


So this is the power of PC...

neurons etc fuck



what do you mean what went wrong? Undertale is the best game, it got game of the year for its amazing gameplay and impactful soundtrack. You should be honored to even be able to talk about a game that great.


team of dozens vs 1-2 guys

nigga we know it's you OP

KOF vs Street Fighter WHEN

You got me, i just really wanted to talk about my favorite game Undertale. I also wanted to go more in depth with it's story since not enough people really go the extra mile to truly understand the message the game shows to all people of all ages.

Full team vs one guy in a basement

This is what happens when you let autists vote with autism for autism.

It's almost as if graphics means very little in the quality of a game

>Graphics made by a team of visual artists
>Graphics made by a single musical artist
Gee, I dunno.

You just cant and won't understand the true meaning behind the game because you're too blinded by all the hate the game gets to truly cherish this magnificent gem,

You know what that one guy in his basement did back in my day? Stayed in the fucking basement and didn't unleash their shit onto the general public.

It already happened.
It's too perfect, that's why it doesn't need a sequel.

It's as if different people make different games with different budgets and different values or something.

>comparing art made by seasoned industry veterans with a huego budget to art made by a guy who cant even draw and some tumblr fuckos on a shoestring budget

What are you going to do about it, nerrrd?

you was right

Do those cherries taste good?

>doesn't need a sequel
you shut your fucking mouth

I'd fling my shit too, if I had a million flies to pay for it.

This is exactly how we ended up with rap music and the NBA.

Eh. Undertale isn't a bad game but I do think it's overhyped by the fans way above how good it really was. Having to grind out for Genocide and how some fights, while somewhat comical, were non-existent such as the muffet and metatron. Pacifist route was okay but there should've been an in-between ending that wasn't meh.

Bro its called AESTHETICS, it might have passed if it looked more like a game that didn't take 5 months to make.

>comparing two completely different styles of game

That's like saying grapes are better than cuttlefish. There's no meaningful connection

IIRC back then most art assets were pre-drawn outside a computer and either scanned or rendered to make them in-game.
I think even before then most 8-bit graphics had to be drawn out on graph paper because of how tedious it was to do it on a computer.
People take for granted how difficult it use to be to do graphics back then.

Are you that daft? Why was this game allowed to ever see the light of day without proper opinions of the game first? My son made a better game in computer class.

Aesthetics doesn't determine the entire game. I've enjoyed the shit out of some games with horrendous aesthetics. Like I said before, horrible over-rated but not terrible like a lot of contrarians like to say.

I mean yeah, I've played the games that come with Happy Meals back in the day, and it was 100% more appealing than this. So yeah i guess garbage can still be good.

Listening to the opinions of gamers of all people is one of the most surefire way to drive you mad and accomplish nothing. More devs need to tell the hivemind to fuck off and make what they want to.

Light pens.

Left was also made by one person

>Having to grind out for Genocide and how some fights, while somewhat comical, were non-existent such as the muffet and metatron.
Well that all fit in well with the thematic ideas surrounding the game, so it's forgiveable imo. Could have been cool if one of their geno fights was actually genuine.

>Pacifist route was okay but there should've been an in-between ending that wasn't meh.
Yeah that's one of the game's weakest points, how the neutral endings are all basically indistinguishable from each other sans a few minor script details. Having them be fleshed out just a little more for the sake of making them feel distinct would have been a great idea.

Yeah and once that game is out, insignificant leeches can grab on and blow a game that deserves to be forgotten within a month to a golden pedestal showered in roses for all eternity. What perfect advice.

>Why was this game allowed to ever see the light of day without proper opinions of the game first?

Let me take a wild guess - your opinion is fact, amirite?

Cool. And your basement dweller is probably now fapping to MLP porn and working a job in retail while my basement dweller is a millionaire

>My son made a better game in computer class.

Then he should try selling it for $10 and see what happens.

When my opinion is encompassed by more than 50% of the people who played it, I wouldn't really call it a fact, but i darn sure know that it isn't worth the effort if THAT many people hate it.

Pixel art thread?

