Make this vidya related
Make this vidya related
also nice
Damn, beat me to it
>free online
Every time. Unless you live with your parents which is highly likely and even funnier.
>Pay for internet obviously
PC: no added cost
Consoles: muh PSN+/XBL
4K is a meme
For now.
4K is out of your price range?
Or are you just blind?
Looks more like Not native resolution vs native
Looks more like, scaled it down so they had equal size for comparison.
Came here to see if someone would make this
Pcbro here with a 27" 4k monitor (and a shitty PC which can only do 1080p). I can confirm it is NOT a meme, and 8k is clearly not a meme either (you would easily be able to tell the difference). Any higher, and yes
portal 2 joke
>blowing up a resolution with the express purpose of making it look bad
Wow, you sure know how to save propagandized images for the sole purpose of post-purchase rationalization.
Not sure if poor and salty or blind, salty and poor.
But since you're obviously poor you're not really informed on the pros of 4K+.
Just like games scale and look better at higher res, so does everything else outside the games.
Yes, can you believe it? There's a purpose of 4K outside gaming, who would've thought.
>4k resolution
>trees are still cardboard
Keep boasting about your meme resolution, I'm sure it's a great use of processing power.
>What's the reason behind using 640*480 over 320*240?
There's your answer, poorfag.
I don't even care what company uses Monster hunter, just please put it on an actual console and not a handheld.