea of the flight bug was recent, it will function like the Redeemer in UT99 and require you to fly Nikita-missle style through miniature obstacles embedded in the environment to reach key points to destroy obstacles and hazards like Ice which prevents you from stopping quickly when at high speeds and leaping.

This is a very old webm of the simple AI, its been updated since then but it was complete almost a year ago when I was forced to take a break from dev.

Thanks, m8


looks like artsy garbage and I won't play it

please consider using actual camera tracks and not just you running around recording things with your mouse


Sorry pham, I really love great colorfull artstyle, but I absolutely despise everyone who listens to goa, takes drugs and want to explain me how bad capitalism and the world is and how positive vibes can heal everything, while they snapchat their newest shit.

Y-you too..

Yes, that was the first bit of feedback I received. I was on a 25 hour stretch of working on some final elements and finishing the trailer. I was in a bit of a rush to get on Greenlight as they are removing it soon. I should have put camera tracks in for the fly-by pans, but I wanted to show some of the actual gameplay and not just a "cinematic trailer"

I dont know what goa is, have ever used snapchat, or think capitalism is the big bad boogeyman, but I get where you are coming from.
Psychedelia is just a term that describes the style of iridescent and colorful art style that originated from the the 60s drug culture.

the good thing is on goa and rave parties, there are good looking girls, but all of them are idiots. I can´t stand any of them.
There was a guy I know, who always said "globalism is shit", "fuck money!", "Fuck the bankers, they play with mones and cause of interest rate they just get more money", "capitalism is complete bullshit" and "rethink the system" bla bla. But had an iphone and bought himself a new mac.

That´s the kind of people they are and that´s why I hate them.

But neitherless, fucking nice you got your game done op! Hope you will make some bucks with it!

Post boypussi and ill shill your game evryday

What is goa? Im getting an island in the west coast of India

>going to parties

Beyond the parties bit I know those feels, though. And thanks, m8

Nevermind I figured it out. Kinda reminds me of eurobeat style techno in UT99. Im not much for the over-classification of genres in music, Im too old. Its all just techno to me, but I like it.

>what´s goa

this is goa

>going to parties
I went to raves I like deep house and shit, but not anymore.

This is a little bit shilly OP, but I'm sure you knew what you were doing.

That being said, the game looks really pretty. I'm not really much for platforming games, but I hope you find your niche.

Your trailer is ok btw. I think it would've been better to have shown off the aiming with the platform creating/boost jumping creating items at the start to introduce that mechanic, and then later on showed it being used seamlessly, because it comes off as a bit slow paced and clunky at times, but otherwise it's solid.

Like I said, I hope you find a niche and take off with the game. Best of luck OP.

Man that tráiler looks cool af

Are you interested in ideas for new games after you're done with this? I have this project I've been meaning to get started and I wouldn't mind to work it out with someone who's already worked with the same artstyle I was going for

I literally told you im shilling and only responded once, m8. The alternative was "Hey fellow kids! Check out this new game on Steam Greenlight I just found that I, a fellow kid, thinks is great!". Cmon now.

Damn, yeah you are right. The first minute or more is awfully slow and takes way to long to build up to action. Thanks. I probably should have slept on it and given myself another day after resting to look at it with fresh eyes.

I see, pretty cool. If you want some of the real good stuff though, this is where its at

The trailer forgot to explain the rules of the game.
It showed some platforming, and some puzzles(?). But it didn't show what happens if you fail at a task. Nor did it show a goal to achieve by succeeding tasks.

It's visually and aurally pleasing though.

Thanks, m8.
Honestly ive got more ideas than I can even deal with at the moment. If you want to hit me up on Steam though I could maybe help with some advice or something if you need it down the line.

I will try this game, OP.
You have my interest. I will let you know what I think.

I don't have a problem with people shilling their own game here, especially if they're not connected to a big publisher. I'm sure it can be very hard to get exposure.

I look forward to playing this stoned

I tried to show some action and leave the description for the technical/mechanical parts. Essentially, in those bits where you see me launching off from island to island etc, ive cut out the first half of the correct path of flowers that you must collect. The puzzle is 'connecting the dots' so to speak before the flowers speed boost runs out (it resets with each new flower you pick up). So it was hard to show too much as id be ruining the discovery process. I have a few people who playtested, I may try to get another alpha to them and get another gameplay video from them to upload. The last one they did was from quite some time ago.

