Literally had no reason to be a main party member

Literally had no reason to be a main party member

Doesn't and can't use her expenses on the group so why?

The game just needed an obligatory last party member that could use Psi. Also panders to the "I want a boring generic nice girl" audience.

Pretty sure that would be Makoto

If you take that route no one have a reason to be a party member in the game, all members are victims of one of their target, she's a victim of her father, here your reason.


Besides the OG's the rest all had their uses

She however provided nothing. Should have just stayed as a normal victim

They didn't have enough main plot to fill an entire month so they decided to include another party member. I'm getting real tired of this "10 months of getting party members/2 months of plot".

tell me about the use of yusuke then ?

>Literally had no reason to be a main party member
It would be a waste of best girl to not have her be playable though.

>Doesn't and can't use her expenses on the group

Did you miss the time where she rents out all of Destinyland just for the 8 of them?

skill cards

>part of the arc where the phantom thieves become public enemy

He is the one who designed the new calling card and logo which the entire team used from then on since they couldn't be going worldwide with Ryuji's shitty one and was beneficial to have a member that didn't go to the same exact school as them in case of anything.

Haru literally didn't do anything.

Play the game, it was already rented out for something else but wasn't used because reason, she never paid herself to rent it out specifically for them.

September/October party members are always the most awkward. It's way too late in the game, you're still grinding out S.Links with your last two late party members and now this one gets dropped in your lap.
Doesn't even feel organic to hang out with them, it's just a grind

Should've had Hifumi as final party member desu

>Haru literally didn't do anything.
except she does because like every confidant she provides benefits. I could argue with you and give examples of shit like makign food for people or being the only one able to use Psi but you'll just hand wave those away with a bullshit reason, watch.

The reality is this is such a stupid thread I can't even believe you made it. As another user said, with your logic, why is anyone a party member? Whatever reason you're going to come up with for why her vegetables and psi attacks don't count, just assume I copy pasted it back at you about the other party members.

>party members are more integrated into the plot and evolve outside of S Links, ala male party members in Persona 3


>all party members have S Links, but their overall development is stunted because it's too hard to balance development that occurs in S Links vs the main plot, ala Persona 4 and Persona 5

>Play the game, it was already rented out for something else but wasn't used because reason, she never paid herself to rent it out specifically for them.
The mental gymnastics you are doing to make this "true" is actually really weird dude.

It doesn't matter if she rented specifically for them, why should it? Yusuke didn't learn to paint specifically for makign calling cards and skill cards so by your logic he also does nothing.

You really are stupid dude. Like what a dumb thing to be upset about.

She also cover gun attack, and I don't know why he talked about renting or not when she do something as using her connection to make it happen, it's a one time thing like yusuke drawing a logo, maybe he should also have stayed a normal victim and just designed the logo and calling card even though he have a persona, like her.

user you are genuinely mentally ill if this is the thing you are upset about. Among all the problems this game has, this is what you choose to make a thread about?

Even in terms of the plot there are better complaints. Fuck, there are better complaints you can make about Haru like that she got over her father's death too quickly.

>Doesn't and can't use her expenses on the group so why?

nigga...she literary booked the entire disneyland for the group.

>except she does because like every confidant she provides benefits. I could argue with you and give examples of shit like makign food for people or being the only one able to use Psi but you'll just hand wave those away with a bullshit reason, watch.

Lol you are actually serious

>making food
>using game mechanics to defend her when the MC can use all her skills

At this point you're just damage controlling, you know fully well I was talking story-wise and she provided nothing worth of being a phantom thief to the group and was a pointless addition to pad the cast while every new member provided something but you wanna tell me she should be there to make food?

My sides, even game mechanic wise Yusuke can actually copy skill cards for you, a lot more useful than anything Haru provides.

No need to pretend you aren't the same guy anyways

>Doesn't and can't use her expenses on the group so why?

They never asked for anything. I bet she would do it if they asked but the group is a chill laid back group and not some whiny spoiled brat asking for shit. She did book the entire disneyland for them like it's fucking nothing.

You are mentally ill.


What's wrong with Haru? Clearly she's the most talented Phantom Thief since she was actually able to steal my heart in real life.

It's not her fault she's so perfect.

Also, she was clearly supposed to be some foot in the door to some deep state conspiracy shit involving making japan great again, but it just never fucking happened because lol writing.

>It doesn't matter if she rented specifically for them, why should it?

Nigga really trying to bullshit. I said she wouldn't spend money for the group and she never spent money for the group. The scene you refereed to is her just her not wasting a rented space that was paid for without her actually doing it. This is literally you being oblivious for no reason.

>Yusuke didn't learn to paint specifically for makign calling cards and skill cards so by your logic he also does nothing.

Why does this matter? He had a skill that was made use of in the group when he joined and actually justified him being around. Haru is literally pointless and doesn't do jack shit for the group.

