What kind of person plays games with the japanese voice setting turned on despite not knowing how to understand japanese?
What kind of person plays games with the japanese voice setting turned on despite not knowing how to understand...
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>inb4 "the inflections in the voices and stuff convey emotions better"
How would you know? Different cultures have subtle differences in how they express emotions in their voice and stuff. You can't actually judge the quality of voice acting in a language you aren't fluent in. Feeling more immersed because you think the voice acting is better in Japanese is at best placebo.
Retards unless it is set in Japan then set it to Jap. Same goes with any setting
>Normalfags and Redditors using anime reaction images to shit on anything japanese
Are they evolving?
>You can't actually judge the quality of voice acting in a language you aren't fluent in.
Thats so retardedly incorrect. Stop posting.
not a normalfag
not a redditor.
I play JRPGs exclusively - In English.
Try again
You are judging something Japanese with the standards of non Japanese culture.
Actual non-weeb answer: The Japanese language is almost completely vowel-based phonetically, which sounds extremely pleasing to the ears and is closer to the sounds of nature and cute animals. On the other side of the spectrum, languages that are commonly seen as unpleasing to hear are those with too much consonant-based sounds.
I like the way japanese sounds. Im used to reading subtitles
Do Americans watch foreign films dubbed?
Of course not Reddi-, I mean user.
No, Americans don't watch foreign films at all.
But it's mostly just awful screeching
Honestly I had more fun playing like this while I didnt understand japanese at all. Now that I'm learning this god forsaken language every longer and more technical sentence makes me feel bad for not understanding it.
A person who doesn't want to hear 4kidsTV voice actors
>Cultureless pigs
>Watching anything that isn't Nascar or Hollywood
Some people like it better.
Are you seriously asking why people enjoy things you don't?
It's just like hearing a song in english when you can't understand what it means. It sounds beautiful, full of emotion and could be literally anything. When you understand what they are saying you just feel betrayed when they lyrics become something like: "I'LL GIVE YOU MAH PISS IN THE 20 PROOF VODKA" and you just imagined they were the second coming of Shakespeare.
What kind of person even buys Japanese "games"? 99% of them are trash.
Take DBZ for example.
>You either understand japanese completely or not at all.
I enjoy picking up on sentence structures and recognizing expressions and words.
I would never, ever fucking choose the japanese dub over the one my country did.
I unironically listen to African and Native American folk music for this reason.
This. I probably won´t be fluent any time soon, but you do learn bits and pieces and with time it adds up. If I watched everything dubbed I wouldn´t understand English in the first place
People that can read the subs OP, same goes for every game that was made in a language different from mine, I mean, why would you ever switch things from the original game
>mfw tried to listen to the Japanese dub but couldn't stand Goku's and Vegeta's voices
It really is fun.
Feels especially good when i can tell if a sub is shitty.
>their argument is that they want authenticity
>yet refuse to get the most authentic one, the Japanese version
My sides try to argue with me right now
> tfw you lived long enough to see the decline of western games
Has there been any decent western game released in the past 3 months, discounting indie games
I think it depends on the dub quality, D2 and W3 for example had a god tier sub, but that's one of the few instances in which dubs are decent, I personally rather stick to the source
>If i don't like it it's shit
Why are you here then? We always discussed japanese games on this board? Reddit is the other way.
>he asks as he posts anime pictures online
Would you go see Wagner's Ring cycle if it wasn't in German?
I don't like the handful of English voice actors who dub everything from Japan.
>yet refuse to get the most authentic one, the Japanese version
Speak for yourself pleb
but i know how to understand japanese, you understand it by learning it. who doesn't know this? it's pretty much fact about all languages
Enjoy dub titles half assed weeb
>You can't actually judge the quality of voice acting in a language you aren't fluent in.
The reason I use Jap voice is because I can tell a horrible English voice acting. With Japanese VA, I can't tell how bad it is unless it's really bad like Ras voice actor in Japanese Tales of Eternia. Ignorance is bliss.
>dubtitles in the japanese version
How often did your mother drop you on your head
Its not that i think jap voices are goat, its just the english vas are almost always awful. In a lot of cases i just put jap audio on without subtitles just because it doesnt take me out of the game when they speak. In more story focused games ill add subtitles.
Most recently, in botw for instance every time most of the characters spoke it just took me out of the game completely.
