its shit
I'd like it a lot more if the character designs were actually good. character dialogue could be better, but the rest of the game is pretty ok. It's not nearly as bad as all the critics made it out to be.
hype that died when 2015 ended
reignited interest when the last weeks before release hit
everyone thought it was okay
lost intrest when they cameo'd shovel knight
It was good. Not great, but good. No one else in this thread has actually played it.
>It's not nearly as bad as all the critics made it out to be.
Most actual critics (read: not Jontronfags) have said it's a pretty decent game.
It has flaws, but anyone who expected it to be perfect was being unreasonable from the get-go.
They could have at least let you skip past the worthless cutscenes
Short, terrible camera, terrible controls, unity graphics, terrible ending, terrible story.
>Whining about story
Do you care about the story in Mario too?
I swear you morons only shit on Unity because it's the cool thing to do. There's not even anything particularly wrong with its graphics.
>actual critics
you're kidding right?
Mario Galaxy had a great story and is considered the best 3d mario game
So did Sup Forums finally crawl back to their containment board? I haven't seen as much shitposting on this game recently.
Why would I be kidding?
Unity is shit, get over it. Do you only defend it to be the typical contrarian faggot?
Yeah now we can finally get back to discussing how shit the game is without bringing up that eceleb.
Was hoping this would be top notch but based on everything I've read it seems like it's just decent.
Definitely going to pick this up whenever it's 50% off as it's been awhile since I've played a 3d platformer
no jontrahn np buy dunkkey saif itds was shit yoo
No video game reviewer is a critic. They can't afford it.
I liked it, but if I paid anything more than the $15 I donated, I'd be disappointed.
The concept of "decent" doesn't exist on Sup Forums. It's either a masterpiece or it's absolute shit.
Okay, change my statement to video game reviewers then. Point stands.
>Opinion based solely on eCelebs' relationship to the game
You need to be 18 or older to post here.
Dunkey's selling point is his comedy, not his reviews, and even that's fucking awful.
decent player movement, some good visuals, terrible level designs and character designs are a mixed bag
- The game controls really well, despite some camera problems.
- The level design is hit and miss.
- Challenges are nicely varied, and mostly fun.
- The level expansion is a great idea, but could've been realized much better.
- Graphics seem unpolished at parts, but the game can look really good occasionally
- Music is good. David Wise tracks are the highlight
- Characters and writing are disappointingly boring, but Laylee can be pretty fun (although she's a carbon copy of Kazooie)
Overall, I think it's a fine but obviously low budget successor to the Banjo-Kazooie games
That doesn't really hold any value though. If you say the name of a single person. You've got something. if you're going to bundle a bunch of them together it becomes worthless
JonTron is shit though.
Thank god he was sacked.
An ok game, really fun if you loved the banjo games.
>terrible level designs
I don't think they're terrible, but they have a few strange faults. There are too many huge empty areas, and how you can walk on walls bordering the level seems like an oversight they dressed up as a feature
>That doesn't really hold any value though
Of course it does, you're just being disingenuous.
Haven't played it, but from what I gather it's a middle ground between MN9 and shovel knight. Not exactly a massive piece of shit, but not worth the money it's asking for either, that being a lack of consistency with controls, level quality, and overall polish.
In cagies?
So what's wrong with YL's graphics?
It's worth 40 bucks to me
>t. I have never attempted to develope a video game before.
Half-tempted to buy it.
Half because I know probably won't finish it.
I'd say it's closer to Shovel Knight than MN9. It has a few really annoying flaws but for the most part it's a fun game that probably would still get talked about a lot if it wasn't for the nonsense with Jontron and his cancerous viewers.
Not to me
Inferior to the other thing released recently.
>Graphics seem unpolished at parts
>fun game that probably would still get talked about a lot if it wasn't for the nonsense with Jontron and his cancerous viewers.
Is this really going to be the scape goat as to why this game isn't doing better? The exclusion of a single voice in a game filled with voices that are kluged together with sound effects?
Jontron was an obnoxious faggot even before he started mouthing off his dumb political viewpoints. Even when it comes to opinions on vidya he can't articulate his points for shit.
Everything I hated about Banjo-Threeie, nothing I liked about Banjo-Kazooie.
