3 > BB > DeS > 1 > 2
3 > BB > DeS > 1 > 2
Post yours.
Switch 2 and 3
Come on now...
Never played DeS
What's wrong with 3?
DaS > DaS3 > DeS > BB > DaS2
with a fair amount of '>>>>'s in between where necessary.
Haven't played DeS.
I don't feel like BB should be ranked with the rest because it's a drastically different game, but if absolutely necessary put it inbetween 2 and 3.
Too pretty looking, too polished... and too bland and safe. A straight line (not as bad as Bloodborne but still) that doesn't bring anything new to the table and doesn't do anything exciting.
BB>1>3>DeS>2 is the only correct order.
>b-but muh DeS nostalgia
Shut the fuck up. DeS was basically an alpha version of DaS and you know it.
Dog shit >>>>>> The whole genre
3 is just "Ooooh 'member Dark Souls 1?" the game.
At least Dark Souls 2 went in its own direction with its own story. Sure the characters weren't as likable, and the story was more set in stone leaving much less for the fanbase to try and figure out, but it was its own entity.
1 > BB >>> 3 > DeS >>> 2
>The game that takes more risks, has more original ideas and offers actual replay value (Or any motivation to even play it beyond the third area because of just how bad the game becomes for such a long time after undead settlement) is worse than the bland, uninspired and safe one that is superficially better but also even more streamlined and fanservice dedicated
At best it's a war of opinions between 2 and 3.
Great taste!
Honestly,after playing Bloodborne I think it's impossible to play Dark Souls. Bloodborne is utter perfection and all the other Dark Souls games just feel lifeless and mundane after playing Bloodborne.
1 > BB >>> 3 = Des > 2
why does it look like a thumbs up?
>Steam deluxe edition is still $85
Guys what's the best SL for frequent spear of the church summons?
I have to make haste, so please answer soon
BB > DaS > DeS >>>>> DaS 3 > DaS 2
BB, DaS and DeS are visionary auteur driven masterpieces.
DaS 2 and 3 are soulless cash ins issued by Bamco.
Good games > Souls games
I actually really likes all of them but if I were forced to pick
never played bloodborne
and I didn't dislike dark souls 2, I liked it a lot. But...I dunno, you could tell it was made by the b team, I guess.
3 sucks ass. Get over it faggot
This is objectively the correct order.
You are welcome plebs.
It's fucking dogshit.
2 > 1 > 3
Rolling for ng+ playthrough
DaS2 doesn't deserve the hate
It was second in fun only to BB by such a close margin
>Too pretty looking, too polished...
This doesn't sound necessarily bad. To me, DS3 felt like an upgraded DS1, and 1 was my favorite until 3.
Dark Souls > Demon's Souls = Bloodborne > Dark Souls 2 > Dark Souls 3
I didn't play the last DaS3 dlc yet but that game is by far the worst Souls game to replay. The game only allows players to play one way throughout the entire experience (Last second dodge and sword swing). Distance away from enemies means nothing (they all seem to have an attack that places them right next to the player) removing any type of tactical thought a person may have. The game is linear and exploration is crap as nothing you will find will be better than the weapon you start with. Some spells/miracles do so low of damage that it can only be taken as a "fuck you" to the player for trying to play the game in a different way. And 70% of the weapons and armor (and even characters) are from old Souls games.
3 is bland and uninspired but it's not poorly made clunky shit like 2.
I like them all
Oh shit, didn't notice.. haha :D
Fuck people like you. You are cancer.
2 was trash
Too linear. One build has been the best build since vanilla. Everything else puts you in a huge disadvantage.
mite b cool
haha time to end up being a deprived that has to use daggers and whips
Completely agree with the OP.
Highest aesthetics of the Souls games and the most aggression-oriented of them all, which I prefer. It was a good finale to the series.
Also amazing aesthetics, more aggression-oriented combat.
Started the series, most novel of the bunch. Very refined and timeless art style. I will always have the fondest memories of seeing the pre-release trailers and finally playing it.
Genuinely great, some neat dream-like environments. It may have the most bizarre level design of them all.
It's not terrible, but it hasn't aged well and out of all of them it is the most unpolished.
>no shield
>left hand has to be shields
I'm confused
>2 hasn't aged well
>2 is unpolished
>when DeS and 1 exist
1 = 3 = BB > Des > pile of stinking shit > 2
Not him, but DeS and DaS were good looking and felt refined at the time. 2 just felt lazy.
