Well, Sup Forums? How do you rate?

Well, Sup Forums? How do you rate?

-20 I guess

spent 5 bucks on a phone game
stable 30 is aight

I'm a cool dude.



I play Dwarf Fortress.

None of these apply to me. Go fuck yourself.


Unironically 0

-25 could be worse.

I kickstarted bloodstained
Don't regret it

Minus 20. I don't give a fuck about FPS as long as it's at least a stable 30 or isn't constantly dipping below.

I don't regularly visit Kotaku or Polygon, but I assume it counts if I've read anything at all on them ever.

-45. In my defense, I only bought Subnautica for my friend as a bday gift on Xbone since we account share.

I donated to MothersBasement since I liked his Nihon-Falcom video and it was only $1 so I'm not sure how that is weighed so I just checked it anyway.

bought cod aw
currently don' have live

>a stable 30 FPS being acceptable
You people fucking disgust me.

>muh industry

people like you need to go away

Donated to a CS pro streamer once a couple year ago
bought early access game, Rust is pretty fun though

i don't give a shit, you sperg


Would have just been -5 for PS+ but I'm -15 because just gave into buying apples for that F2P Kirby game.

>Bought BF1 (Horrible mistake on my part, already burned out on it, at least I got it for $30)
>Bought Rust

Only guilty of buying DayZ standalone. Holy shit I regret it, and deserve it too.

0 reporting in.

should also add that it was $3 donation to be part of a $100 knife 'giveaway'

Thought if I won I could sell it and buy a couple games

-10 owing to first three hearthstone adventures
I can't be too bad then

I get -20 for purchasing arma 3. But does it still count, as this game is now fully released and it didn't fail?

Silky smooth 60fps or die


I'm denying the importance of proper frames per/second/resolution in 2017

that's all

>Paid for one Kickstarter it wasn't vidya and I got exactly what I expected
>Don't really give a shit about frame rate because I mostly only play genres where it doesn't matter anyway

I kickstarted Yooka-Laylee and don't regret it despite choosing the Wii U version.
I have a Switch now so it's fine but damn I wanna play it.

Framerates and graphics have never really mattered to me so I guess I'm -30.

It's 2017 you nigger. We have the hardware to push acceptable framerates in any game. How can you possibly enjoy playing something noticeably jerky?

I wouldn't, the chart should say 'Purchased an early access game that failed or hasn't released'

I actually got a 0

Donated to kickstarter. Bought cosmetic items for T2F years ago but would not do such a thing now.

Because if it's a good game, it doesn't matter.
If you care about framerate so much, don't even bother playing anything before 2010.


>decline of the industry
>piracy and consumer expectation nowhere to be seen

how embarrassingly dim you are

You need 60 because you're too slow.You vomit every time you turn your head because your brain can't track movement and spacing. Pleb.

this list is bullshit though

Why would anyone give a fuck if you're called a casual or not?


The only thing I've done is bought a few cosmetics

>Funded a Kickstarter
Shovel Knight and Hollow Knight are great games though


I didn't even think about non vidya Kickstarters. I also backed Don Hertzfeldt on Blu-Ray and the scrollplay deck box.

weak bait

Literally Zero.

Feels good man.


it's just a dumb chart, I don't think anyone actually cares that much

-5, I bought a PSN subscription. It really wasn't worth it.

>if it's a good game, it doesn't matter
There's something seriously wrong with you my man

>good games can't be under 60fps
kill yourself my man

-5, only for paying for PS+

Redditard spotted

Some early access games are legitimately worthwhile though.

Yeah, he obviously doesn't belong on Sup Forums

Shovel Knight counts as Early access?

-65, I purchased Arc and only after that did I realize that Early Access was a meme, and I donated to a streamer but it was like the final dollar of a visa gift card


What do I win?

Then say something of value. If it's weak it should be easy to refute. You have nothing though. Strong facts are strong.

-10 cosmetic in a f2p game (Star Trek Online)
-20 early access game (Minecraft, Starbound)
-5 r/gaming
-5 depending on if clicking a link on Sup Forums directing you to a kotaku/polygon article to talk about it

So -35/-40. Could be worse.


