Xbox comfy thread

can we please get a Xbox comfy thread going?

>What games are you currently playing
>What are you looking forward to?

hello lol?

Just got skyrim. Haven't played it in ages. Installed a bunch of mods and I'm having a sweet time. What're you playing OP?

>what games are you currently playing?

what games?

Your console is shit.
Kill yourself.

Halo Wars 2 is fun, cinematics are beaut. Wish the story was better, though. But hey, it is a 343 game so I shouldn't expect much

Xbone is the last Xbox
Buy PS or become the next Dreamcast.

>Xbros still exist

>what games are you currently playing
shitposting with bob Ross playing on my boner
>what are you looking forward to?
Bob Ross 1 Hour Special! Grandeur of Summer, The

I keep seeing this girl who is she?

I am currently playing ReCore and having a blast. It's a good thing i never cared about what reviewers says, i would have missed this gen that despiste having it's obvious flaws is still a lot of fun.

Can't wait to see more of State of Decay 2 and Microsoft HAVE to announce Sunset Overdrive 2. Imsoniac already said that they want to make it happen and the spider man game is coming this year so Microsoft better make the sequel soon for one of the best games of this gen.

I've been playing through the Rare collection because fucking YL was shit.
I'm hyped for more State Of Decay, since the first one was fucking hyped. I'm also hoping that Scoripo is at a good pricepoint.

What else should I pick up.



Quantum Break, Sunset Overdrive and ReCore.

Holy shit this is the first xbox/microsoft thread I've seen this week

Xbro here, currently playing through old games that I bought from the Spring Sale last week. I haven't played a newly released game since RE7, the Dark Souls 3 DLC was kind of "meh" and I don't know if I want to buy Voodoo Vince.

How much longer do we have to wait for a new highly rated game? It's honestly not fair that the PS4 gets Persona 5, Nier Automata, Yakuza 0 and Nioh. It's fucking embarrassing how Microsoft has nothing to show off until August at the earliest, I imagine.

feeling the same, going thorugh the bioshock collection I got last week, I don't think I'm looking forward to anything other than RDR2

Why didn't you buy a PS4 then?

I got the MCC for halo 4 and I bought Halo 5. I started playing halo 4 but 10 minutes in I got really bored and turned it off and I'm not sure why. Maybe I just don't like shooters anymore?

Not him, but honestly, I own the PS4 and outside of Persona I just don't enjoy playing on it. Not that it's a bad console, but the UI, online and stuff like that kinda pales compared to xbox,

is there honestly anything more pathetic then an xbro?
>playing skyrim on console

They can't become the next Dreamcast, that system was good and is still alive.

>Oblivion Remastered (hopefully in a few years)

I don't blame much Microsoft for the lack of games in this first semester, we were supposed to have a really ambitious title on our hands right now (Scalebound) but it unfortunately didn't happened. And with this lack of games we can clearly see that Microsoft was counting on it. A real shame what happened to Scalebound.

Well, even though we are going to have to wait i am still satisfied with what Xbox got for this year. State of Decay 2, Crackdown 3, Sea of Thieves, Phantom Dust, Cuphead and We Happy Few(timed, apparently). Not to mention Ashen and Below, two indie titles that looks really promising.

You can still say Xbot. They didn't even include it in the word filter.

>being excited for indieshit
lol talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel desu

Rare replay, MCC, and Gears 4
Also what said

>word filter
Is there a new word filter?

>games to look forward to

Just finished all original achievements in Dead Rising 4.

Might break down and get a PS4 soon. I don't know why Xbox shit the bed with 2nd party support and exclusives t his gen. Debating stealing money from aunts dresser and just going to buy one this week.

>Not owning a PS4, Xbone, Wii u, Switch, 3DS, PC, N64, SNES, NES, Genesis, Dreamcast, PS2, Sega Nomad, and backup gaming laptop


shit thread

Did anyone else get into the Sea Of Thieves Technical Alpha?

>multiplats on shitbox

Kill yourself

Not the poster but if you have both systems: better controller and online. If I get ps4, it will only be for exclusives and xb1 will be for my multi plats

Yeah for console fanboys. You can't say sonybro, nintindrone, or pee-cee cuck otherwise you'll get sonybro, nintenbro, or pcbro.

You are fucking KEK. PC and ps4 is for multiplats, not shitbox

Oh wow, as of now they've filtered SoNigger.

Im pretty excited for cuphead ever since i saw it at e3. I love the hand drawn animation and im hoping it will be alot of fun to play.

>What games are you currently playing
none, might pick up a physical copy of Hitman soon on PS4 or Xbone, leaning towards Xbone cause the versions are the same and it will give me an excuse to play Xbone
>what are you looking forward to?
literally nothing that has been announced, hoping Halo 6 corrects all of the issues I had with Halo 5.

I don't care. I've played multiplats like shooters on PS4 and I'm just not a fan of the controller. Maybe, just maybe, you might grow out of being a massive faggot.

Forza, Horizon or Motorsport depending on what you're into

>be playing shooter on ps
>circle strafe right
>thumbs touch

Yeah, nah

>underage not knowing xbox is literally the dreamcast successor

bought a switch, feels like I should've gotten a bone, this fucking thing feels cheap as hell

who is this cute anime?

>What games are you currently playing
Titanfall. Bought the ME trilogy to since it's backwards compat. Netflix.

>What are you looking forward to?
Nothing really. I don't think I like my Xbox,