Other urls found in this thread:
Which one of his dull, nasally, monotone faggot friends joined in this time?
What is a "friend"????
How do I make a good hypothetical, Sup Forums?
>game lets them name a character
>Julian starts blurting out retarded gibberish noises
>Chris want to name it nigger
>Ding Dong stops him
>every time
Julian needs to fucking cut that shit out.
Start with "The last video game character you played as" and just fart out any hypothetical you can think of.
Homer, we are in Undertale
What would you do with a small Osama Sup Forums?
For the uninitiated.
Their banter is already hilarious, but I bet its elder god tier when chris isn't censored by double D.
I'd love to hear it.
And thats coming from a black guy.
Julian isn't half bad either when it comes to that stuff.
>Talking about jews on Yooka Laylee saying that long noses are usually a sign of evil
That describes either of them
You'll have to be more specific
>space people
>from the blackest reaches of space
Whoa there little Redditor. Virtual babysitter discussion belongs on Reddit, not Sup Forums. I know it's the weekend and you're off from high school, but you need to leave.
Go back home.
Ha ha, nice whacky thumbnail. I love it when they scream ha ha. Is this what it's like to have friends? lol.
Didn't even smile once, holy shit you people are autistic
siri me we hi hi hi
If you watched a 40 minute video and didn't like it and came back here to post about it I think I have bad news for you user.
He wouldn't have watched the full 40 mins unless he sped it up.
>Julian making fun of how an old asian lady speaks while right in front of her
The primary audience for e-celeb garbage like this is early teens. You should be banned for being underage.
I mean the least autistic thing here would be realizing you don't find the video funny, closing it, then closing this tab.
Which is fair enough, it's not for everyone.
Guys lets cut the shit and get straight to the juicy Ding Dong drama
Reminder Ding Dong threw TBG under the bus for good reason
>most recent RE4 video
>"Oh! They said a bad thing."
>"They said ni-" *cut*
>"I didn't say it they did."
What drama
I ain't readin all that shit
gimme a quick rundown
What the fuck, gimme a TL;DR
I ain't reading all that
>Dingdong fucking flips out at rape jokes months ago
>Now he fucking said "and he'll rape your mom" in the YL episode
Chris "Faggot Word" O Neil and Julien "Yes" Julienboy are bad, bad influences.
dingdong is hypersensitive and has a twitter meltdown everytime he reads a mundane critical comment on a video. they aren't going to last.
not videogames
I don't understand, who was he in those conversations?
Sup Forums was having a conspiracy theory level thread about DingDong the other day, in the chat logs he's supposed to be under TheBestGamers chat name I believe.
From what I gathered it's basically him saying "The Best Gamers has gone down the shitter because nobody cares anymore and the people that do have moved on" essentially saying TBG is shit now.
Then suddenly these chat logs and trying to find out DingDong's real identity started to surface because I guess some members of TBG were asshurt over what he said.
I don't know if the thread itself was archived but boy was it a ride.
Thats like every TBG/OneyPlays thread
oh boy i sure love youtube drama
DingDong's censoring is getting old now, it's like he doesn't even know who Oney's audience is.
He doesn't even edit the videos anymore dingdonger
>DingDong complain/makes joke about a thing commenters do that annoys him
>acts surprised when they keep doing it
>half of his Twitter feed now is making passive aggressive jokes about the comments he gets
I feel like DingDong has slight autism, like he can't help from being open about his complaints instead of just moving on.
>like he can't help from being open about his complaints instead of just moving on.
Sounds like Sup Forums desu
RedLetterMedia has been making the same mistake for half a decade.
except RLM makes a funny video to do it
>"The Best Gamers has gone down the shitter because nobody cares anymore and the people that do have moved on"
He's said that on his streams several times, what's the big deal?
lol oh man yes these threads are the best lol everyone post your favorite meme
mm some gossip too hehe i love the drama hehe
which is your favorute?
>they shout something loud (my favorit haha LOUD!!! haha)
>totally random noises (also good haha)
>a reference to something you know
its hard to pick but please try your best hahae
woah fella you seem agitated for some reason when you could've just hid the thread a mosey'd on.
He has autism user he can't help it...
im just trying to ask a question friend
if your not an oney fan you can just frick off
>julian's thread a few days
>some autistic guy screaming at the top of his lungs to get the thread deleted
>he gets banned and his posts are deleted
I don't give a fuck about these threads but that was a laugh riot, what a faggot
The latest RE4 episode when they talk about Nostalgia Critic tho....
some people take these video game boards really seriously.
unlike those link trap threads, where it's not even video game pictures but a bunch of thirsty faggots trying to get some action.
