Is SMT IV and Apocalypse really that bad?

Is SMT IV and Apocalypse really that bad?
I've only ever played the persona games, strange journey,nocturne and devil survivor games.

I have a 3ds and thought of picking this up for more smt goodness.

Despite what you heard at release, no.
They have their problems but they're still great games in their own right.

Apocalypse is the sequel so play IV first.

Only by a writing stand point. Even then, it's so over the top that it's enjoyable.

This, I find it pretty funny you can Persona it up, or Murder all your friends, a single choice in a dialog box changes the whole tone.

SMT IV being bad?

First I have ever heard that

you should have been around when it came out


IV got bad reception because it was too hard for casual audiences, and SMT fans didn't like the changes and new aesthetic.

The game is very good, and it mostly suffers from sprite based combat. I'd say it's much better than the huge meme that is SJ.

>Meme that is SJ

Hey fuck you

No, fuck you, leatherman.

I liked SMTIV more than Apocalypse and SJ more than both. That said, they're both good games and worth playing. I'd say get Soul Hackers first though, but that may just be me.

It kind of is. The game is fun and all, but it's too unbalanced and mostly shallow, which are all problems from being on the DS. But that doesn't make sense, as the rest of the SMT DS games don't have as many problems. It's very overrated.

I actually enjoyed SH the most just overall even though I know mechanically it might not be the best.

I keep hoping for a translation of the first at some point because it looks like it has that same weird tone.

It got shit reviews because people were expecting a game akin to P3/4 and instead got a more classic dungeon crawler.

Is right. Soul Hackers is the best one on 3DS.

Dagda is a qt

The plot is kinda atrocious especially towards the end and the last dungeon is complete shit but if you don't take it too seriously it's hilarious. From a gameplay perspective it's among the best in the series.

the only other DS smt games are the devil survivors, which are different games entirely

>i've only played persona games
Ah friend, you'll feel right at home with 4 and especially 4A.

they are really boring and easy

like the first game if you can beat first two bosses the rest of the game is a joke

and even then the first two aren't even that hard its just casual filter to get the right skills early on

Is SMTIV really known for being hard? I was stuck on Medusa for a while but ever since it's just abuse saving so random encounters don't dick you over and fish for the boss's weakness and get like 20 extra attacks from Smirking. You can even pay money to come back to life and your demons can still fight on if MC dies.

nope. the only other boss that gave me any trouble was a side quest boss. beelzebub was it. I dunno if I was underleveled but multiple megadolans fuck me up harder than two black dudes fucking a blond chick

>only two
let me know when these games reach poor little white boy of difficulty.

IV just has Minotaur and Medusa as the challenges, rest is easily cheesed.

I enjoyed both, but IV was my first smt game. Looking foward to play SJD
Also for IV:A I found the dub decent.

I will never understand the logic that bosses being cheeseable means they are easy. What's even the point if you are going to play the game that way?

If I can discover how to cheese them with very little to know effort and no outside help, they're either poorly designed or intentionally easy.

I'm not even talking about glitching the game, just using in game mechanics that I've found worked. It shows me the developers didn't put much thought into their product.

What is the absolute BEST SMT game in your opinion

dont be shy

Devil Survivor or II for story.
SMT II for creating everything we love about series

Why would you gimp yourself once you know that the reflect skills are the best thing ever.

Digital Devil Saga 1 and 2 as a cohesive whole. If not them, Soul Hackers but I haven't played everything out there.


Damn not picking that shit up

Atlus retarded

Strange Journey

Is Sakukaja good in IV? Dodging sounds good because it means the enemy loses actions. It's the reason why I've been pumping Agility.

Nocturne for the challenge and bosses
DDS 1+2 for everything else

Devil Survivor 1 for story and atmosphere
Strange Journey for level design
IV:A for battles

No, it's one of my top 10 favorite games of all time and easily my favorite SMT game.

SMT IV is the dark souls if the genre. Be warned.

SMT II, best SMT and probably one of the best RPG's of all time


anime as fuck but I love every bit of it