W8 wot?

>make the greatest rpg ever
>dumb it down to an action game.
>be credited for making the greatest rpg ever, again

How does he do it?

Advanced intelligence

You're talking about Oblivion with the 1st point, right?

only if you buy dat horse armor

Not even gonna lie, I loved Oblivion so much that I bought the Horse Armor pack because it bothered me that I didn't have all the DLC.

microtransactions are now called mods.
you like mods right?

That didn't work out too well when you tried it on Steam, Todd...

>greatest rpg ever

literally one of the most overrated games ever

now tell me your favourite rpg and I will tell you it sucks

daggerfall is miles better

thats actually true

inferior magic and alchemy system

Not him, but the only RPGs in my 3x3 are Morrowind, Gothic II and Dragon's Dogma.

The trend of the series seems to be that they're getting worse, how bad will TESVI be? I haven't given Daggerfall a proper try yet, but I'll take your word for it for now.

>how bad will TESVI be
every mountain is now voice acted

I am coding a RPG videogame and have been for a couple of months

Throw me some ideas about what you'd like to see in an RPG

furry nigger faggots

The difference is user was right about Morrowind.


By the same 4 people!

Char Creation is a cheat mode.
If you want to play the game on easy play it on easy.
If you think exploiting a broken mechanic is any different you are only lying to yourself.

I bet you're "coding" with RPG maker.

Uh, joinable factions that actually matter and can lock you out of quests from other factions or even make them hostile.

Elemental vulnerabilities and strengths. like ice monsters don't take ice damage and shit.

Arcane guns, guns with crystals and runes on then.
Works like telekinesis staffs/wands that pushes projectiles with magic.

So what RPG mechanics are gonna be taken out or dumbed down farther this time for TES: VI? This series and Fallout have already reached the boundary of what can even be considered a real RPG at this point so I can't think of anything.

Daggerfall is No Man's Sky with skeletons
If Skyrim is broad as a lake and shallow as a puddle, Daggerfall is just a giant patch of mud.

Nice memes


not the guy, but if the developers are too lazy to fix it than it's not the user's fault that they are going to use what's in the game.

if they didn't want it to work, they would have gotten rid of it.

I wanna be a underage looking boy/trap that has sex with monsters like when I was a elf in dragon rage inquiries

You now have only one attribute, and it's just your level. There are three skill trees; Warrior, Mage, and Thief. There are one handed and two handed weapons, no different stats for swords, axes, or maces. Each school of magic has one spell, with reskins that have the same stats like fire beam and ice beam. Stealth cannot possibly be dumbed down any more as far as I can tell.

This will all be justified by saying it's the freedom to play your way without worrying about stats and the normalfags will love them for it.

TES VI will be the End of Elfanealion, with the player tasked to stop the Elves from tanging Nirn

Nice memes

The potential of Daggerfall is better. The reality is a 99.9% of all its landmass, towns, and "quests" are completely forgettable, pointless, and useless.

If it's a meme where the fuck did all of the attributes, skills, weapon types, armor types, armor pieces, and spells from Morrowind go?
No matter which game you think is better they're catering to the lowest common retard.

>make greatest adventure games ever
>hop aboard open world meme
>copy skyrim, replace cookie cutter identical draugr crypts with cookie cutter identical shrines
>remove all sidequests
>be credited with redefining the open world genre

I'd rather they do that than pander to miseryguts like you, faggot.
This is a game, games are fun, not needlessly obtuse and boring.

easy alchemy system that's actually useful
not really into RPG but all of them I've played doesn't even require that much potion n stuff

>copy skyrim
Too bad nothing resembles Skyrim's gameplay and manages to be better overall as well.

Of course, it's okay when Nintendo does it.

Well if you say so. More to do with it being actually better.