We've lost the command post
We've lost the command post
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Really takes me back
did anyone else only play single player?
Completed single player only once or twice, played the shit out of split-screen offline multiplayer. Never played online though.
Battle of Kashyyyk
RIP Commander Gree
RIP Commander Faie
The fucking droid snipers on those platforms in kashyyyk man. Sometimes the AI was brutal.
>Always played local multiplayer with friends as well as the Galactic Conquest mode
>Get it on PC
>"Oh sweet, I get to play it online now"
>Everyone spams roll like fucking madmen
This is Obi-Wan Kenobi, reporting for duty
Just like the simulation!
>it aint me starts playing
Job's done, when do I get paid.
Multiplayer and splitscreen was really fun, there are still somewhat full servers up during the weekend on gameranger.
>BF1's Kashyyyk was just easy mode sniping the map
all those servers were red for me, feels really bad man
I can hardly bring myself to say it, but ... Server when ?
how playable is it on say 250 ping
I got Battlefront 2 with last Star Wars Humble Bundle and still haven't played it. It would be cool.
I think that would be tolerable, go for it. It's not like battlefront requires high precision moving or shooting.
Grab a shotgun.
Proceed to lag-roll through everything.
10/10 I'm mad
We need more troopers like you!
t-thanks, unit2164
I put over 2000 hours into this game split screen on my ps2 back in the day.
Good times
why did they make engineer so good?
>crazy powerful shotgun, spam roll and pop heads
>near instant health and ammo recharge
>motherfucking det packs
>repairs and sabotages vehicles
There was just an update on steam battlefront 2. What the hell was that? Are they removing features in preparation for EA's BF2?
This, what does it do? 12.6 mb update
Why does maps made by community crashed when i was playing with by brother? They worked perfectly well when i was playing offline. I am sure that we have those same maps installed. What's funny, we could join the game, play for 2 minutes and then game crashed for nonhosting player.
Anyone encounter something like this?
Although I'm leaving the force will be with you
Reminder that his death was decanonized
>he says while doing cartwheels through the air after stepping on a mine
Them feels.
Reminder: Sev is now canon, and is no longer dead/missing.
Reminder that he is MIA right before battle of Kashyyyk and TCW is set before it so his appearance in this cartoon haven't saved him.
No he's not. The statement that he's missing in action isn't canon. The entire game isn't canon, only the characters
Uh user, let me explain how canon works. In old canon, he was at the Battle of Kashyyyk. In new canon, he wasn't there at all. He only turns up on Devaron and delivering the corpse of a pair of Jedi. The events of Republic Commando are now not established to have happened.
Is it better to die, or have never existed?
He exists and is in canon, but every event that involves him isn't
>Modded the game so all Trooper classes get that skirt
Felt kind of badass.
That's not what I asked.
>Needing Disney to tell you what is and isn't canon
>Not making your own headcanon with whatever you find awesome and discarding whatever you find stupid
It's not like the games, cartoons etc just vanished because Disney said so.
Well if you never existed that's like dying but without even having fun in life
Also nice quads
Headcanon is kinda cringy and risks conflicting. I'd rather just know exactly what is and isn't canon. To each their own though
I liked it better than BF2's Kashyyyk.
>this qt 3.14 will never appear in any SW vidya or media at all
Why live?
Maybe it's because I played BF1 a lot more, but BF2's HUD looks like such crap to me
I hope Conquest is in the new battlefront. Walker assault is cool and all, but nothing beats some classic Capture Point
That Gunner seat thing was so fun to use
I'm the other way around because I played so much more bf2
You retarded nigger, Lucas himself made the clone wars.
Why did they even fuck with the game modes at all, if they just released the same game with those new graphics it would be the game of the decade.
Fucking DICE. I wouldnt be shocked if they just finally make Battlefront 2 a Battlefield reskin anyways.
Its sad too since they werent that bad until Battlefield 3 came out.
This is what I don't understand, EA is all about profit. Judging from how lazy they are it seems like the easiest and most cost effective route would be to just Remaster Battlefront 2. Everyone, and I mean everyone would play it
Battlefield One was already a Battlefront reskin, expect this to happen until casuals pick up on it in like 5 years like they picked up on CoDs BS.
I think Dice have it in their heads that they need to make their own special version with special balances and modes that only they could come up with. It might seem lazy to them if they just retouched the same game, even though it's the one instance where absolutely nobody would be mad about it. I doubt anyone coming to the new Battlefront games from the recent Battlefield games ever touched the original Battlefronts in the first place, all they really seem to want is the prettiest game possible.
I downloaded Battlefront 2 again the other day, haven't played it in years. I've barely stopped playing it for the past three days. How, how is it still so good?
It was in the Clone Wars video game, ie, tank battles the game
Was fun when I played it in middle school
The time for that has passed though. BF4 was a lazy BF3 reskin without the blue filter. BF Hardline was a BF4 reskin. If they dont pick up now they never will
Maybe thats what DICE thinks but even then it didnt justify the severe lack of content the first time around.
Just plain old fun.
It did for the people who liked shiny things.
I'm kinda excited for EAfront 2.
Should have specified "never appear again".
Also, why is it so good in Battlefront but in CW it's hull made of fucking cardboard?
Not for long though, playercounts died off fast and with the announcement of the sequel they'll die off faster. Even BF1 died off fast, according to this channel at least
Right, but episode in which delta squad appeared aired long before Disney bought lucasfilm. So this show didn't save him, because it is in old canon too in which he is MIA. Disney sort of saved him by decanonizing almost everything so we just don't what happened to any of them. We don't know if any of them survived clone wars.
>No engineer class
fucking dropped
In the short term memory of the AAA crowd, I think it has gone down as a well liked and successful game. I guess we'll see if they expand things for the sequel or not, but it wouldn't surprise me if they did the same thing again and it came and went 'successfully' once again.
I like it because apart from tons of fun content in vanilla game, due to how easily moddable it is it still have tons of new fun content and will get another tons in future. It's still remain fresh
The Clone Wars CGI series is officially part of the new canon since it segues into Disney's ongoing "Rebels" show.
Seriously though, is it really that important whether some suit at Disney thinks the Commandos are canon?
anything that appears in the clone wars or rebels is canon, it's basically been used as a way to save the non shit parts of EU for the most part, hell even the clone commando hud is still canon iirc
>All those years of training... it doesn't really prepare you for all the screaming or the blood, does it?
Didn't fall for it the first time, won't let them do it again. Don't take the b8 user
Currently marathoning all the prequels, max comfy
I loved the originals but I never bothered with the new one. I was thinking about getting it on sale. Does it have insatant action?
No, it's garbage for real don't get it. I thought the same thing user got it on sale during Christmas. Played for 4 hours and stopped, their is no instant action and th multiplayer and game is dead.
pretty good bait
despite what you think of the prequels, they are still pretty comfy to have on in the background
Ah too bad, that's what I thought. Thanks for the warning
What sort of sales did they get for the first one?
>Phase 2 Trooper armor
Fuck out of here
Geonosis was one of my favorite battles in the game because it had the armor design from episode 2
Don't listen too The game got a player vs bots instant action added a couple months after release. It's not perfect but I filled the instant action hole for me. Honestly if you are enough of a star wars fan the new battlefront isn't even that bad. I got a good 70 hours enjoyment out of it.
I loved that, also really wanted to play as the side factions in instant action too
The TX-130 has appeared in an absolute shit ton of stuff. Comics, Battlefront 1 and 2, The Clone Wars game etc.
That armor worked real well, didn't it?
But hasn't appeared in anything Disney related, has it?