Whats the best 8th gen console in your opinion?

Whats the best 8th gen console in your opinion?

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I'm a PCbro but I'd go xbone if I couldn't own a PC.

Best online
Cheaper (now)
Free games with gold aren't complete trash
Better controller
Pic related for the no games memers
Backwards compatability

wii u so far

>8'th gen


As an idort, It's hard to say really, I want to say ps4 but no because it's good (It's not), but mostly because of the other ones being shit as well, but desu honest, after phil spencer took the lead, xbox has gotten some pretty good shit (backwards compatibility), which was really good for me since I have a stack of around 100 xbox 360 games, and my 360 got permabanned. So I would say xbone.


So ubisoft decides what gen it is now?

But you have all of that on PC

Wii U, easily. Of course the PS4 will have it beat by the end of the year.

Can't you fucking read?

Do you? When the general view is that it isn't.

Wew lad
A 10 year old console beat that 8th gen console
*on PC
Dog all the games run worse on that thing too

I have a wii u and ps4 and I definitely prefer the ps4

The PS4 had it beat years ago.

my condolences

Its determined by time retards.
Also since when do people give a fuck about Watch Dogs? Jesus Christ.

Ok what about every multi plat on that thing
Wew motherfucking lad
Just because nintendo left you behind doesnt mean you have to act all hurt

>All the games run worse on that thing
Do you have any proof to back that up? I'm aware that some games do run worse (ams I've noticed it myself), but most games actually run better (although they look the same to me), so, the fuck are you on about?

>Pic related for the no games memers
Did you look at that pic? All there is for Xbox is multiplats and garbage

>what about every multi plat on that thing
they all run best on PC anyways.

Point of it is that PC/xbox/ps4 all give you almost everything, since most stuff is multiplat. If it was pick one in addition to PC I'd go wii u hands down (depending how wwell cemu works)

he's an obvious shill

Dude if you knew anything about hardware there are very specific reason
>worse cpu (laughable since PS4 CPU IS GARBAGE)
>worse GPU (not to much worse though)
>the main reason RAM
>PS4 had GDDR5 ram while xbox has DDR3
Literally if they gave it better ram it would be a lot better
Thats why unsharteds textures look so nice when compared to their best looking game Gears 4 (inb4 racing game like forza)
Still better than PiiU
Exactly bb


He is implying it underpowered trash that they already left behind for the switch bitch

>Its determined by time retards.
Funny how generations in technology seems to be determined to technological progress, except when it comes to nintendo who gets a pass.

I have a PS4 and I was never interested in the other 2, so I'll go with the PS4.

user the Wii U easily has the most and best exclusives in that pic

Wii u for range of exclusives

Xbox for general all rounded-ness (back compat, game pass, refunds etc)

Ikr? Not even a competition, Wii U easily beats the PS4 and Xbone that it shouldn't be considered the same generation.

Switch is the first Generation 9 console.

>range of exclusives
2D platformers, and, uh....

So i guess the ps4 """"pro""" and Scorpio are too
Nah you just got left behind by mommy nintendo
At least that thing is sort of more powerful than the wiiu
Also this why would you get it,k it has a shit library because it failed so hard.

>being this triggered your paper weight is already a generation behind


The choice is obvious

I do not own a Wii U
I say this in a way that it is trash is is comparable to 7th gen as is the switch off yourself sony nigger. I play WiiU games on my PC like a real man.

Wii u hands down because it has fun games pc for the few multi plats that are actually worth playing

Wii U games are on PC though

yeah at 15 fps

I get 25 on BOTW on an I7 2600
The games that work IE the good ones
Like 3D world and Xenoblade and a few others (no WOW yet though) work at 60fps perfect


Not on Sup Forums Here everyone has high end PC, errors, crashes missing textures, large dips everyone complain about don't exist, single configuration is perfect for every emulation and multiplat.

I would have said Wii U until a few months ago.

Recently the PS4 got quite a few good games, while the Wii U only got one great game, BOTW.