BB (with DLC) > DS3 (with DLC) > BB >/= DS3 >/= DS (with DLC) > DS > DS2 (with DLC) > DeS > DS2
This is objectively correct and there's nothing you virgins can do about it...
I started the series really late, like I just started last month with 1 and having just cleared 2 I can absolutely say that it feels terribly clunky compared to 1.
>You will never be this wrong in your whole life
Feels good
This is bait
>Too polished
truly the greatest iteration of Sup Forums thus far
god bless user
Dark Souls 2 > Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls 1 > BB > DeS in terms of gameplay
Dark Souls 2 > Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls 1 > DeS > BB in terms of sales
Its absolute pointless to go beyond level 90 in Dark Souls 3
Level 90 feels far too claustrophobic for me, but I guess that's my problem since I dont want to lose stats in vig and end.
I'm interested.
Dark souls 2 is slow as shit and dodging doesnt even exist. The graphics are also garbage and most of the game relies on tricking you or artificial difficulty. Most of the time when you die, its the game's retarded setup, not your own fault. Also, having to dump points into a stat that speeds you up is fucking retarded.
bait but
>game on 3 consoles and PC sells better than 1 exclusive
Haha Fists on left slot, Fists on right slot, no shields.
H-here I go!
Would have liked III much more if it didn't focus so much on being BB-lite and wasn't so fanservice-y. It should have been more of its own thing.
>placing BB behind Dks2
Opinion discarded
>I don't know how to win playing anything but one build, so the game is bad.
Stop posting in these threads how about? Because your trash, which doesn't make your theory correct. Just means you need to git gud
Yes and? What's your point?
It still sells better who cares how many platforms it has?
I love this new meme where we state that Ds2 was good or better than objectively perfect games.
BB outsold DS2 on every platform by itself. Either concede that point or admit that you're inflating DS2 sales by including its ports and remake
>rich and rewarding gameplay with crisp and intuitive combat
>deep, philosophical themes
>best lore in the franchise
>best bosses in the series (Ludwig, Orphan and Logarius put every souls boss to shame)
>arguably the best level design in vidya
>realistic armors and weapons for it's setting, nothing over the top or ridiculous
Bloodborne DLC
>lets you meet and fight characters that had major impacts on the story
>proves the theory of the church, that the cosmos can help one overcome the curse of the beast
>doubles the amount of weapons without making anything stupidly broken
Dark Souls 3
Dark Souls 3 DLC
DSbabbies will defend this
2 has more replay value, tons more builds and just more everything in general. Oh, and PVP that isn't worse than fucking garbage, in fact its the best in the series.
>B-b-but quality > quantity!
Play some cinematic experience if you only want to play your games once.
Say what you want about 3, but it had the objectively best combat.
>no builds or replay value, bad PVP
Every other game
>lots of builds and replay value, good PVP
Hmm, tough decision.
>BB outsold DS2 on every platform by itself. Either concede that point or admit that you're inflating DS2 sales by including its ports and remake
Why should I care about it, you dumb ps4 cuck?
DaS 2 outsold BB as a whole product.
This. BB is a great game but people that suck its dick while calling any other Souls game linear or lacking variety are the worst. BB is fun for 2 or 3 playthroughs max, DaS3 is still fun after 6 playthroughs because of build variety and much more options.
>casual shitter
DaS 2 has the best PvP and the hardest bosses.
>why should i care
>muh whole product
I just don't get it, sure I can appreciate what 2 was trying to do but it was trash. It had absolute shit hit detectors, worse frame rate drops of any souls game, the graphics look like someone took an actual dark souls game and smeared literal dog shit over everything, and the gameplay just felt off like there was no weight to attacks or movement
lol no
DeS > 1 > 2 > 3
Haven't played BB yet.
>worse frame rate drops of any souls game
Objectively false, easily the most stable. DaS has horrible drops everywhere even with the framerate unlocked, DaS3 isn't as stable as 2 simply because its newer and looks better. Not even going to entertain the other two console-only games.
give me something terrible im rolling for a friend
Just fuck my shit up
rolling for char
I am retardo, what does this mean I have to do.
Taste that good is rare here
So I have to be/use
Watchdogs of Farron
Always have torch equipped
Dried Finger active
Small Shields only
Can only use daggers
Can use miracles and Sorceries
Is that right ?
ds2fags should be gassed
Dark Souls 2 is just straight up fucking shit.
The thing I hated the most about it was how 95% of the enemies and bosses were uninspired trash.
Dark Souls 3 is the complete opposite of this. It manages to outdo even DaS1 in terms of cool enemies and bosses.
>Straight Sword
not playing this shit