Buyer's remorse thread
the only good game there is vampire, how could you fuck up so bad and think it's not good?
Shittiest control scheme and no way to remap your bindings. I can't believe I let Sup Forums meme me into buying this shit
>witcher 2 ass
>just cause 2
Shit taste confirmed
>2 hours in Bastion
you're already like a third of the way nigger just finish it
>only 4 hours of mgsv
the game doesn't get bad until the second half when you realize it's unfinished
I put about 4 hours into E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy. Fucking awful game no matter what Sup Forums says.
i avoid buying shit most of the time
>no friends confirmed
>Shitty control scheme
What would you change it to?
how did oyu not like these? they're some of the most simple pleb tier games toenjoy
I would save the money for Factorio instead, fucking shit
Yeah I couldn't get myself to keep playing that game too.
I got to the part where some crack dealers or whatever are gathered in a house, got killed and just never picked it up again
Got caught up in the hype and paid $60 at launch
you're missing out lad.
>giving up at the drug dealers
>taking 3 HOURS to get to the drug dealers
Kill yourself. Please. For the love of all that is holy.
Sonic Lost World is probably the only game I regret buying. The levels were pretty generic and not inspired
I own Factorio and Starbound. Both really fun multiplayer games :) The xs mechs mod for starbound is great
advent rising was fun.
it was OK when it came out, i only got it cause it was a dollar and i remembered playing it
I literally can't imagine someone that doesn't enjoy bastion
It's a pity you can't properly play it nowadays.
>friends aren't autistic enough to play factorio with me
>since you can coop it I don't want to play it alone in case I find someone to coop it with
fucking hate this
The games on the right half are great and you should give them a second chance. For Witcher 1, consider installing a movement speed mod. Might make the experience better for you.
I have about 2 hours for the first one too, luckily it was a sale.
I know the OP is bait, but I honestly don't see why people like JC2 so much. It's just so boring.
tales of symphonia
so comfy but i cant enjoy the combat for 50 hours
It's a "love it or hate it" game, so I understand. If you don't buy into it, it's just a boring shooter with weak RPG elements.
Was it really that bad?
how did you have any confidence in this game after looking at any of the screenshots. its a mobile game port.
You can remap your bindings anytime, get xpadder
> buys starbound
> turns out to be very boring shit with the same thing over and over
> the last version make the things even more linear
> discovers that you can play multiplayer without buying the game, just downloading the last version from GOG
> feel like stupid
> later i try factorio
> have most hours and fun than starbound
> i cant play it multiplayer or download mod, they are protected by login
> all the money i has was spend in starbound
> feel more stupid
> buy a scam game that i can even play full for free and crack a one that requires buy for even better experience
> end my life
No Man's Sky is the biggest buyers remorse i've ever had. Disgusting game
Metal gear v was so bad, god that game was bad, so glad I dumped it.
Should have gotten a PS4 instead
thanks for buying my game
fuck off, Sid Meier.
I got so fucking mad at that ending. This was my first Kojima game, thus my first Metal Gear game. All the way to that point, I fucking loved it. Then the end came, and I immediately uninstalled it, haven't touched it since.
Motherfuckers...I just wanted to be Big Boss...
AC2 was great, all the ones with Ezio were. What is wrong with you?
did you rike it
>Buyer's remorse
More like ADD
Wolfenstein The New Order and Gravity Rush Remastered
>Alien Isolation
pc port is shit
>It's an 'I must tell people that I don't like popular games' thread
Guess that's what I get for being optimistic.I upgraded for this too.
upgraded for this shit too.
Bro I'm same as you, Sup Forums hyped it like shit when it came out, I played it to the end of the main story and had no reason to go back - nothing but average and repetitive in my eyes
I mean...I liked 98% of it...but that 2% was flying-into-a-blind-rage tier of bullshit, and unless a game has actual bullshit (usually mechanics) I can just shrug it off.
No man, I was invested. I was here for the story, the epic chapter in the Metal Gear series.
Are you fucking kidding me?
