Naughty Gods does it again

Name developer capable of doing more appealing realistic female character models than naughty dog.

You just can't, no protip required.

Impossible mode:
No quantic dream
Kill yourself mode:
Tomb raider reboot SE

That's an impressive webm quality.

Injustice 2, too ez
Inb4 realistic with nice appaerance, not manjaw girls, you fag

Chloe's MP model in UC4 doesn't have the same ass. it's lazy, soft and saggy, i'm happy they do her ass justice in the DLC




Square Enix
Kojima Productions
Team Ninja
Suda 51/Grasshopper Manufacture
Sony Santa Monica
Crystal Dynamics
Is that enough?

And before you sperg out over 'weebshit' remember: Realistic is such a dumb descriptor as real human bodies come in the whole spectrum from total eyesores to worth-making-a-marble-statue-of.
Appearance is part down to the lottery of genetics and part putting in effort.
Even a body as perfect as 2B's may exist in reality; so Japan wins again, faget.

These companies are capable but they just don't because real is boring. Those two in the OP are boring looking, may as well be Drake and Sully.

>that much blatant focusing on her ass
>Sup Forums calls this a sjw game

The company is SJW, and we have not seen too much of the game so don't count your chickens before they hatch sir.

>And of those

Hmm i get why you didn't show any actual pictures to prove your point.

>Crystal Dynamics
Kill yourself she looks autistic.

See this That is me, that is why I listed those companies.

Welcome to modern-Sup Forums where everything can be SJW if you hate it enough.

remember, if a game doesn't allow me to demean women as much as shelley did to me that time I asked her out in 6th grade, it's SJW

Naughty Dog is the best at animating, they're trash at anything else

The world is going SJW user, it's slowly happening, like it did for the internet. I predict by the year 2020 porn and stand up comedy will be government controlled.

haven't you bought your water filters yet?

They're good at graphics as well desu.

Nope not yet.

See fucking what?
They aren't capable of doing realistic and appealing like naughty dog and quantic dream is.
Kill yourself. You are wrong.

No western developer can make female character models for shit. Right now nobody comes close to Witcher 3. Everything else is trash in comparison. And this emphasis on female protagonists with SJW identity politics video games does not translate to sales. Just look at March NPD, Horizon bombed very fucking hard selling half as many copies as Zelda and charting underneath Mass Effect Andromeda. It barely beat GTAV, a four-year-old game

well you're going to become gay like the frogs.

CDPR is western you dumb shit.

None of those companies make convincing animations or work with realistic artstyles though except neo-crystal dynamics

>that jewish nose


Realism is BORING,

why did they turn her into a pajeet?

Looks like some arab. Thanks but no thanks.
I am white.

I do like how CD modeled nu-Lara, it's hard to explain but she looks slightly "stylized" in a way that keeps her out out of uncanny valley


are u sure?


>Realism is BORING,
>My retard brain has been conditioned by shit artists in the video game industry to think that realistic is boring when in reality those artists are just fucking shit.
fuck off would ya?
>Realistic or appealing
kek fuck off

Nu-Lara is BEST Lara!

muh dick

Whatever Naughty Fag.

Post the full pic pls

>jew nose
no thanks


>Post the full pic pls
This is a BLUE FAMILY board user!!

Stop it!

Naughty? Yagoddamnrite


this argument doesn't really work because videogames are an artistic medium and creating realistic renders is just as challenging as creating stylized caricatures

sauce pls


she's ugly

pleb taste. Elena is cute!

nah she looks like shes 50 in that pic

Why is Nadine fighting with the good guys again?

Sauce me up senpai.


Go outside for a walk if you want realism in games you fucking faggot

>When nintendo has no chance of saving your


No one will ever top Capcom.

>but nintendo
Nobody is talking about Nintendo, platformfag


No, Elena is not cute, if you want cute then Peach is the girl. Elena looks tired and old, she looks married, that's good for some but not for most of us on Sup Forums

>When nintendo can't save you

I forgot them in my list because I was mainly pointing to companies who do unrealistic characters but I do agree that they do a fine job with the ladies.

Realism is for actual brainlets. Its not even an artstyle, its a lack of one.

They look pretty normal.

I mean, they're attractive, but in a really boring way.

No realism is needed to make what you are looking at extra engaging. Giving it as much nuance as possible.
It is only boring if what you are showing is boring. But if you are able to show something artistic while keeping it real, it becomes that much more impactful.

It is the reason why Blizzards super high quality CGI cinematics are so goddamn great compared to the in-game shit.
Call it hyper-realistic if you must.

>something artistic while keeping it real
What does this even mean?

>No realism is needed to make what you are looking at extra engaging
Only if you're a brainlet who can't handle anything unique or interesting.