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Garbage that only exists for edgy Alicefags.


this can't possibly exists

American McGee's Alice - masterpiece
Reddit Returns - garbage

could you elaborate?

Beautiful game with mind-numbingly boring gameplay

I enjoyed it, but fights weren't that satisfying

My dick begs to differ.

I liked it, gave me many feels.

Tried to run it but it kept crashing so I gave up.

I liked the first one. I bought this in a sale but it runs so poorly on my computer it was basically unplayable. I don't even think my PC is that bad, just that the optimization was shit.

If this game ran like shit on your computer you need a better computer.

Well maybe but the game came out in 2011 and I can still play games that come out now perfectly fine.

>this can't possibly exists
>Alice in sexland
>those madness returns costumes
>Megaten Alice

I've beaten the game about 5 or 6 times

First game is one of my favorite games ever.
The sequel didn't exactly live up to my expectations, but I still enjoyed it. I only wish there were more puzzles and less boring platforming.

One of my favorite games, there is something strange and appealing to me in her.

It's pretty

Yeah from what I've played of it there seems to be way too much combat. In an adult Alice in Wonderland game I'd rather have fucked up puzzles instead of shooting flying bugs with a machine gun,

One of the few games that used what was considered advanced graphics to create an imaginative world. For that alone is worth playing

Not him but:
McGee's Alice: actually disturbing story, great, haunting music, great looks for its time.
Returns: mixed bag - some levels are great others feels rushed or onderdeveloped, copypaste enviroments, edgy story that tries too hard, generic music, looks great and Alice is qt.
First game was a rough diamond, second is medicore sequel with glimpses of wasted potential


Yea, the artstyle and most levels are absolutly gorgeous.

Cool atmosphere and levels. Gameplay gets tired quickly - basic combat and platforming. Mainly appeals to Alice-fags, like me. I hate myself.

Before Nabokov lolicons were called alicecons.


I can't believe I Platinumed this game. It was so boring, but Alice looks good

The game is well known for playing very differently depending on the hardware combinations, regardless of the PC capability.
It ran extremely fine on my single core cpu + 512mb geforce 9 series + 2gbram, but there's plenty of complaints about it barely reaching 20fps on current mid-high end computers.
Even back then, it could run fine on a pc and horribly on another of almost equal specs.

The transitions from Wonderland to London were a nice touch, how she goes from powerful and confident to snarky but ultimately powerless against all the crap going on around her. It's no wonder she seeks refuge in her own mind.

Yeah that's what happened to me. I definitely could have played it but it was just uncomfortable. It was only 5 dollars in a summer sale so I'm not really angry.

For it was alright but I never finished it because it was too easy on the hardest difficulty i kinda just gave up.

I ran into some serious glitches and hard crashes near the end and the game was a bit repetitive while the levels dragged for too long.

But overall I liked it a lot, I got the game because I wanted some platforming on PC and Alice delivered on that, it felt great to jump with the spacebar. I hope a different studio (the IP is dead now, right?) jumps on the formula in the future. Platforming and exploration/adventure with a dash of combat has great potential.

Fun, but EXTREMELY repetitive. They had to cut tons of stuff that they had planned, so they took a fun 6-hour game and mashed copy-paste until it was twice as long.

Also, harder difficulty levels are not worth it. All they do is make you take more damage, making certain fights against tons of ranged enemies incredibly frustrating.

Look at all this cool stuff that isn't in the game!

>Dragging level
>Combat too simple
>Blackhole pants
>Not enough outfits
Atmosphere is pretty neat though.

I really like the "corrupted and fucked all the way up fairytale" approach of the series. Gotta admit that Madness Returns was less demented than the first game, but damn it hit me in all the right spots.
Dollhouse was my favorite level, even though people seem to hate it because it's "way too long and gets boring quickly" but I just absolutely fucking dig the whole creepy doll aesthetics.

>the IP is dead now, right?
McGee's Alice? Nope.
EA holds the rights for the interactive franchise(games and the likes), McGee holds the rights for the non-interactive parts of the franchise(shorts, movies, books or whatever).

