Pass the controller bro

Pass the controller bro

*Dries hand with towel*
I don't want sweaty controllers

Redpill me on "people" with excessive handsweat.
I shook hands with one of those troglodytes a few days ago and I still feel dirty.

whenever I hold a girl's hand my palms just get so sweaty, I'm sorry

Hyperhidrosis is just a thing that happens to some people and you're just a dick?

>tfw my mom has that and it pisses me off

> Of course bro, you're used to N64 controls, right?

that 10 coins is mine bitch

>hey man I see you been using that nice controller of yours over here.
>could I try it out? I promise to give it back to you! :D

i always have moist hands, dunno if it's a medical thing but it's really fucking annoying.

i always wipe my hands off on my shirt/pants before shaking someone's hand but it's still moist. sorry nigga, if it was up to me i'd fist bump everyone

it is, you can get surgery to kill the sweat glands

what is this procedure called?

"I'm so fucked up."

Beta genes that should have died off but this cucked society allows them to live

Since when do genes cause animeposting?
I thought "gay gene" was a myth and it's all epigenetic, but here you are a massive faggot in a way that could only come from a purpose-bred line of turbofairies that would get kicked out of a pride parade for being too homo.

kys sweatlet

t. sweaty hands

here you go familia

wouldn't that cause an excess amount of heat in your arms?

>remove sweat glands
>acquire fireballs

I have sweaty hands. Shit sucks. Shaking people's hands, passing the controller, carrying anything. It's all a pain in the ass because of these hands of mine.

my right ring finger is weaker than ever, if i stretch my hands it begins to shake. if i lay my hand flat it stays at an arched position. help

>hands sweat a lot when holding a controller
>fine when doing anything else

I wish I knew why this happened

>friend over for vidya
>pizza night


I had that surgery. Fucked up everything. I have to change my clothes after taking the dog for a 5 minute walk. Destroyed my life.

Allergic reaction to plastic.

Hey, man. Pass the controller!


Sure, but you'll have to wank me off with those sweaty hands bro this gave me a huge boner

>anime poster saying someone else has beta genes

the irony

>waaah someone said something mean about my disgusting problem :((((((

fuck off reddit you're darwins nightmare and deserve to die.

Then how would you have typed this post?

wtf does that mean

You must have forgotten where you guys are if anime is triggering your sweaty hands to type these responses