Played BoFIV and the the art was great. I see people say it looks kind of faded but I don't see it. Shame all the bosses are 3d, should have been left for enviorments and dragons.

I don't get the appeal of this game.

Like, you can get the whole experience from reading wiki articles and watching playthroughs. That's a bad game. A good game would make you want to play the damn game when you see others play.

Undertale is a bad game imo. Genocide route is the definition of chore. Killing isn't meant to be boring and repetitive. It should be adrenaline-inducing and exciting. And the mental gymnastics the fans put on to somehow prove this game is just stupid.

I wouldn't want to shame my son for making a slightly better game that will bomb for exposing it to the public.

>you can get the whole experience from reading wiki articles and watching playthroughs.

Hmm, how so?

>you can get the whole experience from reading wiki articles and watching playthroughs
this is true of just about every turn-based RPG ever made

And I bet it just _steams_ you that you don't have any control over it and that people with "shit" taste (i.e. taste that isn't yours) will continue to prop up things that would have never seen the light of day in YOUR industry.

Sounds like excuses to me.

>neo/v/: the thread

Well no not really, there are plenty of other games out there that can do the job that Undertale didn't, but I won't let an opportunity pass to express my opinion when something like this pops up to try and steal the spotlight of other games that try harder and get better success.

Because the only thing this game is going for is "muh meta" and "muh killing monstah is wrong". It's like Stanley Parable, which you can also get the full experience from playthroughs without commentary which also was another game just going for the meta inception junk.

Like, there's no point of playing the game if you know all the endings. That's a bad game.

>Like, you can get the whole experience from reading wiki articles and watching playthroughs. A good game would make you want to play the damn game when you see others play.
You can't. It does. You're just lazy.
>Undertale is a bad game imo. Genocide route is the definition of chore. Killing isn't meant to be boring and repetitive.
There's like ~30 mins of grinding in a full playthrough of the genocide route tops. Not exactly a hell of a lot. And it is meant to be a chore even though it isn't - you're supposed to have to go out of your way to do a genocide or a pacifist run, which is a sign that the morality system is actually decent.

>It should be adrenaline-inducing and exciting.
It is until you're playing it for the 3rd/4th time and know all the mechanics too well.

Mega man 8 is quite pretty. Seems a bit over hated to me personally. If we ever gen a new mega man somehow I hope we return to a similat style like this then the 8 bit route 9 and 10. Those look good but we've had enough 8 bit.

Which are also heaps and heaps of trash.

what was the purpose of this post

Would you let your son do something like that?

I'm not stupid enough to push a child hard effort into the world only for it and him to be crushed by society's opinion.

>Like, there's no point of playing the game if you know all the endings.

Um... yes. Are you stupid? If you know how a game will end in advance of course there's no reason of playing it. It's not our fault you spoiled the ending with let's plays lol

>it's meant to be a chore

That's like video game version of "I'm just pretending to be retarded".

>you can also get the full experience from playthroughs
But that's wrong you fucking tool. Watching a playthrough will completely rob you of the joy of experiencing playing it blind - including important spoiler moments when the gameplay and narrative catch you by surprise, as opposed to the detached and lame experience of watching someone else get tricked by a clever spoiler moment.

Your attempts to keep up the facade are kinda boring to be honest. I'm not even convinced you have a child, or have even stuck your penis into a woman's vagina.

Sorry about your tiny attention span user

Are you sure you're in the right thread, I mean, I like the game as well but ---

You know what? Carry on.

Darkstalkers had great stages, though I feel like some wouldn't transition well to 3d. Guess we'll never really see.

If I wanted a story I'd read a book or a film. If the game doesn't have a good gameplay, it's a bad game.

If the thought of something being challenging or tedious before allowing you a reward puts you off then you should go back to watching movies or playing shitty mobile apps, cause videogames aren't for you.

I mean, I'm sorry I don't want to indulge my son into something like that. I was merely pointing out that the game isn't as great as everyone points it out to be. I just agree with OP

What does rpgs being shit have to do anything with my attention span?

Guilty Gear made the transition to 3D by being as 2D as possible. Crapcom might be able to do the same.

