No one is interested in this game

No one is interested in this game


Other urls found in this thread:

Everyone thinks it's gonna be a Bioshock clone when it's actually gonna be a MetroidVania

Well who exactly do you expect to be interested?
It pretty much alienated any fans of the original by borrowing its name and nothing else. The game looks like your run of the mill FPS ala Bioshock/Dishonored which have saturated the market. The plot doesn't seem to be a selling point, the setting doesn't seem to be a selling point, the character(s) which we know nothing about don't seem to be a selling point (unknown protagonist of undetermined gender), which leaves gameplay, which looks pretty generic.

Looks generic and lacking any challenge

I'm looking forward to it

>t. assblasted human head employee
please stop making this thread five times a day.. take a break for the love of god.

it's a slap in the face with an unwashed homo hobo schlong everytime I see this shit and am forced to remember how the one chance of a good bounty hunter game was canned.

>Dishonored... IN SPACE
>supposed to be exciting

not really excited for it at all but I liked Dishonored so I'll probably pick it up on the cheap if it's well-received

prolly cuz it's made by a bunch of pussy ass niggas

>Bioshock in space
no thx

That's why.

You have a pretty funny idea of what a run of the mill FPS is

>SJW propaganda bullshit
>not a video game

Because it's new.

It's just like on /vg/. I went there 4 years ago and it was literally new games everywhere, finding hidden gems etc. Now it's 95% anime pictures in generals about some shitty japanese game.

Fuck bethesda.

Well Bioshock and Dishonored are two examples. Obviously I'm talking about single player FPSes and not CoD/Battlefield-tier games.

No one cared about Prey in the first place despite Sup Forums's claims

So nobody cares about this one either

It just looks like a cas-shit fps in space. Wolfenstein in space waow

Bethesda really should stop publishing these copy-pasta games

>No one cared about Prey in the first place despite Sup Forums's claims
That's probably the kind of thinking that resulted in this game being made. Why even call it Prey then?

Never heard of it until today.

I'm guessing it's a reboot.

Well Dishonored wasnt a good game despite Bethesda drones spamming it day and night.
This is in space.
I dont want to play it

So it's System Shock.


dishonored in space sounds pretty awful desu
if they focus on the RPG parts and make something like system shock or mass effect it might be good

I wanted the sci-fi-cyberpunk Boba Fett simulator they promised at first, not a generic FPS.

RIP sweet prince.

because it was the reason why we're never gonna get the real sequel to prey

You think you want an cyberpunk open world bounty hunting game but you dont.
Enjoy your Dishonored(tm) 2: muslims in space

It looks boring. And I don't care about the original Prey, or the Prey 2 that looked like standard scripted cover-based shootan bullshit.
People keep calling Arkane the new Looking Glass, but that's wrong because LG didn't constantly retread what was already done by older studios. Arkane is more like Looking Glass fanfiction.

Because like Dishonored 2 it's going to be this year's headline Bethesda game that they talk about like the second coming instead of revealing TES 6.

>Well Bioshock and Dishonored are two examples
I wouldn't call Bioshock run of the mill, and Dishonored isn't even an FPS

>CoD/Battlefield-tier games
Which are actual run of the mill mainstream FPS games

Nu-Prey looks like a blend of System Shock 2 and Dishonored with a metroidvania-esq map. I'm willing to bet all the people memeing that it's going to be a generic FPS aren't aware of what kind of game it actually is.

to keep liscensing rights.

it has nothing to do with the original prey, so it's not a real reboot, but for legal reasons it's technically still a part of the prey franchise.

the original prey was a corridor shooter with some wall walking/gravity shifting and portal shenanigans. it was nothing too special overall, but then the second game was announced and it was supposed to be an open world bounty hunting game with all sorts of cool aliens and neato gadgets. that of course got canned. a lot of people, myself included are mad about the fact that this shows up sporting the prey name and it's not an uncancellation of the cool bounty hunter game.

Why did you even respond to that guy? He has no fucking clue what he's talking about

Well, you guys are, because you won't stop making threads about it
It looks decent. I might pick it up when it's cheaper

Nobody talked about Dishonored 2 that way

Because I've lost control of my life

I'm cautiously optimistic. If the port is good I'm probably getting it on PC.
No PC demo and the state of Dishonored 2 are both red flags, though.

how would you even market this turd? its literally bland-the game.

Could you fuck off with your hyperbole for a moment
As if it's guaranteed to be a 3/10 game with no redeeming qualities

Replace what I said with first person action/adventure and the point stands though.
It doesn't really do anything to distinguish it from other first person action adventures in fairly recent history.

i already played doom 4, prey cant be any better

so in a way i dont have to buy games anymore coz ive already went through best there is and rest will be just cheap imitations and rip offs that dont live up to the hype

also reminder that AAAs are fucking boring for past 3-5 years

I love the 2006 game, but I'm not trusting Bethesda.

Sure it does. It has the mimic ability which lets you turn into objects and move around, it has the glue gun which can be used to traverse areas as well as being just a weapon.
Like that other user said in the thread earlier, it seems like this might be an FPS with MetroidVania elements, which is pretty damn distinguishable.

No one on Sup Forums cares about it.
The Bethesda on the box used to cause a pavlovian need to trash.
Most anons got tired of tilting at windmills and have given up trying to hate anything Bethesda or Bethesda related out of existence.

Losing so often and so completely has demoralized them to the point of submission.

>It doesn't really do anything to distinguish it from other first person action adventures in fairly recent history.

