Why didn't you pre-order Stormblood?
Don't you want to liberate Ala Mhigo and Doma?
Why didn't you pre-order Stormblood?
Don't you want to liberate Ala Mhigo and Doma?
Other urls found in this thread:
I did, dont even know why because I cant even play early.
Ala Mhiggers can rot
I'm down for liberating Doma though
$30 upfront cost. $15 a month sub. $30 for last expansion. $40 for new expansion. Cosmetic microtransactions. Extra $2/month for each additional storage NPC. $20 server transfer fee. Having to wait to join same server as a friend after you buy the game.
Community: adding a new race/job/housing/dungeon/armor/effort takes too much dev time and money! Don't make your expectations so high!
Someone have a list of all the good Zurvan weapons?
How many rape sidequests will this feature?
I'd like to hype, but that last fanfest...
Filthy DPS main here
I'm laughing my fucking ass off over SAM being DPS
Can't wait to see how fucking weeb the 3 bar limit break will be
Yeah, I can't wait for the new cycle of grinding the same 2 dungeon months to cap while I wait for the weekly lock out to do 4 raid bosses and then afk in the new Idylshite once that's done
What is with that Be Just or Be Dead looking costume
Uniform of the Crystal Braves, an in-universe private army
It no longer exists because story reasons
>disconnect during cutscene
>get back into the game after waiting for my character to logout
>half the sounds are gone and now have to restart the game
That sucks. It looks fuckin rad.
That's what you get for being a filthy c@
It was aite
>liberate Ala Mhigo
The only thing that was liberated from Ala Mhigo was intelligence.
>Community: adding a new race/job/housing/dungeon/armor/effort takes too much dev time and money! Don't make your expectations so high!
Same thing happened with FFXI. The money-grubbing wasn't as blatant, but the community was so willing to throw itself in front of any criticism on behalf of the developers, who probably didn't give two shits either way.
It's (partly) how XI absolutely shat itself and brought about its own end. Changes could be undone, but the cries of "Who cares if everything is faceroll easy now, and nobody does skillchains!? Don't set your expectations so high!!"
>I'm laughing my fucking ass off over SAM being DPS
>friend who hates DPS sees this
>mfw all of that mad
>Want to free Mhiggers
Cant wait to cut the moon in half desu
T-the benchmark will surely surprise us, right?
I'm thinking I'll make a macro to say "Once again, I have cut a worthless object" whenever I get to use LB3
>Get Bismarck story for Trial roulette
>Island keeps getting damaged, nobody activates dragonkillers
>Healers standing around doing nothing. Both have Padjali weapons
>Bismarck finally gets pulled in
>Melee leap on and hack away
>BLM and BRD refuse to hop on
>Padjali and Kinna weapons
Every time.
>Can't wait to see
About 60 min
>tfw get call from work telling me i have to come into work literally 5 minutes after i finalized my eb date and now have to wait til friday to change the date
shit fucking sucks at least give me like 24 hours to change it before you impose a week long wait
I liberated myself from playing this casual shitfest of an MMORPG
At least XI was more consumer friendly. Hell you didn't even have to buy the game for the PS2, as long as you had a disc to install it
Looking forward to seeing a SMN with the same shitty 2.0 egis
Anybody got a stream running, or is this not one of the pay2view events?
>goes to friends place
>Can you log into FFXIV on my ps4 real quick to craft something
>Sure mate
Please buy a FFXIV content ID for this platform.
>quadruple the budget of HW
>no new race
>only 2 jobs
>literally nothing of interest being added
Because it's just another MMO and offers nothing exciting to the table.
not one of alphinaud's better ideas
>When you remember 14 pulls in more money than 15 on sub fees alone
>Community defends decisions as poor Square Enix couldn't afford better updates
>>quadruple the budget of HW
This is a myth
>finally get my account working after a week of it fucking around
>download the game through out an entire day
>finally go make my character
>Pick a server
>told Balmung is the best choice
>it's literally never open
>>told Balmung is the best choice
What the fuck is this.
Daddy of light. Dad doesn't think playing games is a good use of time so he gets it to see what his son does all the time. Son and dad meet up in game but don't know it's them real life. Dad helps son with real life issues in game with some shilling of old game content thrown in the mix.
It's not good and Famfrit is much better than Balmung for servers.
>*teleports behind everyone*
>pssh, nothin' personal
>slices everyone's life in half including party members
>Please buy a FFXIV content ID for this platform.
I honestly would not mind re-buying XIV for my PS4 but re-purchasing Heavensward and stormblood is what makes me not.
it's a tripshit, don't respond
Persona 5 finally pulled me away from this game and I can safely drop it until SB comes
I wonder why they gave up on different egis.
I'll reply because muh BLAZBLUE faggotry, but don't choose Balmung/Gilgamesh or even the Aether DC, you'll regret it.
Also, try choosing a DC that's closest to you.
Is there a problem with those ones?
All I've been told is that Balmung is the most populated server and has people RPing which can help with atmosphere/means people are more talkative. Additionally a friend of mine is on Balmung but he doesn't play much anymore so yeah.
What would be best otherwise then?
>told Balmung is the best choice
Never listen to /vg/. Just find another populated server and you'll be fine. Surprised there wasn't any Daddies cummies in the thread.
I would furiously ravage Geva for being such a super bitch all the time
Balmung is the most populated NA server and there is a lot of RP. The kind of RP though...well, since Balmung is high pop, it'll be hard to create on there. You can always transfer into it, I believe. And transfer in general, so you're not stuck there forever if you don't like it.
