Where were you when memes once again became reality?

Where were you when memes once again became reality?


oh great, karen brought her fucking nintendo to the party again

She just wants you to have fun, user.
Don't you like fun?


Karen is a good girl

but if you are me, who am i?

We are DRINKING, Karen. We're having CONVERSATIONS.

Real Karen doesn't look as pure.

She's changing her name from Kitty to Karen
She's trading her MG for a white Chrysler LeBaron

I want a girl with a short skirt and a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooong jacket

Is it a trap ?

Only happens during those partys where everyone has to put their phone in a box at the beginning.

She looks like your average, trendy, French, underweight girl that somehow got into modeling because ... reasons?

Introducing the mustache dimple.

>We're SWINGING, Karen. We're having INTERCOURSE.

>flat chest
>ellen page style tomboy (before becoming lez)
this is /ourgirl/

Is it bad that I thought her username was whoamiamyouarememe at first glance?

In Sup Forums fucking world every woman is a trap, there are no women, only men in dresses, what a shitty place this is.

>thirsty ass gamers sucking up to another average girl
It's like joost all over again
fukken nerds


makeup is an incredible thing

karen is so fucking cute.

this for Christ's sake

looks like filthy frank

That is an absolutely shit smile.

>implying you wouldnt

you have clear mind

video games

She does have some masculine features though.

why is she so fucking flat? set those titties to jumbo my man

Who is she? Like why does she even have a thread?

>he doesn't enjoy all titties regardless of size
I pity you.

she owns a nintendo switch and is a girl

I love cocks

Fucking retarded

Your face is retarded.

tfw she is my type
i love you karen!
i'm so alone, send help

>those sagging tits

That tummy though

What? She looks pretty good here.

Super cute lips.

like what? two eyes, a nose, two ears, a mouth, hair and a jaw?

You know, some say people tend to see what the want to see, and Sup Forums is chock full of unironic faggots.

Put 2 and 2 together now.

I actually unironically let that song play when it comes on the radio.

i'd never seek it out, but it's enjoyable every now and then.

me too.

Like the long face. The pronounced jaw. Why do people who know jackshit about facial features have to be so smug about their ignorance? I don't get it.