Which version of the Switch did you buy?
In Great Britain, the grey version seems to be sold out everywhere.
And I understand it's the opposite in the USA.
Is it because British people have more class and sophistication?
Which version of the Switch did you buy?
In Great Britain, the grey version seems to be sold out everywhere.
And I understand it's the opposite in the USA.
Is it because British people have more class and sophistication?
Are you sure? UKcunts on Sup Forums seem to not be able to not stop talking about america, gloat about your shit bar culture and your dirt weed and your bad attempts at laughing off the islamic hordes
Nothing is sophisticated about the UK general over on r9k.
You almost had me, but you failed to uppercase the A in America. Now I can handwave your entire post away with but a
>American education, everyone
They should make a red white and blue Britannia console, I would buy it in a heartbeat
Also America is better than England
If I wanted to be oppressed I would go to England
> under 25?
What the fuck? You mean to tell me that you aren't allowed to buy vidya if you're under 25 in your country?
England is pretty much a Sony stronghold. I doubt Nintendo gives a shit about us. Fuck them anyway, there hasn't been a Nintendo console worth owning since the SNES.
They have to show their passport to prove they're an immigrant, it says so right on the sign. Otherwise they have to pay the bong tax, which is an additional 20% on top of their 20% VAT
No one who's buying a switch has class or sophistication.
>Otherwise they have to pay the bong tax, which is an additional 20% on top of their 20% VAT
what the flying fuckkkkk. So immigrants get better price and treatment than your own countrymen? That's some fucked up shit.
You are not allowed to buy products which are potentially addictive if you are under 25, like alcohol, tobacco, video games or chocolate.
Woah UKchads provide way better conversation than the Americans at night.
I'm from the UK and would like nothing more than to move to America but it's a pipe dream. How come they don't want me, man?
It's so faggots who look like literal children don't get pissed off when they're carded for a game. They use the same language for alcohol. It's a "No we're not saying you ARE underage, it's just store policy that if you LOOK young we need to check"
People get enraged over stupid things all the time. Sup Forums doesn't have a monopoly over idiotic rage.
In Japan I had to get the grey because the colours were all sold out.
Grey, I didn't like the red and blue one too much. I want both joy-cons to be the same color, or at least come with a really cool design.
Thinking about it, they should really have a special edition bundle with Splatoon 2 where the joy-cons look like they got splattered by various ink.
Yeah, when I order stuff online they get rid of the VAT for me because I'm not British
>So immigrants get better price and treatment than your own countrymen?
They need the discount so much more than us.
>can't be sold a game if underage
Wtf kind of country do you live in? Hahahahaha there's seriously laws for this shit there
>oh no Mario stepped on the koopa, this might influence Nigel to shoot someone we have to ID everyone who's under 25
I would have taken the blue on if both controllers were blue, so incited I stuck with grey.
you have to go back
when is a special edition coming. going to scalp that shit so hard
>They need the discount so much more than us.
at this point, they practically already took over your country.
Yeah, that's what I said. Aamir you are truly the smartest turk.
Bought a grey one.
Bought a neon joycon pack with Snipperclips.
im Canadian you stupid cunt, I never saw a Turk in my life
>they practically already took over your country.
By all counts we likely colonised theirs. It's only right they're provided opportunities and aid for what we did. Paying less for video games is scarcely enough of an apology for what we did.
Yeah but genuine British people have access to a pretty sweet benefit, social care and health system which these shit skins don't get.
You're a leaf, and an uneducated one at that? Sucks to be you, 90 leafbux for a game is literal robbery.
I bought the grey for myself but I might pick up a pack of the blue ones.
>implying there's anything worth playing anyway
I have a PS2 hooked up that's literally it. You don't need anything else mate what's the new systems have
>resident evil remakes
Get them on GameCube
>dead rising remake
Get them on Xbox
>crash remake
Get them on PlayStation
>final fantasy remakes
Again get them on PlayStation and PlayStation 2
besides Zelda the last new game I got was smash
>if you look under 25 you cant buy games
wtf is this shit
Bceause youre white
>I'm from the UK
It's okay, we know your currency is worth about as much as monopoly money, you don't need to get so defensive about being poor.
Is there are Canadian Disaster Relief fund set up because of your broken economy yet? I can pitch in some loose change.
We're trying to stop Sup Forums from being overpopulated by clueless children. I'm sorry we let you down.
That's not what it says. It says if you look under 25, staff will ask for ID when you try to purchase something with an age restriction of 18. It's purely so staff can't get caught out by people who look older than what they are.
>Not being 95
Fucking summerfags.
You mean your dead grangrandparents, not the fat Sup Forums shitposters
Yeah the pound is worth more but is it even worst it when everything is the same price as here except with a £ instead of a $?