>has people RPing
You forgot an E
It's the den of degeneracy.
Check for a sample of what awaits you there.
Choose any other populated server that's in NA if you're in NA.
Just don't come to Ultros, neogaf is here and everyone fucking hates them
roleplayers tend to not want anything to do with you if you dont role play and the server isn't as talkative as it seems
i play on balmung
Geva was great.
sorry that was for point still stands though
Doesn't transfer cost real money though?
I was told there was ERP, but I was told there was non-E RP as well, and the latter was good for atmosphere.
Which ones are populated then? Any recommendations. I'm in EU for what it's worth, but I find NA servers in everything are more talkative thanks to more people speaking english as standard.
>Doesn't transfer cost real money though?
It sure does.
If you're in the EU you really should go EU (i.e. Chaos DC) because the latency is much better. The servers are located in Frankfurt. Just avoid Moogle, Shiva and Zodiark because the French/German concentration over there is high and they're terrible players.
If you're EU, go for Odin or Cerberus, they're the two most active EU servers according to unofficial censuses.
I'm on Cerberus for what it's worth
>implying Alphi has good ideas
>they're terrible players
That's Chaos in a nutshell.
Only this datacenter can fail basic shit even Aether can do.
>long queue times for my next duty
awww yeaaaaa
Only Sharia Law can bring order to the West.
I'll check out Odin or Cerberus later today then. Couldn't hurt to try them out.
>mfw had to login to moogle because couple buddies already had lv 60 characters there
The fucking frogs, man. They're fucking untolerable.
Was a great idea, but executed in the worst way imaginable
Yep, they act like they own the place.
On Cerberus everyone shouting speaks English, the only times I see French, German or even sometimes Spanish in the public chat is in Idleshire FC recruit ads.
The worst from Ultros is trash talk in Limsa and maybe the occasional retardation on /shout. But it's a harmless kind of retardation. I don't know the top 5 most populated English speaking servers though. Otherwise I'd honestly try all of them just to see what they're like.
He needed his onee-chan to ground him. A shame though, things really looked like they were working out pretty well.
But they're adding 2 new jobs, a new housing district and plenty of dungeons and armor in Stormblood, and if HW was any indication, plenty of dungeons and armor and quests and other content in subsequent patches.
You're acting as if the game is literally the same today as it was in 2.0, which is blatantly false.
Launcher doesn't update files, and I tried troubleshooting for 2 hours to get it to work.
Square was like "lol you shouldn't have redeemed the code first"
It's like they're allergic to money.
Well, there's no frog spam in public chat, other than the frog FC ads.
But the noob central? All frog. Nothing but frog.
And if you call that shit out, they start crying racism because noobchat isn't mandated by SE to be english-only.
>"lol you shouldn't have redeemed the code first"
I was retarded and bought Heavensward off SE when I own the steam version. Just email customer service and they'll fix it.
>mfw HW goes on sale a month later
Is i249 good enough on a tank to do the big pulls everyone usually does?
*in Expert roulette
>But they're adding 2 new jobs,
Wow, I hope they're not overworking themselves
>a new housing district
Who gives a shit
>and plenty of dungeons and armor
Which are all the same straight lines and robes with a new coat of paint
>and if HW was any indication, plenty of dungeons and armor and quests and other content in subsequent patches.
HW was hardly "plenty"
>You're acting as if the game is literally the same today as it was in 2.0, which is blatantly false.
Only it is.
They were all 265/270 so I don't know what was happening here
But bro, I already have.
>13 dollars a month
no thanks
Been trying to teach some people a8s and god damn these fuckers still dont get it after 3 weeks. I just want my fucking midan gun glamour.
If I'd known it was gonna be this much of a pain I wouldn't have spent all my pages back in 3.2 on alt job weapons.
>inflating the costs of everything
also you don't have to pay for heavensward after stormblood comes out
This guy's voice is cancer.
>I'm laughing my fucking ass off over SAM being DPS
You are literally two months late
As is his humor. Nicely edited videos though.
Literally 20 minutes wage
I've been laughing this entire time nigguh
>no healslut doujin series where WHM and SCH bully AST, and AST takes revenge by getting a full party to rape them with the help of card buffs to fuck faster, harder, or recover more quickly
Unsubbing as we speak desu.
>no doujin where everyone has to rape BRD to activate songs
Cancelled my Stormblood pre-order!
only if Eos and Selene get it too.
What does Sup Forums think of Very Merri? I need someone to laugh at and he's hit or miss. I like his voice though.
>Decide to become a DRK
>Think it's gonna be edgy shit
>The quest chain ends up being the best quest chain in the entire game and unironically my most favorite story in the entire game as well
>Has a satisfying conclusion that I loved every moment of
>Get another quest immediatly after it ends
>Mfw Shadow the fucking Hedgehog shows up and I realize that he's my new class trainer
>no doujin where ast is deleted from the game and they make something good in its place
would cum buckets
>trial roulette
>tank falls in the last phase
>4 people instantly leave
Fucking aether. I want to go back to primal.
>no doujin where several tanks punish a slutty DRG that died to an AoE for being such an useless slut
>Shadow the Hedgehog
scholars can get godlike numbers on trash mobs
>50-60 teach you loli power is the strongest power
>people think it's bad
Good videos and just like Larryzaur, if only he weren't a cat I'd sub to him
I miss Ilberd. I wanted him to become a Primal so he could get a character arc