More like
>Hmmm, I have a not vidya thread to post about content that appeals mostly to people in their early teens
>Where should I post it?
>Their reddit page? Nah
>Tumblr? Nah
>Sup Forums? Maybe
>Sup Forums? Nah
>/trash/? Nah.
>Sup Forums - Video Games? Perfect. This is the best place for rumor and youtube drama discussion
I wanted to prove you wrong by linking to a video that wasn't like that, but I'm having trouble finding one.
I love when people shit on the nostalgia critic and channel awesome, they're one of the worst content networks on the internet. Doug is among the best of them and even then he barely clings on to relevancy by just pandering to his cringeworthy fanbase.
The one time he actually tried to make a new show it blew up in his face because his writing and directing skills are atrocious.
wow it's almost like you can just hide the thread and mosey on
I want Chris to play something by himself, like before
You're starting to sound really pathetic user.
Dingdong already acknowledged that TBG was just a side thing, he had a fucking QA here the other day.
>wow it's almost like you can just hide the thread and mosey on
>wtf why are people shitting on my not-vidya thread. I NEED to discuss youtube drama.
Defending e-celebs is pretty pathetic. I know your virtual friends are being insulted, but just go listen to them scream into a mic for 20 minutes and take your nap.
nostalgia chick is a huge cunt and i don't even care for doug walker.
Oh sweet, a Game Grumps thread
Then someone asks "source" and you backpedal and make excuses. You flood this every thread.
What's everyone's favorite scream moment ha ha
except more like
>hmmm what a fine shopping mall this is.
>so many options there's bound to be one that piques my interest
>AH HAH. Tthat one there. I absolutely hate what they sell there.
>Let's see what they have for me
>back to
hide the thread and fuck off. nobody's forcing you to participate
>white-knighting ecelebs
They're not your actual friends, user
>complains nostalgia critic does not do research
>is a fan of anita sarkeesian
>Johnny Johnny
>Yes Papa?
Slayed me.
here is some vidya.youtube.com
>half his feed is angry jokes
>two tweets saying how he'll try to do research next time
As much as I can't stand him I don't see any explosion
Let's add one more step to this simple process
Report the thread, hide the thread, and fuck off
Threads like these are why we need dubs back.
Guess what, if you make a thread about any videogame on Sup Forums, someone who dislikes that game will show up. This is how every thread on Sup Forums is and that's good, it keeps it from being a constant fanboy-ridden shithole.
The problem is fanboys of ecelebs have absolutely no defence whatsoever and get butthurt as FUCK as soon as their "friends" are insulted.
Argue back and say why they're good or why the criticisms of them or their fans is wrong, don't just fucking cry about your thread being ruined. There isn't even a discussion to ruin. It's just memes being posted. Step back and look at yourself.
Let him bitch. Not like he's an authority on humor anyways. Not like Sup Forums is any better at it.
>Look mom I reposted a crowbcat video
>Twitter/tumblr screencap thread
>Is he /ourguy/ threads about some inane reviewer
DingDong seems pretty alright.
She seems like she's just taking advantage of the fact channel awesome has an audience. I lump her in with people like Spoony.
Was he serious?
If you're gonna post not-vidya garbage content on Sup Forums, prepare to get shat on for it. Shut up you crying child. If you want a safe space, you should've posted your e-celeb shit on Reddit.
Doug used Last of Us as an example that games "aren't art but are getting closer".
crowbcat posters may be the worst
ding dong and rockcock64 talk all the time on twitter tho
If you went to their reddit page I bet there would be fewer HATERS and you could discuss your eceleb surrounded by other like-minded people.
Why don't you? Seriously. I bet you think you're "too good" for reddit, but will continue to insist that reddit threads like this should be here. Why the fuck wouldn't you just go to the place you clearly should be?
I'm not even saying this in a "you're a faggot who belongs on reddit" way, I'm saying this in a "there is a place for this and you will be happier there" way.
she is right about doug. she just for some reason gives anita a free pass despite putting the same lack of effort into research.
I actually like that he responds to criticism. Pretty calm in the thread he posted, same with Jules.
Video games.
Post your video game waifu.
>I am surrounded by plebs, I only enjoy the finest comedy
>looool oney play LOUD NOISES haha random lol reference
>Step back and look at yourself.
And here you are sitting in a thread about something you know you don't like. A thread you think should be deleted yet you keep bumping it. All for the sake of feeling superior to other losers.
What kind of sad fuck cares about the quality of this shithole. This is the worst board for a reason, just stop trying.