Thanks, m8. Yeah, its pretty rough and took a long time and effort to get some exposure at all. I kind of undersold how hard it would be to myself. I believe in truth in advertising. There were a few game that I used to hate seeing posted because it was painfully obvious it was a shill and spam, but I think if its just a reasonable "Hey look at this" and admitting you are the dev its not that bad.
Deceptive advert is horrid trash regardless of content, to me.


Maybe I'll do it, keep up the good work dude, we need more talent coming from people like you

It reminds me of Fract OSC. I think it might just be the neon though.
Trailer for fract if you don't know what the game

Thanks. Well, feel free to message me if you need any info. I self-taught myself UE4,blender, and all that jazz intensively in about 7 months so I have lots of tutorials and such bookmarked.

Genuinely seems cool OP, I really like first person platforming so i'm looking forward to this! Please don't overprice it though user.. This isn't just me being a poorfag, I just don't want to see you fail because you think you can sell it for more than it's worth..

Good luck with everything OP! I'll be keeping my eye on this one

Someone posted that in the comments as well as agdg once actually. I had never played it but it looked kind of similar. I have a lot of small detail that catches the eye and makes it a bit more 'flashy' looking but its definitely in the same vein i suppose. I mean to check it out when i get some free time.

I was planning on 10-15 dollarydoos. Is that decent sounding? Ive been torn on pricing, but it hasnt been a primary concern at the moment of course.

Liking it so far OP! I really feel like it could do with a view model though. That type of thing can really add polish and character to a game; it potentially risks looking lazy without it.

If I were you I would take a look at it. You might be able to get a few good ideas about puzzles and stuff from it.

Being honest, I wouldn't pay more than £10 and that is stretching it pretty far.. I mean I guess it depends on replayability and actual game length

This, a view model would improve the game a lot with not much effort

10€ sounds about right

I feel you there. I tossed around the idea of giving the player tentacle like appendages that have some IK weight to them so they kind of bob around to give you a visual sense of yourself while avoiding just making you a humanoid with two arms and legs thats been done to death. Any thoughts on that idea?

Cool, I think im gonna check it out tonight. I havent had a game-break in some time ive been doing all this shit and could use a rest.

The game looks great!
I want to ask though, did you make that shader yourself?
If so, what would you suggest to learn shader coding? Or does UE4's tools make it easy?

Awesome, about 10-12 bucks seems fair to me. Im pretty much the same way, 15 dollars is kind of the breaking point where judging criteria raises pretty drastically.
My goal is around 3-5 hours long for a first playthrough.

>player tentacle like appendages
OP read my mind! This is exactly what I had in mind!

If you're looking at fract is it safe for me to assume that this is some kind of music game?

Its actually a kind of complex combo of some practical materials that play well together that I happened to stumble upon. There are no post processing effects except the bit of bloom that enhances the glowing mats. Those white square particles material is too bright though, they arent supposed to actually show the bloom, just glow bright (long story short i fucked up and left them on the player character instead of toggling for the different levels, the white is also only supposed to be in the dark black map at the moment) You can actually see around 2:40 that I toggled teh correct particles on for this area after realizing i fucked that up.

Shaders can get pretty complex but there are a lot of tutorials for things that may be similar to what you are wanting to do that you can use as guidelines. Feel free to message me if you have any specific questions, it can be a lengthy subject.

Is anyone seriously not going to point at out that advertising is not allowed?

People are literally ok with shill threads now.

No, ive never played Fract before. This is a puzzle/platformer, like a scrub version aspiring to be portal, talos project, etc.


Welcome to Sup Forums. Please stay in your designated containment meme threads.

So you're just looking at fract aesthetically then and music won't play a part?

I haven't seen Fract yet, so I am not planning on looking at anything specific or know what that means. I was just going to check it out later. Ill watch the trailer now.

Thanks for your reply, seems like I should look deeper into UE4's material system.
Shaders are something I've wanted to look into for a long time, but they're so different from everything else I've done that it seems intimidating

Technically, all of your materials are 'shaders'. Most people use the term to describe post process effects usually though. So it really depends on what your goal is, honestly.
Your end goal could make a difference of a 10min tutorial or a 1hr and 1/2. The post process stuff like Toon shaders, Cel shading etc are confusing as hell to me and I can just barely comprehend what is actually being done in the blueprints of some. This is partly why I tinkered around until I got a desirable effect that I didnt have to add as a post process.