How do you treat invasions?

I ran into a noob last night and had a good fight with him. He was fat rolling and all that shit. But once he ran out of Estus, he got super defensive. He tried to summon a phantom once but it timed out on him. He was down to a sliver of health and I ended up dropping an Ember for him.

It was a Watchdog invasion too. I'm surprised.

i hide in a corner and make the invader look for me for 20 minutes

I don't invade in DaS3 because it's pure shit. Mission accomplished for the devs and their overlords at Bamco, I guess: can't have fun invasions driving away all those new players.

I wish people like you would get fucking permabanned.

hahaha what is this gay as fuck shit?

i run toward the nearest ledge and pretend i accidentally backstepped off of it

this sounds good

I like the fight, but also need those sweet sweet covenant rewards. So I drop a "hello" let them finish the NPCs then fight straight up. I don't heal unless they do.

If they have phantoms I'll try to single them out with gestures, but if everyone goes in I open up the playbook. Running away, drawing NPCs, whatever it takes to show them it would've been better to just fight me straight.

I sound like an e-honor fag, but I like playing this way. Let them break taboo, whatever that shit is in these games.

Yeah I love hiding and wasting an invaders time. When and if they eventually find me, I wave and then pull my Ethernet. Good shit

damn, i didnt know such sad creatures existed
you must be a super big loser in real life huh

holy shit must have a victim here get a life lmao

Cuck. That's what you get for invading.

I remember one guy invaded me and we just fucked around for 10 mins droping items and doing gestures, then we fought and got my ass kicked.

but most of the time i just rush to the boss or hide

I just cast chameleon and watch them run around like idiots.

You guys sound like the kind of person who would use Cheat Engine in DaS1 and fuck people's save files.

Spiteful little creatures.

I usually HEY at people if they aren't currently trying to hit me and then I'll hit them until they kill me or I kill them.

>How do you treat invasions?

you welcome them

That's a giant leap in logic there.

>one person
I duel them
>multiple phantoms
I use the NPCs
>they pop a seed of giant tree
I run away and hit all the crystal lizards so they despawn before the host can find them

I pop a giant seed and then hide.

What makes you think anyone would treat someone forcibly entering their game well? If anything, you invading are the kind of asshole who would fuck peoples' saves with cheat engine.

>popping a seed
You're aware that they're complete shit now, right? Invaders abuse that shit and turn it against you more than it'll help you.

I usually just kill myself, it's a pain in the ass trying to find them and it's a pain in the ass dealing with them.


You're actively trying to fuck over someone just trying to make progress and you get angry that they actively try to not be fucked over?

You're a fucking retard. Chameleon exists just to make weak willed faggots like you rage.

>I run away and hit all the crystal lizards so they despawn before the host can find them
Ultimate petty. Hasn't mattered since Dark Souls and if you kill them the host gets the drop anyway.

I find a good safe spot to stand and wait until the invader finds me.
Alternatively, if they're near me when spawning in, I'll quickly kill them before they get a chance to do anything.

i don't play Souls game online. PVP tryhards can eat a dick.

>mfw my strategy for most of my invasions is to invade in inherently dangerous areas and just wait for the host to fuck himself once he gets bored of trying to summon five phantoms

I didn't say I kill them, I hit them once so they flee and despawn

By the time I'm done the seed runs out and I can resume hunting the host, their fault for turning the world against me when they have buttbuddy phantoms clinging to their gooch

>killing the crystal lizard

I fucking hate invasions, I either hide or just make them chase me for 30 mins and then logout.

>Invade shitter in Cathedral of the Deep
>Kill his levelled summon friend 3 times
>Every time he just keeps running around in circles and resummons
>Eventually get bored and camp at the boss fog
>Go make coffee and come back
>20 minutes have passed
>Him and his friend are fighting the giant
>Jump down and kill both of them
I love it when invasions take ages because it means the host is purposefully stopping himself from progressing in the game purely out of an autistic fear of being confronted by another player. Hosts who get upset and pull the plug on their internet are even better.

>all these ultra-bads who can't handle enemies tougher than 3-4 memorizable attack patterns
Maybe try an easier game or stay unkindled

It's a good idea but chances are if they are bad enough to rely on a seed, they're likely to just sit at the bonfire right after you fight anyway.