Most of the B-K nostalgia is superficial and poorly emulated.
The level designs are better than I anticipated, but pacing is shit. Can't skip or speed up dialogue.
Where the warp pads at? Even DK64 had them.
>Can't skip or speed up dialogue
You did not play the game. Yes, there is dialogue you can't speed up, but it's far and few in between and primarily in cut scenes. All other dialogue you can skip with a few button presses.
>The game controls really well, despite some camera problems.
I agree until you unlock the flight ability. It controls so incredibly poorly I have to imagine it was designed intentionally clunky and awful to keep me from abusing it to bypass all platforming challenges.
Holy fuck it's so bad it basically ruined my enjoyment of the game. I could barely continue playing past unlocking it.
It's not a scapegoat if it's true. The shitposts from the Jontron incident (e.g. before the game was released) are largely the same shitposts you see now.
The game isn't doing well because it's an indie title inspired by a dead genre that was never particularly fantastic to begin with. I never expected it to be successful.
>It's true because I said so!
No, it's true because of the reasons I just provided.
There are not enough people to tank this game just for Jontron. I doubt there were enough people who cared outside of Sup Forums who hadn't already backed the game.
Jontron's support was a big push to help fund the game, but he never quit supporting the game. He even wished the game the best on his twitter.
>There are not enough people to tank this game just for Jontron
I never said there was. If you read the post you quoted, you'd see that I thought there wasn't enough interest to ever make it much of a financial success. Rare collectathons are more of a niche interest than you might think.
Maybe there were valid criticism during the JonTron "I voiced an outhouse" era that kept being drowned out by retards spamming pol boogeyman? You're just lumping anything people complained about the game as eceles shitpost.
i legit don't know what to do in this game.
i just wander around for an hour, get bored and play something else
the levels are too fucking big for no reason. and then you can expand the worlds. i don't even know if you can complete a world without getting a power in a later one. there's just too much of everything but its not obvious like dk64 was.
> you'd see that I thought there wasn't enough interest to ever make it much of a financial success.
So what's the problem? By that logic, Jontron couldn't have swung opinions on the game one way or the other.
And on that note, Jim Sterling; who is the biggest SJW reviewer on the internet and publicly crucified Jontron on his twitter, gave the game a 2. Now, I don't think the game is worth a 2, but I can see why he thinks that in some aspects considering that he doesn't like collectathons very much.
The game just has design problems. Some of them are baked in, but others are unintentional results of the Unity engine and some cheap level design.
You mean like the reasonable assessments that were being drowned out by faggots spamming the SJW boogeyman? It goes both ways.
>You did not play the game.
>My evidence for this is that you just stated you can't do something that you can't do in the game
Are you antifa or some other backwards retarded shit that doesn't understand words?
I'd rather play Banjo Kazooie
I think this is how most people think of it.
Banjo is also a far tighter game with better level design and platforming.
You collect quills and pagies by doing various tasks and minigames. If you didn't want to play a collectathon why did you get this game?
I can agree that banjo kazooie is the better game but you can only play it so many times before you want something else but similar
Sure that happened, however the focus of this argument was you hammering about criticism from the eceleb side, so don't try to pass that obtuse shit as a valid counter argument.
>So what's the problem?
Well I never said there was a problem in terms of sales - anything detrimental that happens there is probably expected, like I said. But let's not pretend that Jontron's fanbase wasn't purposely trying to rile shit up because their favorite e-celeb got thrown out. I also never said the game doesn't have flaws, because it definitely does.
Why would you bring up Jim Sterling? He's the biggest contrarian on the internet and thinks fucking Dynasty Warriors is among the best franchises in games. He's the embodiment of shit taste.
Banjo Tooie
Literally, what even is racism? These are just buzzwords.
Seriously, they shot themselves in the foot with their largest donor group to play diversity quota, the game. I was gonna pick it up but, instead I'm gonna pick up a copy of Banjo-Tooie on the n64. Quadruple the game and polish for the price Yooka-Laylee seems to be worth, 5 dollars.
well yeah but that's still just 2 games, 3 if you count dk64 (many people don't like
it though) so more content is always welcome
i love collectathons, but its the sheer size of the worlds that sucks.
plus too many pagies per world, so they matter less. i get a couple per run out of pure luck.
