Thoughts on how this will turn out?
shooting mechanics are easier than melee so it will be an amazing story with great combat probably best rpg of all time. All the CDPR haters will kill themselves within 2 days of its release.
It'll be Witcher 3 with guns. Witcher senses will be replaced with augmented vision.
Also they should get Michael Mccann to help with the soundtrack 2bh.
im hoping they go for a map design like de:hr instead of the huge MUH OPEN WORLD meme
best game of all time, but nobody will be able to see why
terrible performance on launch
nobody will be able to run it on Sup Forums
tears, salt, mass suicides, the end of the board.
>CDPR creates the best open world ever with the most detailed and living locations
>lel just drop it and do hubs )))))
Inbred piece of shit.
When this is supposed to be launched?
In response to the launch of the game Poland is swarmed by immigrants demanding EU to provide them with PCs that can run the game at the threat of public beheadings
Q2 2018.
It'll be easy as piss, requiring modding to make it even slightly challenging (same for Witcher 3). Console version will be terrible for the non-Pro/Scorpio players. It'll be heralded as the 2nd coming of GabeN, whilst also being attacked by Anita and her goons. Based europoors will continue to be praised for creating such a beautiful world on only a stipend of potatoes, BTFOing all other developers.
Will be pretty good. It's quality will be vastly overblown though because it's the witcher devs and is an attempt to revive the cyberpunk genre.
I'm not saying they didn't make a great open world (compared to all the other open worlds out there) but hubs would be so much better, especially considering cyberpunk will most likely take place in a city. The more detail and atmosphere in a setting like this the better and it doesn't take a brain to figure out that you can't make as much of that if you are worrying about making the biggest world possible at the same time
>CDPR haters will still be alive when the game release
It's in the name
It would be cool if they could work in the classes from the original game.
>see that twenty stories high megacorp HQ, you can't enter it :^)
Open world is intrinsically shit though
>Freedom is shit. Hi, Mao.
freedom isn't worth anything if there's nothing to actually explore though. And im not saying there wasn't anything to explore in TW3 but I am saying this
>Shit combat
>Same 3 tasks copy pasted around the entire map
>Lots of boobs
FUCK hr's map
>tfw you will see how a single dev will revive an entire genre in your lifetime
What a time to be alive.
fuck you, hr has one of the best maps of all time
>twenty stories high
Wow, dare to dream!
>tfw ywn see how a single dev will revive an entire genre in your lifetime because it will never actually get released during our lifetimes
What genre exactly?
Cyberpunk, because it will have died again by the time of release.
and to think that unlike Scam Shitizen which has already wasted all the money they stole, when this comes out and is amazing all we have to do is buy a copy if we feel like it and we'll keep getting good games in the future.
did you niggers forget Rockstar reviving westerns with Red Dead Redemption?
>this will turn out
How many Westerns have been released since then, exactly?
Cyberpunk is not a genre, it's a setting.
Cyberpunk is a genre with an associated generic setting.
genres and settings are just social constructs, you pig
Its a subgenre of scifi
Tortanic 2.0.
They have 400 or so employees working on a project that is getting more ambitious by the minute in a genre nobody gives a fuck about.
At least they have GoG and Govt subsidies to keep them afloat while they unfuck themselves.
90% of studios would not survive this debacle.
>assblasted retard fucking furious that unlike his favorite company CDPR actually delivers
Yep, CDPR can't into actual combat, but literally any fucko can make a good FPS without issue.
yeah this
I know I shouldn't but I have complete faith in those polish bastards to make something that will go down in history as one of the better RPGS.
If it isn't good then I'll just find a new game to get hype for I suppose.
No cyber punk is a style you cunt. Like Noir, you can never reach a truly agreed upon definition, but you know it when you see it.
The genre won't be cyberpunk however, but cyberpunk-lite. CDPR has nothing to go off, so just expect a very safe and fluffy Witcher game in a cyberpunk shell without any of the substance and the actual punk aspect... the videogame equivalency of Ghost in the Shell 2017™.
If you read Polish look up some of the stories about this game.
It is a trainwreck.
can't wait to see your tears when everything you fear about the game being amazing comes true and you are forced to admit that you are wrong
>this disgruntled ex-employee who got fired is telling the truth
>everyone still on the project is lying
It'll be a very good game with a great story, characters, graphics and soundtrack and decent gameplay. Won't live up to unreal expectations and hype set for it and will quickly become Sup Forums's most hated game of year 201X when it's released because it'll be praised and popular.