Primarily play DS1:

As an invader, I typically behave myself unless I find myself in a position to be a super dick. I won't gank them with mobs or pop humanities. Sometimes I just like running around their world opening short cuts because I can. If I repeatedly invade someone that can't defeat me, I'll drop them a chunk or something, wave, and black crystal out.

Bets are off if they have summons, try to summon, run, or are hiding when I find them.

I hate you fucks, but it's really on an invader to know the hiding places in an area and what Chameleon objects are out of place.

I've never even played a ds game
You're just a pathetic loser - the kind you laugh at on the street. You're a cautionary tale

Sometimes I fuck with them by using the white tree branch, but 90% of the time I prefer to just have the duel. I like duels.

When the fuck did people become such sissies over invasion?
I miss when invasions just meant you did whatever you could to end the other's person's life. None of that "honor" bullshit.

Now every invasion has to be a duel of some sorts set off by gesture faggotry because people hang on to some honor code in a game where all you do is kill shit.

>I hate you fucks, but it's really on an invader to know the hiding places in an area and what Chameleon objects are out of place.

I don't even use chameleon. Half the time I just lie down in an open area and watch the invader run circles around me.

I still fight them if they find me though..

You're trying pretty hard, huh?

i'm going to do this now because you are literally cucking the invader. don't get me wrong, i do the "bow and no heal" when i feel like it once in awhile, but this is too good to pass up. imma make them boys into cucks

No it exists for little bitches to feel better about themselves.
It's why female characters have better stats on their specific armors, a girl is much more likely to play as female and the game is easier because of that.
Daily reminder you're just a fucking bitch and everyone thinks it too.
Have fun faggot.

I bet the people who complain about invasions or avoid them are the same ones telling people to git gud over a boss or some shit.

And look at him rage on the internet. Better get some ointment for that booty little boy.

I used to try and set up brawls in pontiffs. Get 3 or 4 invaders, run to the giants, seed and see what happens in the chaos.
Stopped after seed need.

>mfw some fuck invaded me in tomb of giants while I was playing through the area
>just hiding in that first bonfire area, near the ladder
>a good 10 minutes pass, probably more
Eventually he found me and we battled a bit. I tried to use wrath of the gods to push him down into the abyss but he also had the miracle and pushed ME down. Fun times

>you calling anyone else weak willed lel
chop off your balls already and then kill yourself

If I'm invading someone, typically I'll apply poison to the Rotten Ghru Spear, stab the guy a few times until it procs, then just run away and hope they die to the area hazards.

When I'm not doing that I'm just trying to murder as hard as I possibly can, at all costs. If I get close to dying I have no qualms about hiding behind enemies while I wait for regen.

I expect the host to use every tool at his disposal to fuck with me or get past me, just like I do to them.

Cat ring and obscuring ring are best rings.

Need = nerf
Trying to type on a pad is horrible.

you sound really pathetic

I like being invaded, most of the time. Adds some extra excitement.

Sucks that I was never able to get DaS3. PvP in 2 and 1 was fun.

Getting pissed at a videogame is the definition of weak willed. Keep acting like an internet badass though fat boy.

This. Riffraff undesireables

I treat all my invaders well. I am respectful and patient with hosts when I invade. I love a good scrap and always try to fight near a bonfire if I can help it when invading. I send thanks if I win and praise if I lose. I have 90% good times with invasions, even with the people I need to hunt down. I do occassionally run into faggots still. They're usually in full Havels and hiding.

It's not hard to win invasions, all you've got to do is run away forever and wait til they engage a tough enemy then backstab them. Or you could just shoot arrows/magic/knives whatever at them.

>Letting a fat roller use estus at all
He wasn't the only noob at that time.

>mfw used to do this shit all the time in DaS
>With the ring equipped that makes you slightly invisible

Rage? Lol im laughing at you. You're a laughing stock... if you haven't figured it out

There's nothing inherently wrong with full Havel's.

Sounds like you just have an issue with people not playing the game like you want it to be played.

>No it exists for little bitches to feel better about themselves.
You're the same faggot who complains about "noob tubes" and breaks their controller.

Nothing wrong about the Drake Sword and Knight's Shield, but you make assumptions when you find someone using them together.

I always switch to Way of Blue even though dont' generally need it, just because I know they need the items.

Generally reds get scared and immediately black crystal out, because they only know how to duel (and don't actually understand how to invade). There are so many terrible invaders that it's actually a shock when you find a red that stays and knows how to work the level to their advantage.

What do you think he's doing to you as you run around in circles for 20 minutes retard?