I get where you are coming from. I personally think that they should've included more, smaller worlds with less pagies in each. Hopefully if they decide to make another game they'll listen to feedback
I love it, but I also got the Cashino glitch, and I'm going to be pissed if Playtonic doesn't patch this.
Also just started world 5, refreshing after Cashino. Why don't people like world 5?
>and then you can expand the worlds
I'm still struggling to see why exactly this is considered a bad thing.
I couldn't believe how fucking terrible the flight "controls" were. It felt like the game was doing the movement itself most of the time. And the camera while flying? Good lord it is all over the god damn place. Thank god it is the last skill and you mostly don't need it.
What's the Cashino glitch? Can you avoid it?
its not shovel knight, but it's not mighty no. 9
its good and has flaws
that's my thoughts
A missing pagie. A lot of people can't 100% it despite having done literally everything. No idea if its avoidable or not.
Which pagie is missing?
Damn, and it's random? Seems like a pretty big oversight
I think the pagie doesn't register either in either cashing in a shitload of tokens or it's in Kartos/the boss, and one of the two doesn't register. I'm not sure which though. I didn't realize it right away.
Let it die.
the pagie that ain't in no cagie
You know how the game saves everytime you get a Pagie, right?
Well in the Cashino you trade the tokens for most of the Pagies. If you get a shit-load of Tokens you can get multiple Pagies in one swing.
The problem is that when you do this, not all the game only saves I think every one or two PAgies, so when you cash in for a fuckton of Pagies 2 or more may be collected but the game didn't technically saved them.
If you don't do anything that makes the game save again (like collecting a new Pagie, health/energy extender or Mollycool) and quit the game, the game will act as you didn't collect those Pagies but the Tokens and challenges will stay as if you beated them; Meaning you get locked out of 100%
Although that's what happened to me. Some other people say soemtimes either the Rextro or KArtos PAgies don't get collected, so nobody knows exactly what's the cause, just that the Cashino itself has bugs.
A shame cause honestly I had a ton of fun in that world. There are so many diverse challenges; Probably one of my fav worlds.
Forgot to add, what i did to ensure everything was collected after i restarted my file was heading to cash in for a Pagie every 10 Tokens, only making the game give me one at a time so it'd save each time.
I'll admit some were decent. The main cast (Yooka, Laylee, Trowser, Rextro, Kartos Dr. Puzz, Quack & Capital B) were servicable.
The space chick in galleon Galaxy was also very decent looking. Could see a Jet Force Gemini-styled game with her. But I agree a fuck ton were super unspired, which wouldn't be an issue if they weren't repeated over so many worlds.
The pigs suck and Planker is a fucking sign that doesn't do anything related to signposts.
People hate World 5? I found it very fun minus the goddamn golf challenge. I mostly hear people hating world 2.
>My world ranking:
5 > 4 > 2 > 1 >>>>>> 3
While the last boss was lacking in comparison in climax and difficulty to both Banjo games, its hard to really offer true comparison when stricken with such a deep first love of the first game.
Nothing will ever compare; but there is truly heart in this game, the soul may have died but it was reborn into something that seemed like natural progression (i.e. world expansion) when thinking of the Banjo lineage.
I've 100% the game in under 24 hours like most Banjo vets I'm sure. Maybe less - I played it non stop, it was three or four days straight and done. I want more, I want DLC - a patch for the filter, I want to know what that damn exposition that INEPT bot is loading. I want a second game. I want a third game.
I digress. I am old, these games to most... are dated. Rather than exercise patience and be rewarded, we want instant gratification with no challenge. Even in the face of the ps4 crashing, and seemingly im possibly shitty arcade games... I had fun.
I dunno, after playing Ori and the blind forest a week before hand and putting in about the same amount of time in before I dropped YL. both might be controller games but jeez all the button combos were a put off especially when there's no menu to explain it.
What? How are the controls in Yooka hard?
with a remapped nonxbox controller? unity sucks but at least I got Ori to stop pulling to the left and it had a menu to show what buttons did.
leddit seems to be the only place where people know what the missing keybinds were
glad i didnt back it desu