Do I get a special effect for upgrading my sets to rank 4? Stats wise I don't really need it...

Do I get a special effect for upgrading my sets to rank 4? Stats wise I don't really need it, but if there's a special effect I want it.

Also general BotW thread I guess


Finally did the Zora area and realized right after how retarded I am for shooting down the ice with arrows in the Ruta battle.the dungeon was real neat

it's just defense after rank 2

it's also really disappointing. the primary end-game activity is upgrading armors, but by the time you've fully upgraded all of them, you no longer have any need for them as you've done the most difficult things in the game (fighting lynels)

Each upgrade gives more defense. 2nd upgrade also unlocks set piece bonus if the armor has it. 3rd and 4th is more defense.

I did that too. What were you supposed to do?
I've done 3/4 dungeons (not counting labyrinths) and so far I'd say the dungeons themselves are about equal, but the Zora boss was definitely the weakest of the 3.

After fighting waterblight I realized I should have been using the cryo rune to break them

Whats the set bonus for Tunic of the Wild?

I got it yesterday and was wondering if I should upgrade it or just put the game down and wait for the dlc.

You were meant to use stasis on the ice blocks and knock them back at Waterblighty.

Another question, is there some easy way to access my in game camera photos from a computer? I want to show you guys my artistic merit.




I'd like it if someone edited out the heart containers. It'd make the screenshots look better

If you are CEMU, a Prt Screen+ Alt should do it. Otherwise I think you can access and upload from your Wii to the Mii channel.

I agree. I wish there was a way to make them disappear.

Do they not disappear if you view them from your album? Change your sheikah slate to the camera, take the photos then view them in the album.

What N64 game is this?


Be happy, I am even more retarded. I used a lance weapon for the cubes, but used the ice rune on the spheres. I was even thinking
>"wow! they really amped the difficulty in Zelda! the timing on LANCING these cubes is difficult!"

That's correct, but using the camera is a bit tricky since it will zoom slightly from what you're seeing on the screen, so you have to position yourself slightly away from your intended scenen. The selfies are also limited since it will either be Link just standing around, or doing some emote.

I did the entire Rito beast without realising you could adjust the wings. We all do stupid shit.

Wait, what? How did you beat the dungeon then? literally two or three consoles in Rito require you to bend the wings so you can get the right angle/gravity to access areas and solve puzzles.

is this even possible?

that is the smartest way to do it. fucking with the wings just makes it longer and drawn out. only have to adjust a little bit and if i remember its mostly to get lol chests

I have no idea actually. Just caught the jet streams. Reaching some of them felt a bit weird and there was one terminal that I activated and couldn't get back from, so if I remember correctly I ported out and returned to the entrance.

>in yiga clan area
>see the statues that usually accept apples for korok puzzles
>they don't work
>think for a second
>try bananas
>it works

so is there a point to the mini games spread across the region? or is it just rupees?