>what is megaten alice
>what is touhou alice
>what is gothic lolita in general

Nightmare Mode was easy as all fuck, I'm not even joking. I played Normal Mode for the first time and next time tried Nightmare, only had a struggle with the teapots-blobs-flies gangbang in March Hare's room but other than that, the game was STILL ridiculously easy. I don't even want to know how pathetic is easy mode. Seriously what the hell? Where is the challenge?

I meant that it's quite improbable that we get an Alice game anytime soon.

>corrupted and fucked all the way up fairytale
Speaking of which, I feel that Mcgee's Grimm is under-rated.

That's what I mean. Difficulty level doesn't mean shit for 90% of the fights, and the other 10% are just obnoxious on harder difficulties.

>anytime soon
At all actually, McGee wanted to make an Alice 3 but EA said nope, then he made a kickstarter(there's much more behind this story) and acquired the non-interactive rights of the franchise and turned the basic concept of the ideas he had for Alice 3 into Alice Otherlands, 2 animated shorts(one 3d, one stop animation), they're not very good.

the only good summary

14 was legal in the 19th century and child prostitution was okay. You can never go back.

American McGee's Alice > Madness Returns >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Otherlands

A fine game desu, but quite the low replayability value. I enjoyed it but never returned. Unlike most people I found combat to be good though, it's casual but it works, but then I'm comparing it to the original which was nothing more than a 3rd person UT, while others hold it to higher standards. And even then it's not like the adventure/platformer genre is doing great, and because of that alone it's one of the best those past few years.

waifu thread?

In a sea of Call of Duty and Battlefield clones of brown this was a burst of colour into my life.

Unfortunately EA completely fucked it by cutting half the content before it was released

>When you investigate and learn how much larger this game was planned to be

Doesn't mean it was or is good for a child in any way.


Pic source/artist?
Reverse search gives nothing

You've never felt how disjointed the last episode felt? It absolutely was unfinished. I think even the parallax 2d animation cutscenes were first imagined as done in proper 3d animation, guess the team had to look for a faster option under crunch.

It could have been so much better were it not for EA being literally video game Hitler.

I bought the Ultimate Edition and that came with the first one. I will play it first and then I will jump into Madness Returns later

I hope the game stil holds up

>I think even the parallax 2d animation cutscenes were first imagined as done in proper 3d animation, guess the team had to look for a faster option under crunch.
No, those were actually planned to be like that very early on.

I figured something was deeply wrong by the time we got to the doll house and the game was just repeating puzzles.

Media constantly complains that games are always military shooters. Finally something comes along thats fucking different and no one buys it

True true most pedos actually know this and don't fuck children. A life of abstinence is the only way forward.

>I could've made you into a tasty bit. Clients out the door waiting for a piece from a raving delusional beauty, with no memory of the past, or no sense of the future. But you wouldn't forget; you insisted on holding on to your fantasies. You're mad. Like your sister.

Never have a I hated a villain so much while simultaneously having such a raging boner.

Jellyfish and Jap are my favorite outfits, and the moment that I could never forget was the house full of fish carcasses

>tfw still can't find the visible pantsu mod

I want to fuck Alice

That was the point when I realized that whatever was left of the whimsy and wonder of Wonderland was gone and the entire thing would be nothing but death and trauma.

>I figured something was deeply wrong by the time we got to the doll house
You realized it so late in the game?
Even the "almost" boss fight at the end of the hatter domain was a clear sign something was cut, and right after the end of the deluded depths(maybe even during the second part of it) the repetitiveness started, showing the "copy/paste" they had to make to fill the not yet designed portions of the levels(due to EA cutting development time while still requiring the game to be the lenght it is)

>Alice will never step on your dick
Why live?

But that would hurt

>the "almost" boss fight at the end of the hatter domain

Jesus christ, you would think they would have at least had the dignity to just completely cut that from the game instead of literally showing a boss battle intro cutscene and then going "lol jk no boss fight".