>you will never be as chill as this skeleton

>literally defending grinding

Nah, I should have control over my character always and I should be able to make decisions immediately and see results from it immediately. Good games don't have levels and stats, just your skills.


Not everything in a video game has to be fun. There are aspects of games that can be inconvenient or annoying that make the rest of the game better by existing. Perfect example is WoW. The soul of the game died when they streamlined it so that you didn't have to deal with people to get into a raid. Having to stand there for 15 minutes spamming /lfg wasn't fun but it's removal ended up killing the game.

That's not to say Undertale's Genocide route is good. It's not. It's meant to be tedious and unfun to actively discourage you from playing but it ruins it's own intent and conflicts with the underlying theme of the game by putting the best bossfight at the end of it.

Maybe, things like this raptor special I imagine just couldn't work in 3d.

He knocked off the SMT alignment/negotiations stuff but decided to gut the alignment stuff in favor of bland crap.
>morality stuff is based around law and chaos with neither one being objectively right or wrong
>makes you deal with people who will fight to the death over their ideology

>good ending is power of friendship everyone is super best friends pacifism world peace shit where you win every single battle using the power of love
>evil ending is just edge for the sake of edge

and he does openly admit that undertale is "inspired by" smt.

>Not everything in a video game has to be fun

Good games are fun. All games should strive to be good. That's encouraging mediocrity and that kills a medium as fast as you can.

One of the unique entrance animations in third strike. Serves as a refrence to a match between hulk hogan and andre the giant, who alex and hugo were inspired by.

Alex should have a mustache

Ever notice how theres only like 7 different people in that picture in different costumes / hair styles?

Hahaha PC cucks btfo. One of the top PC games of all time looks worse than nintendo wii shovelware!

You could rename this picture to Bait.jpg and you'll still get a thread with 400+ replies from gullible retards.
Here's your (You).

Ken's taunt had a hit box, who knew?

>Good games don't have levels and stats, just your skills.
Sounds like you just can't into story-driven or single-player gaming. The sense of progression is a fun one to experience for the rest of us.

>It's meant to be tedious and unfun to actively discourage you from playing but it ruins it's own intent and conflicts with the underlying theme of the game by putting the best bossfight at the end of it.
I feel like his idea was to make the final bossfight too difficult so that it would be frustrating and off-putting but then the result accidentally ended up being a perfectly tuned bossfight.

>not objectively right
>not objectively wrong

kys neutralfag

ty for the interesting posts street fighter user

kill yourself and take your shitty faggot angels with you lawfag

No problem. Just posting nice capcom pixel art, was really hoping for a cool pixel art thread.

In alpha 2 on guy's stage cody and jessica can found in the background. If a female character passes cody he will turn from jessica and instead look at the character, this angers jessica causing her to punch him.

I also disagree. I enjoyed first Quake and Half Life series very much and none of them have grinding or fetch quest or anything along those lines, and they were much more immersive and engaging than any othet RPGs I've yet to play.

Source for the 1995 game?

>All books should have happy endings. If I don't feel good at the end the book is bad.

>All music should be danceable. If it doesn't get my body moving it's bad

>Undertale is STILL living rent free inside of Sup Forums's mind

Based Toby Fox working the online smarks

>Professional team of artists
>1 guy who makes music

It's must be hard being this fucking retarded OP

how come the girl gets mad and slaps the guy for staring at chun li's butt but she just goes right back to holding him?

>books and music

None of them are really comparable to video games.

A book can be good whether it has a happy ending or a bad ending. Music is just a whole different story. Horrid analogy user.

So a book can leave you dissatisfied and angry, and be good. But a game that isn't fun is automatically bad? You see the disconnect here. That's incredibly inconsistent.

I-it's progressive!

Yeah, because book is a medium to tell you a story, while video games are to give you an experience.

So in order for something to be an experience it has to be fun?

No, but why the fuck would you want to play a video game that's not fun? There's no deeper thought put into when a video game isn't fun and engaging. It's just bad game design and bad practice and people shouldn't encourage it.

I guess horror games are fucking terrible and shouldn't be made then

But it's engaging. You don't have to go collect 30 magic crystals for next 5 hours or anything. It's makes you emotional and immersed.