You haru waifufags are so damn desperate to defend a pointless addition to the cast

Nah, I just forgot you guys existed.

She's a dumb upper class bitch who gets everything handed to her. Her "rebellion" is practically forced out by the PTs. She shows next to no self-determination or strength of character. When her dad dies, we're supposed to feel sorry for her, even when it makes her the richest high schooler in Japan and solves all her problems.

If she had self-determination, she would've poisoned her dad years ago, but no, she needed the PTs to do literally everything for her.

She's weak and unworthy of being a PT.

>>At this point you're just damage controlling, you know fully well I was talking story-wise
No I didn't actually because you never said that and I can't read minds through the internet.

>and she provided nothing worth of being a phantom thief to the group

Neither did Ann. Neither did Ryuji. Neither did Yusuke (he doesn't need to be one of them to make them a logo), neither does Makoto (don't tell me she's the "advisor" what does that even mean when Futaba is the one giving out info and Joker is the one telling people what to do) oh wait it's just like I said you can make the same arguement about any of them, especially Ann and Ryuji. In fact, Ryuji is a liability on multiple occasions as is Makoto. They both get you blackmailed at one point.

>but you wanna tell me she should be there to make food?

You wanna tell me you wanted an "advisor" who never advises on anything unless a target is weak to nuclear attacks.

>My sides, even game mechanic wise Yusuke can actually copy skill cards for you, a lot more useful than anything Haru provides.
>Lol you are actually serious
>using game mechanics to defend her when the MC can use all her skills
The MC can get any skill card on his own therefore according to your logic Yusuke is useless.

>No need to pretend you aren't the same guy anyways

I'm not you are just genuinely this stupid that you have entire thread telling you so.

I'm sitting here laughing, imaging you seething in rage at the benign existence of a character you don't even have to use.

Oh hey, it's that guy from yesterday. Whatever other beef you may have with Haru, calling her a bitch is a bit of a stretch, isn't it?

I'm actually in doubt someone is legitimately this stupid. Like if this is ho you think how do you interact with people in the real world? I'd love to watch it.

Like it's rare that someone's logic is so stupid I don't even know where to begin arguing with them.

Damn edgy teenagers in my persona games.

Sugimura did nothing wrong

Bitch is my go to insult for the air-headed silver spoon types of cunts you run into every so often. They're often self-absorbed while being unable to affect their own situations, ending up with them bothering everyone else to fix their problems for them. Haru is a very clear example, and I cannot contain my vehemence for this cunts.

She's basically Fuuka right? The same way Sae is Margaret and Makoto is Mitsuru.

hifumi should have been in the party instead of her

Take a deep breath and let this lovely smile calm you down user.

It was between Futuba and Hifumi as the Navi, I'd rather have had Hifumi

Nigga my Yusuke does good damage. He is a better DD with higher accuracy, unlike Ryuji. Ryuji can't hit the broad side of a barn. Great dude to be bros with, but not so great fighter.

If she would display just a tiny bit of initiative, she'd be absolutely fine as a MC in a game about rebellion. She doesn't. She just kind of hangs on.

I want to face fuck her

Everything's going to be ok, user. Just let it all out and then let go.

>If she had self-determination, she would've poisoned her dad years ago
Are you mentally retarded?


Unfortunately, Ryuji learns Charge making him better for the final battles.

Are you? Do you think corporate monarchies are immune to this shit?

You know what I want to do?
Shear off her fluff

You monster.

All this Haru hate makes me love her. Fuck you hateful losers. She doesn't need you. Post more Haru.

Are you really talking about yus-"boss have no weakness and immune to crit so no baton pass"-uke ? And pitting him against literally Ryuji ? he have charge, that's all I have to say on this match up. And debilitate exist.


Oh, yeah, you're right. That's why CEOs of big companies are killed off in family power struggles all the time nowadays.

I'd straighten her hair out


For what purpose?

>No I didn't actually because you never said that and I can't read minds through the internet

You have to have a reading compreshension of a 10 year old, how does the OP imply this discussion was about her mechaninc wise? Why would i mention "expenses on the group" if i was talking about game mechanics

>Neither did Ann. Neither did Ryuji.

>trying to damage control by picking on the FOUNDERS of the entire organisation who actually set up the goal and purpose of Phantom Thieves

>Neither did Yusuke (he doesn't need to be one of them to make them a logo)

Look at this shit, despite everything you said you are damage controlling and trying to hand wave his usefulness. Getting another guy to draw a phantom thief logo would be retarded but he done it for the group.

>neither does Makoto
Yeah herself is useless but she had easy connections to her sister who was the only reliable one allowed to visit MC when he was arrested. Protag obviously couldn't trust Akechi to get through to her for obvious reasons. Without Makoto they would have no got the info from Sae's laptop or even her to send the calling card with no suspicion.

>The MC can get any skill card on his own therefore according to your logic Yusuke is useless.

