Did these advertisements actually work?
Did these advertisements actually work?
These advertisements wouldn't exist if they didn't work
What even was the game?
I like how the title of the game gets smaller and smaller in place of tits.
you could grind up a castle and raid nearby castles for more loot to grind up castles
>Even Deathwing is jealous
I don't know, maybe those indians from the porn videos comments fall for them
Worked on me enough to know what's that Kate Upton game was all about.
I dont know, My Lord.
Considering every single person on Sup Forums knows the name of this game and these ads simply because they were everywhere, I'd say yes
Also it was one of those real-time games where you pay to prevent others from wrecking your crap by making things build faster so you can outpace everyone else.
Like Civilization if it was pay to win with the most annoying parts of Phantom Pain's base system thrown in for good measure.
Shit don't change. Watching porn these days and the 'game' ad is just SFM animation.
Just steal art from someplace and dupe retards.
Probably for people who really thought they were going to get a sexy game and with the bottom two ads, porn.
It doesn't mean the advert works just because you know the name
I can only imagine stupid mouthbreathers or relatively old people (40+) falling for this
I love how the bottom two give up and just show a normal woman and a pair of tits.
I remember playing this game. The chat was always full of people complaining about there not being any tits in the game
>you will never get home from school and play shitty flash games while gawping at these adverts ever again
why live
Damn... the best free web game... pack it in Assbox and Gaystation Poo... PC wins again...
I get the feeling they would
That's kinda rude
Tech illiterate is a nicer description
I fell for one of those random Ikariam ones. Something like "What if Archimedes really had cucumbers for fingers? Play now to make your own story!"
Though I only seen it once and it was a translated ad, so it's possible it was just some translator trolling or something.
Poor man tribal wars.
That one time my friend showed me this guy called krinkels on newgrounds
I remember when I thought League of Legends was one of those fake advert games because they had ads that looked just like these. Had the red haired girl with her cleavage/midriff exposed and said "Play free now". Turns out it was an actual games. Who would have thought?
>make clickbait for old people
>ask for a password
>old people use the same password for everything
It's fucking brilliant.
It's obviously real. I'm looking at it.
I do that too but only for games
What was the deal with those old port sites requesting a credit card for """age verification"""? I'm assuming it was just a scam.
Obviously a scam. You really only need to catch a handful of oblivious people to make bank.