>first metal gear game
>here for the story
What the fuck, the story relies heavily on having played the previous entries
I think people only have a special spot for JC2 because of the very early magical MP days before it was ruined later on during official release.
JC2 itself as a ton of content, but most of it is copy and pasted.
Its pretty good, it just gives you no sense of closure because Square Enix made the devs split it into two parts and then decided to cancel the second part.
Not sure if its worth $60 though.
this post is shitty bait you fucking mongoloids
>actually buying NMS
Tbh I watched a lot of the story content on Youtube, so I had a good idea going in.
First MG game I played though.
Only good game here is Bastion
>Thief 2
What? WHat?WHAT?
The JC2 world was beautiful at the time of release.
My favorite thing was calling in one of those super fast private planes and fly it all around the islands, sometimes upside down.
>Buying SP games
Wrong reply?
Why would you do this? Do you literally have no internal alarm system or bullshit detector?
its boring and controls like shit
They would have been good games without any wops in them.
for honor
Yeah, I meant to reply to the Just Cause 2 posts.
Not even going F2P could bring it back
How autistic are you?
F2P started off strong and got worse over time
I played during F2P but optimization was too shit
Alien Isolation wasn't that bad, man
Some of these are just due to crap PC ports, but man, Darksiders is one of the most overrated games I have played in my entire life
>bought both dihonored 2 collectors edition and preordered Deus ex mankind divided
>Metro 2033 Redux
That better be because you prefer the original Metro 2033
First 3 episodes were good, 4 was okay-ish but 5 ruined all of it
Really? I liked Darksiders a whole lot. A decent mix of Zelda and Devil May Cry.
Some other games on that list: Fable, while not as good as the hype, was still pretty enjoyable imo. Middle-earth, really fun game for at least a full playthrough. To the moon was a really well written and presented story.
are you not a fan of multiplayer RTS, or what's the issue
>Witcher 2: Ass
Ahaha that's funny. Was that the joke of this thread? Good thread guys.
>Rome Total War
Are you actually a stupid faggot?
>cube world
Don't trust indie or Brits when buying games, best example is no man's sky.
Alpha protocol wasn't a complete shit bomb. I recommend giving it another try.
I can accept that a lot of games on that list I can recognize might be good/fun and I'm just not into them, but to the moon was absolute garbage. When people praise the writing, I sincerely wonder if we were playing the same game. It feels like something written by someone raised on a steady diet of anime and crippling social anxiety. Not a single character talked like an actual person. I powered through for two hours before I couldn't handle it anymore. Whatever cool narrative structure was built was completely lost on me due to the fucking god awful dialogue.
I thought the first 3 were absolute trash loved the fourth and dropped the fifth.
It's definitely under "try again after I've pounded back a few". I liked the dialogue from what I played, and the diplomacy system seems actually contextualized and thought out but man, that gameplay was rough
>system shock 2
>dude sex
why are people seriously responding to this, it's exclusively made up of Sup Forums's favorite games, the only way they could make the bait more apparent was if they threw new vegas or something
> Witcher 3
> Skyrim Special Edition
> Metal Gear Solid V Phantom Pain
Open world meme is just not for me.
Yeah, I get you on that, I just recently completed it myself after doing the same thing you did.
The decision making actually does have repercussions which is nice. Although I'm just saying in my playthroughs because I had so many steam games (which im down to below 30 I haven't played yet from 100+) I simply play on normal difficulty or hard, depending on the game, and play through it to experience it, then choose to come back to it later and move on to the next game.
I realized the thing stopping me from finishing the games on my lists were to be a perfectionist and whatnot, getting by that I have made a nice dent.
Imo, worth a play through at least on regular difficulty, so that you can at least progress without frustration.
by play I mean beat (see ending credits at the very least) Possibly come back for DLC and side missions at a later time, or try a harder difficulty if I enjoyed the game at a later time.
>Lost Planet 3
>Cortex Command
>Tom Clancy's R6 Siege
>Alien: Isolation