I've got CoD Ghost somewhere and I'm not sure when I bought it second hand (or when it released really)

Also bought The Forest, played it pirated for a while and eventually caved for updates as they came out. I regret nothing. If all Early Access games had a schedule on par with The Forest, the world would be a better place

>consumer expectation
Let me guess, you side with billionaire publishers and hate gamers having standards?

30 FPS is fine for turn based games or games with little action. I don't think Story of Seasons needs to run at a silky smooth 60 FPS unless you wanna have really precise timing putting down those seeds.

60 FPS is the minimum all action games should run at, but not everything needs it.

Not purchased but gifted (-10 I guess?)

So -20?

-10. I have backed three kickstarters, two were for vidya and one was for tabletop RPG.

Kickstarter is OK, but patreon definitely seems to be the superior solution to crowdsourcing funding. Kickstarter got co-opted by corporations to get free money instead of investing it themselves.

Im at 0 but idk if id call myself a cool dude...
Seriously though anyone who isnt at 0 should never post on this board again. Kikestarter, twitch streamers, shitty fps, etc etc its just pure unadulterated cancer.

I mean yeah sure, Divinity OS was good, but 1 out of 100000 is not a good record. Plus i didnt actually pay for it until the game was fully released and had been reviewed.


>watch anime (-10)
>still playing on PC in 2017 (-10)
>purchase games you don't have great interest in just because it's on sale (-10)
>watch Streamers/YouTubers/eCelebs (-15)
>Buy games on Day 1 at full MSRP (-15)
>purchased the Switch on launch (-20)
>dismiss Japanese games as "weebshit" (-50)

>using ad hominem to argue that 30fps is good and 60fps is bad
>tell me to say something of value
This is the last (you) you get for the day.

If I donated 3 dollars to a streamer because I was stream sniping, would that count for the -20?

>daring to enjoy a fun game despite having flaws
What a fucking faggot how dare he

FPS and resolution are important but I'd still play at 720p 30fps if that was the only option available to me.

I bought Caves of Qud so I guess that;s -20 but roguelikes really shouldn't fucking count, i always like updates

-10 I don't get why the marks are set at 37.5 increments

Last COD I bought was Black Ops 3 because I have a massive boner for cyberpunk. When did that come out? Other than maybe that, no to all of those.

>Strong facts are strong.
This is incredibly reddit, surprised you didn't add "sir" somewhere in this post.

P5, Nioh, DQ, Last Guardian, Disgaea, FF XV, Tales, all belong on the right side. They are all pandering weebshit garbage.

Damn looks like I'm a casual! SHeeeeeeit haha!

I only gave a dollar to Bloodstained so I guess I'm a pretty cool guy

I don't care about FPS.

Does it count if the kickstarter was non-vidya related?

If no, then -30


I never said 60 is bad. I said you're a faggot if you think 30 is an unplayable mess. Get a hobby.


I have a PS Quadruple for exclusives and multiplayer with friends. I also paid a modest fee of $5 on Pokemon Picross and felt swindled and disgusted at myself for falling for F2P scams even once.

or -30 if you count the watch I got off kickstarter. Never funded anything else though

Not that it matters what some list compiled by a sperg on Sup Forums says, I can spend my own money however the fuck I want, fuck you

>tfw a pretty cool dude

you forgot neogaf

>if it's a good game it doesn't matter

I still don't understand. Why don't you want something better? Why don't you want something that was standard 30 years ago. Is it some personal offense that you take because there are games that run at 30fps that you like?

>purchases F2P items
>purchased an early access game


To be fair my limiting factor for PSN and donating to streamers is more being fucking poor then not wanting to.

bought an anubis skin for tassadar in heroes of the storm
dont even play him now that blizz decided his shields werent fun

0 reporting in, close call cause i almost donated to a girl twitch streamer

I buy early access all the time

I hate Bethesda and think everything after Oblivion is garbage but I can't help myself. Their trailers and teases are too hype inducing.

Otherwise I don't do any of those things, so I think I'm still cool.

-5 for Xbox Live.
That's about it.


I really needed Shenmue III.

cold war of games when?


PS Plus can suck my dick but i need it for online

The 90s was the best era for games and they didn't have stable framerates.

That -5 feeling

>Last Guardian
Fucking what? I can see the rest of the list if I think like the retard you likely are. However I can't fathom how Last Guardian is weebshit.