I guess it's more or less even now, PS4 will be better when the next bunch of good exclusives come out.

Nigga you need a sandy bride CPU and up to get games at full speed get over yourself.
Fuck the newest pentium can emulate BOTW at 30FPS
Fuck read my reply im using a 6 year old fucking processor.

Wii U

Yes, only in that pic, in real world it's different however.

Wii U is 8th gen
PS Pro, Scorpio and Switch are 9th gen

The one with games.

PS4 > XB1 obviously

As for WiiU it just comes down to preference

>Pic related for the no games memers

How does this prove that Xbone has exclusives? All I can think of is Forza and Horizon. PS4 has more exclusives games.

But they don't count because Call of Duty and GTA sells more. You can't play them...

Wii U is dead

Xbone is a walking zombie that only get multiplats

PS4 is selling gazillions and getting high rated exclusives

Gee I dunno op

PC. Fuck generation 8. All 3 consoles sucked ass.

Wii U, without doubts.

this desu

one of the worst gens ever.

I own the PS4, Xbox One, and Switch and I think the PS4 is the best current-gen console. Switch has a lot of potential though and I think it'll be great after this year.

Aimed at sonybros, no doubt at all the wii has the best, but it doesn't have multiplats which make up almost evvery game

Wii U easily.

It only got four years of support which blows, but it got a good four or five great games a year.

Four years in and the PS4 is just now starting to get good IMO.

What's that 1 and 2 HD thing from Japan?


>Aimed at sonybros,
Why? I don't get it.
>no doubt at all the wii has the best
Wii is not 8th gen console, also pretty subjective.

As a PC bro, the only one that makes sense to own is the PS4 or MAYBE a WiiU/Switch. That being said, I hadn't turned my PS4 on for over a year before Persona 5 came out.

I'm guessing he meant how sonybros always say the xbox has no games, when they play the exact same games.

Many of those are Wii ports or multiplats from other consoles.

Fuck never heard of this.

Was it released outside of Japan?

English available?

Some kind of illegal patch for my hacked wii u?

>when they play exact the same games

PS4 has exclusives that Xbone don't have.

Every platform could list tonnes of stuff no one cares about, and the xbox has exclusives the ps4 doesn't have. In reality they have the same games which people actually lay

>and the xbox has exclusives the ps4 doesn't have.

How many?

>In reality they have the same games



Wii U.

Before Persona 5 came out, Wii U had the best two JRPGs of the past five years (TMS and XCX).

It had four, 5-star games that you could sink and endless amount of time into (Mario Kart 8, Smash 4, Super Mario Maker, and Splatoon).

Other games that helped fill out the lineup:

Bayonetta 2
Mario 3D World
Twilight Princess HD
Wind Waker HD
Yoshi's Wooly World
Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Star Fox Zero


Oh yeah, and it has GotY 2017! Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

There's no point in arguing with these 'muh multiplat" fags because we're on Sup Forums

I don't give a shit how many people play Madden or Call of Duty on their Xbox, I buy consoles to play the games I can't play on my PC. Even when you count the "WIndows 10" exclusive games they've almost all disappointed aside from Forza Horizon 3 and maybe Gears of War 4, which was just okay.

>How many?

Infinite which no one cares about, slightly more relevant ones people actually buy than the ps4. Way, way lessrelevant ones people actually buy than PeeCee or nintendo stuff.

>the same games which people actually play
>people ACTUALLY play

>Twilight Princess HD
>Wind Waker HD

Well, cool but those are Wii games. I hardly can say remasters are main point of my PS4 purchase, more like addition.

>People saying Wii U

Not surprising considering that this is Sup ForumsintendoGAF

Wii U is easily the fucking worst Nintendo console ever

Sure, it got some good games but it was a huge piece of shit with no third party games, shitty online, and shit games like Devil's Turd and pic related.

Probably the only good thing about this turd is that it got hacked because that's it.



>only what people play and buy matters

I noticed this argument is quite popular recently, however still don't see why. Isn't games actually available more important? It's not like Sony puts block on Persona 5 so I can't play it because GTAV sold more.