Why? If the game is good, I'll play it and love it, because I love cyberpunk. But honestly, there's never really been a good cyberpunk game, just some okay ones like Dudesex and HR and shit like Shadowrun. CDPR will probably make some casual friendly, normie tromp with no substance that is completely against the spirit of cyberpunk.
>CDPR has nothing to go off
Except the Cyberpunk 2020 p'n'p the game is based on?
Stop shilling and finish the game CDPR.
That's even worse than nothing, user.
Don't know and won't know, not in the mood for getting ruses by polacks again.
I remember people saying the same shit before The Witcher 3, like PR painted a game that never actually existed and all that downgrade talk. Yet it came out and actually delivered.
How so? They even got the creator of the tabletop games advising them.
I think the same just unironically.
Well, going by Witcher 3, it's going to have:
>amazing graphics, but still faked trailers
>great music and atmosphere
>open world with nothing to do in it, all points of interests marked on the map
>garbage combat that can't decide if it want to be "oldschool" or generic
>garbage immersion, every NPC that's not "100% bad guy" is essential
>press A or B choices
>lots of dead toddlers
>450,000 lines of dialogue
>Can't write or present a good story
But they did.
At first they were talking about how you can kill and NPC and monster will come and eat them, because the world is a living ecosystem.
There has been a ton of bullshit floating around Witcher 3.
Watchdogs with more neon and rain and you can build your own synth waifu.
>comparing a CDPR game to that pile of shit watchdogs
>"Let's make a game about a subgenre of books!"
>"What source material should we base it off of since we're too incompetent to write our own?"
>"A shitty tabletop meme!"
Well user when you're talking about literary styles, it's the same reason you probably wouldn't base a horror game off of pic related.
You're retarded.
Why? The analogy holds up.
Daily reminder that the definitive sound of cyberpunk is Roland TB-303
I hope they took away a few lessons from Witcher 3's designs and improve on it.
Cyberpunk could do without levels; levels felt shoehorned into Witcher 3. That's easy to solve just by making "leveling up" just accumulating enough cash to buy some new gear. FPS games don't generally do levels so they probably won't feel compelled to use a level system anyway.
Restrict crafting. Crafting was pretty much a shitty half-baked system in both W2 and W3. I don't think most people are crafting their own computer hardware--unless you're BASED STALLMAN who has COMPLETE CONTROL over his PC even at the hardware level--so it wouldn't be abnormal to just yank it. We have enough shitty early access crafting sandbox shit games to not need another half-assed crafting sandbox. If they MUST do crafting at least go back to Witcher 1 ideas where you could give slight differences between potions depending on what you used to brew them. Replace "potion" with "computer virus" or bullet/grenade or whatever (ha ha yeah right a modern game made in CURRENT YEAR actually having a functioning ammo system instead of regenerating bullets.)
More NPCs should try to jew you. ESPECIALLY in a cyberpunk setting, everyone should be trying to fuck you over. Geralt interacted with some of the most downright honorable peasants in the North considering how extremely rare it was for them to try to weasel out of paying the Witcher's fee. That's the biggest complaint ALL the witchers have, how fucking peasants always try to cheat them. That Cat witcher you met on the path knows what I'm talkin' about.
Have an easter egg Ciri's apartment since she lived in Cyberpunk 2077 for 6 months while on the run from the Wild Hunt.
>Cyberpunk could do without levels; levels felt shoehorned into Witcher 3. That's easy to solve just by making "leveling up" just accumulating enough cash to buy some new gear. FPS games don't generally do levels so they probably won't feel compelled to use a level system anyway.
Don't worry about that user
>The basic rules system of Cyberpunk 2020 (called the Interlock System) is skill-based instead of level-based, with players being awarded points to be spent on their skill sets. New skills outside their expertise can be learned but in-game time needs to be spent on this
More open world batman senses shit with horrible combat. Pass.
>Dynamic Open World
This shit is the biggest tease, and it will never exist.
At least it's a mediocre 3rd person shooter as opposed to a borderline unplayable Nexon MMO.
Ubisoft in all of their collective incompetence still does gameplay better than CDPR.
Hopefully its just a fleshed out version of shadowrun minus the magic, I'm curious if you can even start as a class or you just get mastery on combat/hacking