Is it worth it when your sales tax and income taxes are literally double ours?
In the end desu we're worth double you, can you even find a house that's bigger than a toilet there for less than a £1,000,000?
I'm 24, working, and living on my own but if I lived in Britain I wouldn't even be able to buy vidya?
sorry im 30 in the winter but 15 in the summer
No, the Switch is not age restricted. It's just a sign explaining you need ID to buy age restricted products if you look young.
This. It's to protect the staff, that's all.
>classy, sophisticated people
>buying a toy that looks like a retarded dog which got hit over the head with a lead pipe
Shit you're right, this is just over budget so it doesn't count. Sorry I failed you Canada.
Europe is the only region where the Switch is selling worse than the PS4.
Neither, because I can't find one. I'd take any color at this point, but prefer the grey.
Pick one, mate
>Which version of the Switch did you buy?
None until it has games.
Fuck you I like sainsbury's, their cajun chicken is delicious.
because pic related is your average burger
It now has two. TWO!
The neon ones look cooler, I mean who need another grey controller oh wow.
It's a toy.
That sure is lacking in Freedom Chromosomes.
And this is an average group of brits
Less man children in Europe than the US, it's why Nintendo isn't as pupylar in Europe as it is in Japana and the US.
I have a Wii U.
Did you even look at OPs pic? The fucking thing is sold out.
So what game are buying next for your Wii U?
What game are YOU buying next for your Switch?
Probably none since I haven't bought games for it in over a year.
fucking sick of UKucks acting smug toward America. stay tilted fags
I come here at 8 am and I notice an influx of Sony nigger shitposters. You faggots should be focused on not allowing third world shitskins from taking over your country.
You have Trump in charge. You lose any argument ever with just that one statement.
Arms and Mario Kart 8.
If Animal Crossing doesn't get announced in E3 I will have lost all hope for the Switch (until it does)
Holy shit, you can't buy consoles if you are under 25? what a manlet country
Did you even read OP? OP says the grey version is sold out in Europe, and it seems that the neon version is sold out in America (actually, the Switch is just sold out period over here). It's about the colors, user.
>Is it because British people have more class and sophistication?
I just went with the grey because it matches my other systems better. I didn't want bright neon sticking out from the rest of my consoles and handhelds.
>but is it even worst it when everything is the
Even the retarded love their country in America, while Europeans are too busy burning their flag and letting their daughters get raped all day
Hey Muhammad
As already pointed out a couple times, it's a sign saying if you buy age-restricted products and you look under 25, you'll need ID. The Switch is not age-restricted.
It better be a proper Animal Crossing too and not some spastic amiibo shit.
And you have hundreds of years of inbreeding, poor decision making, and now an influx in illiteracy, rape, murder, and crime. Plus you can't even buy butter knives.
OP here, yeah I should probably point out that this particular store has that disclaimer plastered all over the place. It's not the Switch is related to that disclaimer at all, it just happens to be sitting close to one of the notices.
Yeah, American stores have them too, but I guess having it right over the Switch made people think it's related.
For example, Walmart looks like this and just has the disclaimer about M rated games over the whole section rather than a specific product.
>to buy a fucking video game console
>25 when most people start working at 18 or before so they have money to buy stuff
Is England the worst European country?
How many of you are going to post this? Like, you can read the text on the sign.
>not liking Trump
Makes perfect sense a Brit cuck would not like him. Enjoy your "Asian gangs" raping and killing your people.
not the opposite in the US from what I can tell.
the switch is just sold out entirely, all colors.
This one. It's a little different from yours but cheaper, and skyrim runs great, even with mods.
That's some desperate shit you got there user.
>best handheld i've ever owned at a lower price than the switch
>9 hours battery life
If this is what desperation feels like, i'm okay with it.
The best version
>user posts a video of himself playing this
>Witcher 3 is quite literally a slide show
>buying unfinished hardware
Stupid Americans can't understand that challenge 25 is to stop kids buying age restricted games when they look older then what they actually are honestly in a stop coming here fucking retards only go on this board
25-28FPS on lowest settings with a few tweaks
it still looks and runs better than BOTW, lad.
Grey, I don't care much for the bright controllers to be honest.
t. American
Americans can't understand government at all. Because they don't have one. They pay taxes to senators half a world away who are openly owned by corporations, their police forces are too scared or fat to even deal with protesting students, and when their water catches fire they tell themselves it's natural.
Well, the sign is posted right over the Switch, so I could see how someone would think the two are related.
I'm not one to use the cuck meme, but holy shit this has to be the most cucked thing I've ever read.
these will lead to the downfall of civilization
Already did.
Could you be any more of a cuck?
Your ancestors would be ashamed of you.
Why are British people so ugly?
>that fat guy in the back
>the look of stoic disappointment