Can we finally admit we're disappointed?

Can we finally admit we're disappointed?

Yeah. The day to day stuff is so dull and tedious. I can't bring myself to finish it since I have like 30 more days til the story progresses. I could go to mementos but I already reached as far as I could go and have to wait for a door to open. So I just have to read at the library for 30 days.

Nope, but some might be consider it a disappointment but arguably the best persona. Again arguable because of dungeons, gameplay, and other improvements.

I'm disappointed that I beat Shido already and only have like 3 weeks left in the game.

At least NG+ will be a blast with the Arsene I've been building

Nope. It's the best of the 3d titles. I just wish we'd get a good cast and story like 2 again.

Feel free, but it delivered pretty much everything I wanted aside from one or two things. Its not perfect but its an all round good game.

I loved it but it made me miss 3 so much

I went in expecting P3 and P4 with some improvements and that's exactly what I got. Why would I be disappointed?

Yeah, i kinda am. Had so much fun for 80 hours that i wish i could have amnesia so i could do it all over again.

Nah it was great. Flawed but still pretty damn good.

I don't understand, is this a shill thread?

It's pretty much universally loved. The only bad things I've really seen about it are people complaining it isn't on a nintendo console, it isn't on PC (which is possible) or troll threads, like this.

haha yeah op
i hate games

>constantly being told to go to bed

It's like, fuck, that fucking cat won't even let me go downstairs to call Kayakami to rub my dick so I can go out.

OP here, all of you are fucking sony shills, it seems.
Top fucking lel, getting paid peanuts to shill your mediocre JRPG? Path-e-tic.

this coupled with the fact that the dungeons cause this lol


Yeah fucking sure

Drop the hive-mind bullshit. I'm not disappointed.

Fuck you.

This is the most blatant shilling for a game ive ever seen on Sup Forums.

So if someone has a different opinion than you their a shill?
Get the fuck off of Sup Forums.

you should know by now that "shill" is retard-talk for "I disagree."

I'm OP fag, this is my thread and Im sick of your fucking samefagging throughout the thread.

I literally only posted once before that post:
People who use the world shill like that should really just stop posting.

Yes. Why another persona when Devil Summoner is better?

I need another Raidou game, not a bunch of boring kid thieves that have normie lives.

gr8 shitposts

It has the best gameplay of the series, but it has its issues.

>Most railroaded Persona game yet
>Underdeveloped characters
>School is treated like an afterthought
>Nobody ever shuts the fuck up about the Phantom Thieves
>Slice of Life segments suck hard compared to 3 and 4


Yes, that I couldn't date Shinya.

>not being disappointed with a game makes you a shill
Bait or stupid

Eh, it's alright. Basically P3/4 with better dungeons, far from being Atlus best game, far from being the worst.

I enjoyed it

Persona 4 is just really fucking comfy for some reason though. Maybe it's just because I grew up in a small town

>most railroaded
I'd like someone to actually count the ratio of lost days in the previous games, but even though the cat was more obtuse I don't think there were that many more lost evenings.


Daily reminder that if you like [game], you're a shill, and if you don't like [game], you're also a shill just for the competitors.

>You can fuck your teacher


>you've got a test tomorrow, go straight to sleep
>We're breaking into Shido's palace tomorrow to save the country? Sure stay up all night crafting lockpicks.

I'm a little disappointed. Loved 3, liked 4, and don't really like this one as much as either of those, although it's still good.

Problem for me is that, when a game has so much dialogue, you really need to kick ass with the script, and either Atlus didn't write a good one or the translation (which seems kinda shitty) didn't do it justice.

Eh, mixed bag. Best gameplay, better town than 3 and 4, overall good music, better dungeons than both, better characters than 4.

I guess it's like, on par with 3 for different reasons, shits on 4 for several reasons.

>You want to call Kawakami for a massage to get your energy back?
>You're tired, let's not do that tonight

I liked p4s overworld, dungeons, music, and aesthetic better. P5 has a better cast and story though

What really bogs the game down is how much dialogue there is and how much its repeated, but all jap games have this problem. Shitty fucking juvenile writing. But i put up with it for persona because im a long time fan

Why the fuck did they make itemize a once a day thing? I'm in the final dungeon and now i can't make the ultimate weapons and treasure items till ng+? That's some fucken bullshit right there.


Think for yourself, newfag nigger.

literally my GotY, and I had Yakuza 0 to fight it for that title

>I'm disappointed that I beat Shido already and only have like 3 weeks left in the game.
>only 3 weeks left

nigga u know where u is? you just another drone in the Sup Forums hivemind no matter how much of a special snowflake you think u be lol