Not really the vast majority of those are exclusives.

>I don't give a shit how many people play Madden or Call of Duty on their Xbox

Same here. Don't know why they constantly spam sales charts in every thread.

>I noticed this argument is quite popular recently
Xbox shills, they're in the wrong place because until MS starts making real exclusives, no sizeable portion of Sup Forums will ever give a fuck about the Scorpio.

Fuck Japan with that and DQX.

They all have infinite shit no one cares about, just load up the store and copy paste the first exclusive games you see.

>Isn't games actually available more important?
yeah they all have the same though (apart from PeeCee and nintendo which have quite a few)

He obviously put it because of the inevitable sonybro swarm listing tonnes of stuff no one on the ps4 or xbox cares about

The funny thing is that several of those will get ported to Switch

Around half of those are not WiiU exclusives.

Probably, Mario Kart and Zelda are already ported.

Still in the 8th gen they were/are exclusives like The Last of US was considered a PS3 exclusive.

>They all have infinite shit no one cares about

So why can't name them?

>yeah they all have the same though

Xbone has Bloodborne and Horizon?

>He obviously put it because of the inevitable sonybro swarm listing tonnes of stuff no one on the ps4 or xbox cares about

Well I do care about many PS4 exclusives, so you are objectively wrong.

>They all have infinite shit no one cares about


Google each one until you find some

>Xbone has Bloodborne and Horizon?
The xbox has halo and gears of war

>so you are objectively wrong.
No one does care. Look atSame games people actually play on both.

Wii U and PS4 had more to offer than Xbone, that is for sure. The Wii U brought us Splatoon, Mario Maker, and Xenoblade X, while the PS4 gave Bloodborne and Netflix.

My opinion is that the Wii U was better if you had a PC better than a toaster, while the PS4 was better if you can't bring yourself to build a reasonable computer. Of course price [spoilers]for those willing to involve themselves in a bit of niggery[/spoiler] is of little concern now that both consoles are hacked, the Wii U has a CFW while one for the PS4 is in development.

That's why I put them under "fill out the lineup" category.

Many of the best selling PS4 games were available on PS3 as well. Persona 5 is the new hotness and even that is on PS3.

>The xbox has halo and gears of war

these games are unironically still the best console exclusives. name one game which is more fun to play than these that isn't a nintendo game.

>inb4 single player garbage

enjoy having no friends

I unironically agree with you, Halo is the only game I truly miss from going PCbro

Who cares? I love the Switch but the Switch didn't help me play Mario Maker in 2015 or Tokyo Mirage Sessions in 2016.

The PS2 played virtually every game that the PSone played. The PSone is still far and away the best 5th gen console IMO.

>Google to find it

No, I asked you. What exclusives?

>the xbox has halo and gears of war

They are on PC now so they are not exclusives. Also it proves that they don't have the same stuff isn't it?

>look at
>only best selling games count, if game don't sell above 6-10 millions no one care

If I and milion of others people bought certain game that means someone actually DO care. Your logic is completely broken.

Wii U

inb4 whiny little console warriors

+ Pokken Tournament and other stuff I missed in my collection.

>these games are unironically still the best


>console exclusives

Wrong. They are also available on PC.

>What exclusives?
Avatar battle bees (I said infinite no one cared about)

>If I and milion of others people bought certain game that means someone actually DO care. Your logic is completely broken.

Of for fucks sake, xbox exclusives are slighly higher up the xbox best sellers than ps4 ones are on the ps4 best sellers, they're practically all multiplats on both though. e.g. 9/10 of the ps top 10 are multiplat.The most played/best sellers are the same on both. Open your friends list and it wiill all be cod/fifa/gta/battlefield

lol only one game could break 90%

>>console exclusives

That literally means "on PC and [console]" you spaz

can i play gears 1 to 3 on pc?

what about halo mcc remastered collection?

Wii U was a mistake

Even the Vita outlived and outsold it and has better games than it

You don't even need a Wee U now that CEMU exists