>caring about e-celeb trash
back to r.eddit child

They're shit. His friends are so dull and monotone. They all have the same nasally sounding voice and offer nothing to the conversation besides dicks.

Resident Evil 4 episode 10 might be their best yet

have a boy

What would you do with a tiny hitler?

Brown bricks


pour hot milk on his head

Hey hey Julian






Why are they e-celebs? They don't show up in any other forms of media, don't get awards, have to make their own merch, don't have DVDs and CDs, and don't show up on the news and scandal shows.


They literally get all of that though, where have you been?

the blackest part of the universe

Would you?

Oney comes the closest because his cartoons but I'm pretty sure everyone forgot about them until they found Oneyplays

Is the Wrath of Cortex run over already? I liked the first episode.

Oney is xD im Sooo RANDUMB! xDd

Post your collection of Oneyplays DVD boxsets, i was thinking about getting them.

Fuck off forever

The disc fucked up in the second one and they went to Crash 1 instead

I hope they try the Crash Titan games.

I hope Stamper comes on

It wouldn't be a perfect clone.

Is this another "guy that does wacky flashes decides to play video games for easy bucks" gimmick?

I wish I could play video games all day and get money for it.

What if it was an exact copy of Hitler just shrunken down to fit in your pocket?

Too bad you don't have a personality

What happened between Oney and Zack?

Please don't post anything other than on this site, thank you.

A virgin with rage is a personality.

What's stopping you faggot?

other than what?

these people might actually be mental patients


>you can only post personalities that I like

Please kill yourself


well he's got a point. why are you shilling this here? desperate for views?

Still not as good as Jon Grumps.

You don't know what shill means. Stop using it so much.

It's up there

a person who pretends to give an impartial endorsement of something in which they themselves have an interest.

fuck off dingdong

Nah, he knows what it means, faggot. We all do.

The only good playthrough was Shenmue
>it's old lady steals-mail

Then its not a perfect copy

>"""impartial endorsement""""
thanks for proving me right



The Hit & Run episode they did on Grumpcade was as funny, if not funnier, than Jongrumps

ONEYPLAYS: shilling for bux on Sup Forums

If you faggots are that salty about Let's Play, why don't you file false DMCAs instead of whining like the bitches you are?


>Chris: x
>Dengong: oh my god
>Julian: I gotta pee!

repeat ad nauseam

Wait, so Julian posted his ugly mug somewhere?

none of them are funny and ever have been

low effort advertisement != shilling
for the last time, stop using a word you don't know the meaning of

They've cut all contact with one another.

Not oney but some E-celebs do have dvd boxsets

I know it's you, julian.

>literal fucking has-bins who give up on their talents to pursue worse careers are now called e-celebs

just stop

hey he's cool bicch off


its the exact same fucking thing you moron

fat gay mexican and a shillery supporter

Its probably because you're too much of an autist senpai

My husband where