Games with old Sup Forums loved, but which nu-Sup Forums hates

Games with old Sup Forums loved, but which nu-Sup Forums hates.

I don't understand how based Team Ninja made such horrible/garbage game

Because Sakamoto forced them. They've said in interviews that they pretty much only did what Sakamoto told them. Any suggestion they had ( Like NOT making the control also use the nunchuk ) were refused.

old v hates it too you fag

why Nintendo gave the series to that hack?

Cause he came up with it to begin with. Even though Nintendo has been branching out with new blood quite successfully recently, they still want to have one of the original guys overseeing anything. Time will tell if they get Sakamoto to release his death grip on the franchise any time soon.

>Like NOT making the control also use the nunchuk
Whoops somehow mangled the sentance, I meant ONLY use the wiimote

He worked on other Metroid games, Fusion was railroaded in it's story but is generally considerd fine.

Other M Sakamoto went off the deep end, literally pulling a Lighting.

What is with all this attempted revisionist history on Sup Forums? It's happening with dark souls 2 threads as well

Go pick fights on twitter, faggot.

>picked up Other M on a lark for $5 years ago
>never played it
>think recently maybe I should give it a fair shake just to see everything for myself

>kittens chewed through the Wii U's wii remote sensor bar wire

I thought Fusion was pretty lackluster and very limited in it's exploration until 3/4 into the game or later. You're basically stuck doing one area at a time for most of the game with little to no chance of sequence breaking. Which kinda sucks in my opinion.

>Time will tell if they get Sakamoto to release his death grip on the franchise any time soon.
I don't think Sakamoto has a death grip on Metroid, if he did there wouldn't be so many spin-offs.

I think the painful truth is that nobody within Nintendo really cares enough about Metroid to want to take over for him. Metroid's lack of popularity in Japan has really come back to bite it in the ass, because it means that there are no new developers that grew up playing the games and want to make the next big one.

Sup Forums hated this game the moment it was released.

Its funny because Fusion only exists because Miyamoto didn't let Sakamoto work with Retro in Prime, and he wanted to prove that he still had it.

Didn't work out obviously, since Prime 1 was as good as Super and Fusion was just "fine"

>Games with old Sup Forums loved, but which nu-Sup Forums hates.

What it lacks in exploration it makes up for in story, level design, boss design and gameplay fluidity.
Metroid Fusion is excellent, you simply need to stop expecting another Super Metroid.

It was a dual project between Sakamoto, who made shit decision after shit decision (missile-aiming, story, etc.), and Hayashi who only managed to make decent games when he had Itagaki's template to copy, and even then they were still worse than the original

I still remember all the Mass Effect # threads on Sup Forums, i think that was part of the reason for the creation of /vg/, good thing those cancerous fucks are now contained.

That said ME2 was ok.

what is it with metroid fans and revisionist history?

Don't you realise? Once a youtuber makes a cult video explaining why a videogame is shit, the entire discourse surrounding that game just becomes a copy and paste of shit in that video.

Metroid other m is a fun game, yes it's flawed, but not anywhere near flawed enough for it to go into "shit" territory

There will literally never be another metroid game

You're doing this on purpose you fuck. Have your (you)


There literally was a remake of 2 released short time ago

exactly the kind of faggot response I'd expect from the hivemind

your post doesn't deserve anything more dignified

doesn't make my statement untrue

Old Sup Forums did not love that game


>It's happening with dark souls 2 threads as well

that's only because some e-celeb fag released a badly done video defending DaS2 that "shits" on a video another e-celeb fag made listing all the legit complaints about DaS2

This is how it's always been, it's just like real world history. What really happened, you had to be there for to know for certain.

>Games with old Sup Forums loved, but which nu-Sup Forums hates.
really sad how many neo/v/ cucks hate on this gem :-(

>Games with old Sup Forums (progressive, high-brow) loved, but which nu-Sup Forums (reactionary, low-brow) hates.

Sonic adventure. Ocarina of time.