Remember when old Sup Forums loved this game...

Remember when old Sup Forums loved this game, but when matthewmatosis made that video all the newfags pretended to hate it?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Dark Souls II
>Old Sup Forums

Come now.

Due to the negative reputation on Sup Forums I'm waiting for DS2 to drop under 10 bucks so I can make my own research, desu from videos I think it looks fun as hell, and the mainhub of DS2 is the comfiest from all Souls game.

>using "Sup Forums" to refer to the people who post here
>believing some sort of Sup Forums hivemind exists
>implying the people here have ever universally agreed on anything ever

All the souls games are the same. Only severe autsists care about the differences.
I had fun on all 3, fight me.


Will nu-Sup Forums ever recover?

It's the first Souls game I've made a serious attempt to finish, and I've platinum'd Bloodborne. The only two things I hate about it is how much health you lose after each death, and how almost every boss I've fought so far can be beaten by just circling around and waiting for them to attack.

Even then, the health loss isn't so bad with the Heide armor.

>Never watched dark souls review in my life
>Liked the three games but not 10/10
>Only watch game sack
>don't even read any review other than what is posted on Sup Forums
Not trying to brag but I'm better than 95% of Sup Forums

I came straight from Dark souls 1. This badly coloured my view of what I am assuming is a great game. I haven't even finished 3. When did I become so cancerous? I have been here for years.

>Only watch game sack
My nigga

How can you assume it's a great game if it can't even live up to the game it immediately followed

>Sup Forums tells me the game is an amazing experience
>after autistic "doors" you find two giant creatures
>impossible to kill with current weapon
>that cringy dialogue with old women telling you ''stories''
That's why I don't understand how can such unfinished game is taken seriously by anyone

Ps3 version should be under $10 for sotfs. You get the goodness of original spawns + the DLC.

post your face when you don't watch any youtuber or youtube channel other than based sack

It seems good. The mechanics is what pissed me off. Deaths didn't seem fair. Falling health as you die more I think is shit.

I only started playing ds2 a little while ago and this is my main criticism. Once you realise the tempo of most boss fights, its pretty simple; wait for them to be in a cooldown > attack > repeat.

It's also pretty safe when you have like 9 estus flask charges.

>old Sup Forums
>3 years ago

People were complaining before that came out really.

I personally think its a good game in every aspect except the world design (level design is ok, but not consistently great, but neither was DS1's). Some areas also felt way smaller than they should, when they were supposed to be these big sprawling places.

People complaining about multiple enemies and specific hard enemies just need to get good.

I have bad news: if it had bad mechanics it's a bad game. They put those mechanics in on purpose. They meant to do it.

>after autistic "doors" you find two giant creatures
>impossible to kill with current weapon

Are you talking about the white hipo thing ? Because you can kill them at the beggining, you're just bad if you think it's impossible.

How old is old Sup Forums and how old is new Sup Forums?

I remember when Sup Forums was flipping their collective shits over it, then that retarded video full of snap judgement, shitty play, and nitpicking the first draft of it was released and everyone here flipped their shit and claimed it validated every complaint about the game.

The only time I ragequit dark souls 2 was in the gutter against one of those giant dogs

I was low health, and behind it, and it glitched out and teleported 180 degrees around to hit me without turning

The only other bullshit thing I remember in general was the fact that running the PC version at high framerates (i.e. 60) massively increased durability drain on weapons because the game counted hits as more than one for durability purposes

It was a good video. Proof is that you are unable to make a legitimate criticism of it.

This only happened when you hit corpses, IRC.

Anyway, durability was barely a big deal except with very specific weapons, I mostly used the katana which was not particularly durable and only ever had to use the durability dust thing in No Man's Wharf. But I was carrying more weapons than just that, so no problem.

This was fixed in SoTFS too. DSII was overall a pretty good port compared to DSI, so I can't be too mad

Yeah, its bullshit when glitches happen yeah,

>Remember when old Sup Forums loved this game, but when matthewmatosis made that video all the newfags pretended to hate it?


No. Sup Forums circlejerked about how bad it was at launch too. Although consistency doesn't mean they're right.

Remember when Sup Forums hated it, but then the sequel came out and everyone started loving it white hating on the sequel?

Boy, i sure cant wait until the next From's game so we can start liking Dark Souls 3 without losing hipster cred

Except Sup Forums always shit on DS 2

>It was a good video.

>Proof is that you are unable to make a legitimate criticism of it.
>Snap judgements.
>He plays like shit and gets his shit kicked in.
>Nit picking everywhere.

Can't read, but he can type. How do people do it?

>one literal who youtuber makes a 40 minutes video trying to justify all the Dark Souls 2 mistakes as a positive thing and telling you why it is the best one in the series
>Sup Forums suddenly loves Dark Souls 2

Generation Z was a mistake

Those are just accusations. You haven't actually demonstrated that he does any of those things with examples. You might as well have called him a stupid poopoo head and pretend that was a well thought out argument.

So is this just Sup Forums now? We're just going to have threads and threads about fucking Dark Souls II because some guy on Youtube made a video about it? Because we've had a DSII thread up at all fucking times since that shitty video released.

I agree with his assessment of shields in dark souls. Shields do not belong there and should be scrapped. Anything that moves us further away from using shields is an improvement as far as I'm concerned.

> everyone in the comments explains succinctly the errors with the points he made
> Sup Forums still sucks DaS 2's cock

Z goes into the trash friendo

I got used to almost everything about dark souls 2, good or bad.
But at the end of the day, there was always one thing I couldn't stand.
Those fuckwits in pvp who unlock and spin in place in a vague attempt to bait people into attacking because they saw some other idiot do it first on youtube. AND IT MUST HAVE GAVE THEM A BETTER CHANCE AT WINNING RIGHT?


>Captcha asks me to label all the kites
>Misread it as kikes
I've been here too long.

Now that you are at it, when would you suggest I should try the dlc? I'm doing my first playthrough and just beat the looking glass knight, and the following area is bullshit so I thought I'd try them before it

Fucking no lmao that's not what happened at all

Sotfs made it a good game.

The dlc is harder than all of the base game.

But user people still like it and are saying so in this very thread.

I disliked the game long before some random guy on youtube said it was bad.

Same with FF8

Wait, so you dislike FF8? Why? It's arguably the best PS1 FF.

>Wait, so you dislike FF8? Why?

Levelscaling (I actually fucked myself and made the final boss unwinnable without gamesharking due to leveling too much)
Shit party members
Badly written love story
Horrible minigame
The overall plot goes to shit at disc 3

it's on par with FFXV in terms of being bad game.

this is no reddit here

I usually do them after getting the ashen mist heart.

I mean there's video evidence of what he said you dumbshit.

It's actually the opposite. There were tons of "can we agree DaS2 was pretty good" threads recently.

>can we agree

aka bait threads made after the "In defense of dark souls 2" video came out