Nah...i get what you're thinking, but you dont read the messages. I'm talking about some legit faggotry here.

You're really stupid huh lol
Stay forever a pussified bitch

You know what I miss about PC Souls?

I can't get fanmail anymore. Literally the only upside to GFWL.

>it's a "12 year olds on the internet get mad when someone uses an item/spell exactly how it's meant to be used" episode

You're a nigger aren't you? It shows.

kek I knew Sup Forums would get mad

It's especially dumb since blues will give twice the pale tongues as a host if you defeat them.

So many baddies.

You're probably shaking in your boots and desperately trying to appear dominant in these sad threads but the reality is that the invader is actually laughing at YOU and pretty much everyone thinks you're a loser

>I was only pretending to be retarded

did this with chameleon and he ran past me about 10 times. The second he black crydtal'd out I ran to him and must've been very mad

get your pacifier

>mfw I sit down on a nice overlook and tab out of the game until the host gets bored

I'm not in a hurry :)

The fact that you think anyone gives a fuck what anonymous users on the internet think of them speaks volumes.

you must be one thin skinned mother fucker

damn you sure wasted his 5 minutes time, you're a real winner LOL

Different person, but the majority of invaders are terrible at the game. They black crystal out immediately when there's more than a single person, even though they don't agro and aren't risking anything on a death.

Not saying YOU'RE that kind of invader, I have no clue, but those types make up the majority of invaders. Most of them would rage.

I dont' mind it when people invade because it's just part of the game
What I dislike is when people make lowlevel PvP characters and invade the first few areas in souls games. That's a little bit annoying

It was 20 minutes and I had fun seeing him run past me all the time
I browsed m phone when he was out of sight

Egos are at risk.

Why so incredibly desperate to look like an internet badass? It's so sad.

They literally ran away, though... So mental gymnastics?

You do realize 80% of the invasions are 3vs1?

You think the invaders will fight 3vs1 with a broken straight sword?

How can they turn it against you?

>How do you treat invasions?
Invasions are 'anything goes' affairs.
Chugging, ganking, summoning, twinking, waiting for reinforcements as invader, it's all legit.
If you don't want to take part there's always an option for that.

You replied 15 times and behind this internet pillow castle you've built
You sure seem to care.

I just treat them like another obstacle that adds tension to PvE. PvP was always meant to be a complementary experience to the main PvE, not something to legitimately take seriously. Shame that even From forgot that and lets hosts spawn in 3-4 people. There's pretty much zero incentive to bother with PvP in DaS3

In Dark Souls 3, I once hid in that area with the 2 dogs, while wearing that ring that makes you invisible from a certain distance + the ring that disguises your embers and I just laid down in the water and the fuckers kept running past me, it was hilarious.

user, there's a large gap between using a broken straight sword, and being decked out with end game stuff (and in this game, +3 rings and shit and full upgraded flasks with 7 uses).

Most people in the starter areas are new to the game and don't know shit. Those invaders aren't looking to be good, they're looking to grief new players. Let's not kid ourselves.

Experienced players won't give much a damned, because they don't need phantoms to get through (or you go them to chug 5-6 flasks before you ran out of your 3-4, because they're so bad). It's only to get tongues from casuals.

I try to fight, immediately die, and then continue on with whatever boss I was trying to beat.

Drag powerful enemies that wouldn't otherwise react to their presence into your vicinity.

You still don't see you're the sad one huh
Damn you really need to win this thread.
You must be a really cool person irl I bet :)

They lure mobs to you and will then target you over the invader most of the time.

It then becomes more of a problem than it solves. Even worse when the Seed's timer runs out and they've drag an army to you. at once.

It's not to kill them, it's to pull the invader out of their comfortable spot.

If the host doesn't take advantage of the temporary chaos, then they just wasted the seed.

That's when you know their blood is boiling

I had a dude from China add me after a duel in arena asking me how to do lunging attacks. He messaged me a couple hours later to tell me he got Gold.

I didn't even know they had Dark Souls in China.

I actually did this today.Ran, and hid in the dukes archives for about half an hour, then rebooted my router.I was farming souls to buy all of big hat logans spells.I'm not fucking with that shit.

Been playing DS1 online for the first time(it's surprisingly still active) and I've lost to every invader so far (usually by combustion). How do you git gud at pvp?

My current build is str/faith, 2-handing a BKGS, for reference