Does Sup Forums actually still like Valve?

Does Sup Forums actually still like Valve?



does anyone?

You are now breathing and blinking manually.

Nothing wrong with hiring from your community.

narbacular drop

hl2 wasn't a mod
narbacular drop was radically different from portal
portal 2 wasn't a mod

I don't know much about l4d or dota 2

yes lots of valve games are based off mods and they encourage modders what's wrong with that? they also don't make most of what's available on steam and that revolutionized games distribution

I don't understand the point of this thread.

You do realise the people who made such mods went to work at Valve to turn it into a full game, right?

>Implying I've ever played a Valve game

no, not any more

I bought half life 1 on day 1 and played it on my dads laptop because my PC couldn't handle it, I think I've played that game more than anything except maybe duke nukem 3D

valve sitting back and laughing at half life fans about 3 isn't funny to me, it's actually really insulting as a supporter of the franchise from day 1 and it being such a big part of my childhood

Gabe Newell can have a fucking hart attack for all I care now, valve as a developer is fucking dead and that cunt is to blame

Sup Forums (and Sup Forums is me) stopped liking valve the day they restricted gifting from some countries. all they are about is jewing us.

>mods can't become IPs

Fuck Valve though, their days as the big good guys in gaming are long over

HL wasn't even that original an idea. It's heavily based on The Mist.

HL is just Die Hard with scientists

The only similarity between the two is that in The Mist one of the possible explanations for what happened is that the monsters came through a portal in some secret military site. Aside from that they have literally nothing in common, and I doubt The Mist was the first thing to use that idea.

Half life 2 was a disappointing piece of shit though.

There is no such thing as a complete original idea

>Nagatoro-san will never be your girlfriend
Why are we still here?

>You're not really comfortable being in a crowed place, right?
Cawcaw motherfucker

I don't care about this jaded "I knew all along" superiority complex bullshit

I just want to play good valve games again

>l4d or dota 2
the moba genre came from a warcraft mod

l4d came from Counter Strike zombie gamemodes

>realizing manually

Bots that can't even hide the fact they're bots are shitposting now.

Fucking leafs are siccing their robots on Sup Forums now too.

Posts like this makes this place bearable.

Valve should make an official prophunt game

I want to mercilessly bully Nagatoro-chan

Half life is a quake engine mod
It happened thanks to carmack open sourcing the code

valve never make a game by themself since half life