Not if you're hard enough.

unfinished and every level felt like it was still a tutorial level

First game is worth playing
You play the sequel for Alice, not the gameplay.

I love the trailers of this game. Never played it sadly. Would love to see a new one with even better graphics for my duck. Besides that I wish there was more animated porn of it

Actually they couldn't have cut that entirely without changing big portions of the hatter domain.
The entire level is built around the Hare and Dormouse taking over, using the Hatter parts for their plans, and the entire domain was turned into a factory exactly to build that robot.
Even on a technical aspect, IIRC the entire scene(except the robot falling apart) was already animated and pretty much ready when EA decided to cut dev time, they would have to spend even more time to come up with something else, instead deciding to do what they did, all they had to do was adding the robot falling apart part.

American McGee's Alice is amazing.

Madness Returns is redditcore garbage.


I liked the game overall, great art style, gameplay reminds me of the PS2 era, plot was meh. It stands out in the crowd.

I disliked it because it felt unfinished and more empty than the rest of the game. There was some parts in it where I couldn't figure out which way that was the path or a secret passage, and I ended up missing out on collectibles if I went the "right" way because I couldn't go back.

The level was very creepy and disturbing, more so than the rest of the game, but that atmosphere was personally broken for me once I got reminded of the fact that its still just a game.

Why can't I buy this on Steam? It has a store page but can't be bought? Is it a bug or is it like this for everyone else?

Same here, my man.

and found it

fun platforming but combat was just ok

Wait, what the hell, I just checked and it's true, there is no add to cart button

What the hell EA? Is there a fucking shittiest company on the face of the planet?

Alicefags are actually pretty damn common. My roommate is obsessed with that shit. I also see plenty of merch at cons and quite a few cosplays for various Alice stuff. I'm kind of surprised.

Tried playing Madness Returns, only got 2 chapters in before I got bored. Though even he agreed the 1st chapter sucked.

Madness Returns is wasted potential the game. If the guy had more budget it could have been something amazing if the concept work was anything to go by.

Shoulda scrapped the combat entirely in favor for more platforming and puzzles.


Also the game really drags for too long. It's tedious and just plain bad, the praise that it gets on Sup Forums baffles me. The first Alice was legit great, though.

I'd rather live in a universe where Epic Mickey was based off the original art and designs that they had planned before they were told to tone the fuck down.

It was usually cheaper on origin anyway.

Just like Alice; Pretty but bland

First game was great, atmospheric and interesting game made in quake engine.

The second game also has really interesting visuals but development troubles meant a lot of ideas had to be cut and it's why the game feels unfinished and rushed. It's why there are multiple buildups to boss fights that never amount to anything except for the final boss. Go check out the art book, there are notes in there that explain as much. Fucking EA gotta ruin a nice thing

Fuckers removed the game from Steam.

Steam page still exists, but it's not been available for sale for some time now, probably something to do with copyright ownership. That's not the only game where that happened, though the only example I can think of right now is Cryostasis.
In such cases, when you're literally unable to buy the game, there's really nothing wrong with pirating it.

Thoughts are for casuals.

Any good torrent of the first? I'm interested for sure. Game isn't on GOG or Steam so... yeah

Thanks user, can't read shit but torrent looks fine so I'll try it.

In case no one's seeding, try the alternative http download.

I'll download it and seed if it helps in any way. The speed is terrible though. 50-170 kbps not even stable.

Alright, but needs to be trimmed way the fuck down.

This game was the biggest gaming disappointment of my life. One of the moat iconic and terrifying horror games ever created turned into a sanitized, one note action platformer with no charm or identity.

I felt embarrased to have hyped this game.

Where did you hype? On Sup Forums?

>I felt embarrased to have hyped this game.
I was a huge fan of the first game, and had no idea the second existed until I walked past a Gamestop and saw a poster. I liked it; the art is fantastic, but overall it doesn't hold a candle to the original.