What other fairly recent first person action adventure games feature an ALLEGEDLY fully explorable space station (both interior and exterior)? Can you name any start you off with a foam gun that lets you create bridges and platforms to help you traverse and explore? Are there other similar games that have an actual downside to investing in upgrades (in this case the aliens becoming more aware of your presence and the security systems turning hostile towards you)?

That's only a couple of things I've gleamed from scraps of early gameplay and interviews

bethesda has been stepping up their shilling lately

Because it already came out. Seriously does nobody remember it from the 360


it's gonna be shitty bioshock clone, with performance all over the place

Because the reveal trailer had no gameplay. They're going to have to shove it in my face at E3 before I start caring.

nice meme my friend, what debate is it i'm having here?

because I'm still butthurt about not getting the generic space bounty hunter game

I'll still play this though I guess

Most generic location 2017 - space station
Most generic enemies 2017 - literal black blobs
Most generic character 2017 - pick a gender but you're still a minority silent protagonist
Most generic plot 2017 - mysterious aliens are attacking

Literally WHY would anyone be excited? The only thing they have going for them is the glue gun. But I'm not paying 60 bucks to shoot fucking glue

Also it's not Prey 2

There is no debate, just the same thread day after day trying to garner attention for a mediocre looking game.

If this actually turns out to be the closest thing to Metroid Prime, I'm buying it day one

Arkane fucked a lot of their fans over by releasing a shitty Dishonored 2 PC port.

People who liked Dishonored had a lot of overlap with System Shock/Deus Ex/Bioshock/Thief etc

>fuck up marketing on purpose
>game sells like shit
>arkane gets closed,all ips go in the bethesda vault

this is whats going to happen.

>fuck up marketing on purpose
How do you even market this? Doesn't look exciting no matter how you spin it

Saw a commercial for the first time today. If they bring back and improve upon the organoship atmosphere and the weapons (bring in some neat abilities like everyone keeps buzzwording with System Shock) and it's not a generic linear corridor shooter (OG Prey fucking ruled with some of the platforming they worked in playing off the alien tech) this could wind up being darkhorse GOTY.

I might buy it.

They have released hours of gameplay

because they scrapped Blade Runner the video game for some Dead Space lite looking shit

You're not having any, and you never will because you know you can't say argue, only hurr durr this game is shit and if you think otherwise you're a shill.

I don't why people seem so butthurt about this game, it seems like system shock in everything but the name.

I'm going to buy it if it works well on PC

The mimic ability is the only one that seems novel to me, but even Dishonored had possess rats which was similar. And traversing areas with glue gun just sounds like a take on using rope arrows to make bridges (Tomb Raider) or shooting down drawbridges (Thief, a billion other first person action games).

The space station part isn't very exciting, we've had tons of walking simulator-esque games with the same setting (Alien Isolation, Turing Test, a billion other indie titles on steam) and also Dead Space. It needs to have a good story to sell you on the idea of the space station and up to now I know nothing about the story.

Which I have to go look up, and I don't give enough of a shit to. The nonsense cinematic trailer didn't hook me, so they're only getting one more chance to sell me on it while my attention is already captured.

Ye pretty much. That was Arkane's pitch for the game.

i'm buying it, there is nothing to talk about
arkane disappointed me only once with too short DoMM campaign

for real?

>any fans of the original

True, each element of their own has been done. Thought I would argue that being able to mimic every dynamical object ingame is a bit more advanced than taking possion of humans and rats.

But prey takes all these elements and puts them into one game, that makes me want to play it.

>System shock 3, SS1 remake and a spiritual successor all around the same time

The SS1 remake looks like it has nothing in common with the original. Completely pointless.

I hate this meme, please let it die

because ill never not be mad that it's no longer space bounty hunting

prey 1 was excellent, mind you

>prey 1 was excellent, mind you
did you even play it day1? it was doom3 with portals

The remake doesn't seem very promising, and the people working on 3 haven't done anything relevant for more than a decade.

>it was doom3 with portals
this is bad how

>The remake doesn't seem very promising,


> stolen prey name
> generic canadian space odyssey
> no copycat prop hunt multiplayer
> you are the demons
> slow soft acapella cover of old rock song playing over trailer kinds of deep
> 100% pre-rendered reveal trailer
> ghost like enemies in a space station still running around like generic ground enemies

Does Dishonored 2 suck? I have it, but I'm afraid to play it because I enjoyed the first one.


it's better. Story si exactly the same though, levels are a grade better.

>There are no shills on Sup Forums
Where do i apply? If i'm gonna shitpost on Sup Forums, might aswell get paid for it

Im guessing you liked quake 4 too.
Doom 3 was bland as fuck

doom 3 is underrated because autists make the noise online


>because autists make the noise online
no, because it was mediocre when it came out and is mediocre now

Wasn't the original Prey about Native American folklore or some shit?

I kinda look forward to it, maybe because i dont pretend that it has anything to do with the original or the fate of the sequel


new doom was better than 1 and 2 too

Because they canned Prey 2 in favor for this generic shit.

The small kickstarter budget and the fact that they're developing it for consoles doesn't fill me with much hope

>Prey 2, literally assassin's creed in space
And nothing of value was lost

>System Shock is generic but CoD clones are not

Yep, that's the power of nu-Sup Forums

I'd much rather play that than this.

They didnt though

Go play assassin's creed then, they have like 7 games now.

Those games are not in space, i couldn't care less about the setting in those games.