You stupid fuck, copying is more useful for the MC when he wants to have the same skill on multiple persona's. Seriously this damage controlling is hilarious.

Haru provides JACK SHIT as a member and cannot be used for shit

>be heiress to large profitable company
>be in arranged engagement to a creep
>two drops of poison solve all problems
Why not? She has everything to gain, and she can act like a crushed grieving daughter well enough to avoid suspicion. I just wanted her to DO SOMETHING herself.

Why not?
How would she look with a pixie cut?

>Doesn't show initiative
>Unlike Yusuke set on day one to change her father heart even without a functioning persona.
>Didn't have to be convinced.

It amazes me how something so lovable and pure can make someone so angry.
You can't make Haru not cute, but the fluff is part of her charm.

More like meekly going along with her dad's bullshit until the PTs come in and expose him. She should've known herself, she's presumably lived with him for years.

Remove Haru from the game and tell me what changes besides obviously Shido having to change which faggot to set up PT with.

The entire premise is flimsy user. It's even worse than p4s.

Yusuke was more believable, Yusuke was a nobody without Kaneshiro

Why are the writers too dumb to just make them develop in and out of SL's?

And I agree but I find funny someone tell me she doesn't show initiative when she become a phantom thief on her own initiative.

>"I want a boring generic nice girl"
>Not Makoto

Because it's literally twice the work or more. What they should have done was restrict party members s links. just party members though.

You mean how she was used by Morgana to spite the PTs? As usual, just going along with what people tell her.

fixed that for you famalamadoo

>Has black mask but is retarded
>Already had a Persona that goes on and on about rusing people
>Okumura creed is stabbing people in the back
>All this when it was obvious from the very beginning of the game who the culprit is

Either the worst attempt at a red herring I've ever seen, or a symptom of development hell.

Makoto is the

>Muh I'm too smart study retards


And they all have their motivation, Morgana used her and she used Morgana for knowledge of the metaverse to make the change of heart happen. Don't act like she didn't have any interest in this.

By the time you get to her part in the game, shouldn't you pretty much be rolling in cash anyway?

Fuck Haru

How dare the bitch ignore me when I say i don't want everyone going to the school festival, like who the fuck is she? Been her 2 weeks and think she can refuse ME?

This game severely needs a discipline order for members who think they can not follow orders

Retard. You don't just kill your dad like that. He's still your father. Do you have no honor?

I'd do anything Haru tells me to do.

He probably meant like story money since with her cash they could go abroad and change hearts in other parts of the world and all that shit

I thought Makoto was the boring generic nice girl, though. Also Haru is primarily a gun user, not so much a Psi user. Will use Psi to exploit weakness but her true heart lies at the end of a barrel.

This whole paragraph is fucking retarded and is the reason why normal people avoid these stupid games.

But then fluff could be replaced with something better.
Like floof. Or a hime cut

I still need an advice on my situation.

I am straight, I have a girlfriend, but every time I see Joker, I just can't help but feel...heated up. I keep thinking about how gorgeous he looks while I go about my daily business.

For 20 years I've been believing that I am complete straight and now the balance is upset because of some fucking video game character. It feels like I'm betraying my girlfriend.

Help me.

Sometimes i wish they made a persona where they didnĀ“t show you every party member beforehand like in trailers. Is it so bad that i want to surprised "oh, this guy joins party?".

Hey guys this might be a stupid question but does Auto-Matarukaja give attack up to everyone on the team?

That's it mane. She has every interest in seeing her father dead, but she needs the PTs teenage magic to do it for her.

Haru is at her best when she's just herself.
Yes provided that it's on your active persona when you start a fight.

All the members that join up after yusuke is dogshit tbqh

Yes, but only if the persona is active at the start of the battle. Should turn off persona memory if you want to count on it.

Joker is gorgeous and you are a retard for thinking you are betraying your ugly gf by admiring a vg character. Get in here and never get out.

Yeah, so how about full bald

What do you think? Idiot.

Where's forehead user with all these chances for edits

I don't want to change anything about Haru or her hair.

>Also panders to the "I want a boring generic nice girl" audience.
As opposed to being a crazy sperg like Futuba? SASUGA JOKAH

Listen, if you don't have any other argument other than "why didn't she commit murder ?" when she saved a talking cat capable of changing her father behavior without making it into the Japanese dead row and you know still having your father, you're at lost on this argument.

>Rich asshole Dad
>creepy asshole Fiance

Who do you think would have the greatest motive to kill these two men, detective?

>Futaba(Little kid more competent at hacking than grown ass people lol)

All gotta go, whack ass characters that are completely boring. Should have Got Iwai and that Shogi bitch instead

But I do

It was those dastardly Phantom Thieves! They're murderes and up to no good!
She has no reason to love her father, that's a complete asspull. She treats her like a tool, much like his employees.