What games will let me romance a little girl and have her fall in love with me?
What games will let me romance a little girl and have her fall in love with me?
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inb4 triggered newfags
Someone post that image of loli games.
I lost it myself.
Nice try CIA
I lost it too and no one ever posts it anymore because Sup Forums hates loli now.
none, hopefully
Right on cue
Fire Emblem
Does this count?
etrian odissey
Wrong! Don't let reddit win the battle, fight back with cute Rolls and white panties!
>Sup Forums hates lolis now
Truly we are become reddit.
Dr Bernd, I'm Unteraltebach
why are newfags so fucking gay? i mean, im gay too, but at least i respect other people's sexual desires
White panties with a little bow on the front are patrician taste.
That's the one.
dead game
is this the game that caused /agdg/ to meltdown a while back
I was about to post one, this world is way to small
This a thousand times.
>well-made well-drawn loli sim is actually hiding the fact it is really a biting social commentary game mixed in with being a parody game
>Sup Forums hates lolis
You fucking wot, I do not
LDF (loli defense force) reporting in
Coropata is surprisingly hard. I thought it would be a simplistic kid's game.
Redhead hacker girl deservved her own VN desu
The satire was crazy and the humor pretty okay for being so memey
What kind of fag doesn't like smooth tight cunny?
Anne-Marie is better
a lot of games on that list are actually games and not loli sims
You think it's cool being a pedo, bro? You sick f*cks should be thrown under the prison. That's a little girl you're j*rking off to.
>fall in love with me
Delusion the post.
Loli get out of there, that's a death trap.
isn't it something like that The Incredible Machine game, how can that be hard
>when she realizes there is no candy
reddit the post
Pepe was always ours newfag.
You seriously think that girl is real ? It's made of fucking pixels! You sick fucks who can't distinguish fiction from reality should be put in a asylum before you go kill someone after playing GTA!
>That's a little girl you're j*rking off to.
I know, that's why she's so delicious.
>that whole Ace Attorney section
>Bernd losing his shit for 80% of the game
>complete slander of that german singer
>ITS A PIECE OF CAKE TO BAKE A PRETTY CAKE and motherfucking Pedobear as a plot-point
15 minutes could not go by without getting a genuine laugh out of me.
i can not
It happened in the movie Léon
Reddit has take dozens of memes from Sup Forums over the years and they eventually fall out of favor on Sup Forums, why do pepefags still insist on reusing this trash all the time.
So was rage comics but people don't post those anymore for the same reason
Fuck off faggot, try harder next time to be part of the "cool" and "edgy" ANONEEMOOS website
Kill yourself.
Well there is this one here
Dragons Dogma might count.
And in one of the Agarest games you can literally impregnate a little girl and have a kid with her.
Never for you, in real life, thank God.
Persona 5
>in a movie so it's real
Why do lolifags think they're metally sane and worth the oxygen they take in?
Rage comics were always shit, it had a few clever ones. Not enough for it to live on. Pepe is applicable to anything.
>why do pepefags still insist on reusing this trash all the time
Because they are reddit, and they lack any sort of creativity and originality to make anything fresh themselves. So they latch onto it like a parasite with little edits here and there to keep it "fresh".
There's a surprising amount of tension and emotion in this.
I'm interested. Is there a sauce?
DD:DA doesn't really count since you can technically marry ANYONE, but only 4-6 characters in the world have dialogue to reflect the change/unique ending dialogue, and the tsundereloli is not among them
What the f*ck is wrong with you? Can you please point me to where you are getting these pictures so I can report them?
>there are people on this website getting triggered by lolicon
what the fuck happened to this place?
>in a movie so it's real
Why do lolifags think they're metally sane and worth the oxygen they take in?
Rage comics were always shit, it had a few clever ones. Not enough for it to live on. Pepe is applicable to anything.
Stardew Valley with the Jaz romance mod
GG brought reddit who never left.
Why are you so bereft of originality and humor that you're still using a 4 year old meme that has long stopped being funny.
You should call the cyber police.
Faggots were drawn in and then stayed and grew offended
>Sup Forumsirgin so butthurt about a group of people jerking off to cartoons he has to burst into every thread and throw feces
>lolicon was always okay
It used to be popular, pedoshit.
Cry a river
Holy shit who is the artist.
Léon is based on Luc Besson's own experiences in life
>4 year old meme
Newfaggot alert.
This is a thing?
Brb reinstalling, maybe it'll give me actual motivation to beat this game.
Is recettear not considered a loli? That game is really good either way
Glad to see Jill getting some love.
Kill them, there is everything wrong with pedo "love"
Yes ,a meme for 4 years old people like you
>People are honestly replying seriously to someone who censors himself
This is the reason Sup Forums is shit. You just have to reply to the most obvious bait.
I dont know, Carl
times change
So you didn't see the movie and don't understand it at all, then?
lol epic, a rare pepe, that is some good sh*t
i think he means a list where youre a guy and you want a loli to fall in love with you
I did not see the movie, give a quick rundown.
The only place easier to bait is Sup Forums. I'm banned on there for 7 more days though :^)
Please leave, reddit.
What is the fastest to offend them?
Watch it. Hell if I had to write up a list of 30 must see movies, I'd fucking include Léon (aka The Professional), it's that good.
Absolute Gary Oldman kino too.
It's basically Lemmings, except you only have on Lemming. Some of the puzzles have weird solutions you wouldn't really expect. The loli also gets tired quickly, so solutions that look like they should work often don't because the loli runs out of energy.
post a black male fucking a white female, preferably with a jewish porn director in the background
That doujin is 10/10
I said give me a quick rundown.
no, you will watch it
This list has Ib but not The Witch's House?
Did it ever release?
>loli fags think they are welcome in Sup Forums when moot deleted the loli board ages ago
Too bad fag, I'm not going to watch a film trying to justify your sick tendencies.
>When you started learning Jap a few months ago and can read and understand 75% of this
It was all worth it
Yep. It actually tells a pretty interesting story that tugs on your heart strings to explain why Jaz would want somebody so much older too.
Again you prove yourself to be a gigantic newfaggot.
Cease replying to me.