Really jogs the good ol frontal lobe
Really jogs the good ol frontal lobe
Other urls found in this thread:
>randy devolves from promoting blunderborn to shitposting about other games
really activated my almonds
>shit franchise copies a cover about another shit franchise
>random picture from old ass ww2 game looks similar to new CoD cover
this man is a joke
really bongled my dongled
Randy also came up with CoD.
really shamalamed my dingdong
really balbulzorerairos my penipapesosabe
>invented CoD
>stole the name Gearbox from Valve
>killed Overwatch and Blizzard
Randy is literally /that kid/
>dirty soldier looking into camera with some dog tags is a Gearbox invention
Randy is possibly one of the worst gaming CEOs out there
he single-handedly tanked his company's reputation, and Gearbox were genuinely well-liked a few years ago
>Brothers in Arms
It's literally the only good franchise Gearbox has done. And I unironically am afraid that neo-Gearbox will fuck the new one up even though I want to finally finish the Baker story.
Really prone to expand my pineal gland
Right did it better. Looks like it could be an actual photo from the 1940's re-coloured.
And yet we can see what was the better game. Too bad Pitchford your games are garbage.
>Be Randy Pitchford
>Haven't Produced a worthwhile game in 10 years
>Get so utterly btfo by Blunderborn that you're reduced to shitposting on twitter.
Really gets my lizzie in a tizzie.
Both are generic and personality-less covers.
The kind that you'd expect from military shooters, really.
Its almost like the human body has a limited number of poses and theres bound to be some overlap
Dont remind me of brothers in arms franchise, im still waiting for the final game in bastongne.
Why won't he die already
I'll just leave this right here.
Randy shouldn't be throwing all those stones in the glass house he built.
he cant see because every window is smeared with shit.
Really activates the almonds