If the english vas are fine i leave them on for the most part unless its something where im more familiar with the jap voice actors.
because american voice actors fucking suck. most VAs are just people who couldn't make it into real acting so they go for the "next best thing"
I dont give a fuck
My first language isnt English so why would I not use japanese voices in a game that plays in Tokyo?
the only translation is the dub script though
The kind of people that watch movies with subtitles
Whether I can judge the quality of the japanese VA is irrelevant when I'm picking it because I can definitely tell that the quality of the english VA is fucking awful.
If the dub is good I'll leave it, but a hell of a lot of localized nip games use the same handful of terrible VAs and switching to subtitled japanese is less painful to play.
There was a decline in western gaming, but now lots of developers are on the upswing. Games are getting better, more content is getting released for free, etc. At least we're on the road to recovery while weebshit is still the same old mass produced garbage but now with shit PC port and cosmetic dlc out the ass.
Because it doesn't make a whole lot of sense for a bunch of Japanese characters to be speaking usually very stiff English.
>not a redditor.
>I play JRPGs exclusively - In English.
1 - japanese had a vowel in every syllable which makes for speech patterns that don't translate well to languages with more consonant stops
2 - english dubs are generally cheap and low quality by american standards
3 - As a result of 1 and 2 the dub can wind up dramatically changing how a character is portrayed. For example: Chie in Persona 4 is an energetic spazz, shouting "OSSU!" every time you see her and yelling constantly. The english dub actress turns her into a bored old woman.
Because I won't cringe when it's shitty, I won't even notice. That's all.
Yeah, games actually set in Japan are another good reason, especially when the dub localisation is 4kids "Jelly Donuts" tier.
The difference between watching live action movies and anime/vidya dubbed is that it sounds unnatural for a real person to be dubbed.
drawings can't make sounds so anime is dubbed from the very beginning and therefore it's less jarring to see if they are dubbed well.
Because English is a shit language.
>Imagine being so autistic and racist that you refuse to buy games based on the country they come for instead of enjoy what you like regardless of their origin
>he doesnt know japanese
Because literally every VA post DM-era Yugioh is painful to hear compared to their glorious JP counterparts.
Games with dual audio usually have garbage English dubs, and not knowing Japanese lets act like I'm listening to a good one even if at most I can tell the tone of a scene.
>tfw you did this on Sonic The Hedgehog during the Jason Griffith days because a lot of autists did it
The Sutherland/Hayter controversy wasn't this bad
What's racist about ignoring weebshit, which never had gameplay (fanservice dickwankery is not gameplay)? There's good games from Japan, but it's never anything with an anime aesthetic since those are designed purely to sell off aesthetic to you permavirgins.
There are certain shows that just don't sound right to me in Japanese
>Dragon Ball
>Cowboy Bebop
>Samurai Champloo
I'm sure there are others but these are off the top of my head. I also watched these before I was sick of hearing Steve Blum in everything.
What if I told you that japanese VA's are just as cringy and over the top to japanese people as english VA's are to us?
You don't think Japs actually talk like that, do you, user?
Dubs are 99% always SHIT. I'd rather listen to a vidya (or any other media) in it's original language with subtitles. You get to experience said media as intended.
I remember I put Battlefield 4 in Japanese once. It made the game slightly more bearable just because it was really funny to hear the Japanese voices and since I had to read subs to understand what was going on, I actually knew how shit the story was. Shame you couldn't do that with Hardline.
Honestly, I wish all games had a Japanese language option, the language is so funny to hear sometimes it can make a bad game into a mediocre one.
most voice acting in games is shit and I just want random sounds when someone talks kinda like it is in some older games like Golden Sun. I prefer to read dialogue boxes or subtitles.
Gravity Rush is another great example for this.
i learned japanese. it takes less than a year to read kana games
Why don't more games have Cassandra Lee Morris voicing cute characters? She's the best at it
Try playing Neptunia in english faggot
I already do. Its cute
Amerifats don't watch anything except the usual Hollywood trash
Sometimes, the only other option induces insanity
If Neptunia sounding like a pretentious teenager is cute then sure.
Jap voices usually deliver the lines(tone) better. Dubs are usually kind of bland or sometimes even robotic in delivery.
>play game/watch movie that isn't in English
>notice a lot of obvious English loan words because non Anglos are subhumans who didn't invent anything/come up with our advanced concepts, and just started using the English word for it when the British/Americans introduced it to the world
But that's wrong, there are common standards to all cultures and human beings
Take DBZ for example, the japanese voices are disliked by most english speakers where as in the mexican dub is widely loved by the majority, even if they aren't fluent on either of those languages
Did you know that people can learn different languages?
That has nothing to do with the quality of VA, most english voice actors are shit because they try to sound realistic in a completely unrealistic environment.