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>excited for a port
Try consulting a calendar
Why are ports bad again?
>replying to obvious shitposters
finally the Switch will stop being known as the ZELDA MACHINE
1,058 DAYS AGO
We wouldn't be seeing this kind of hype if it wasn't the only other game the system has
Most drones have played this game 3 years ago. It's nothing to get hyped over now.
If you have a Wii U, you'd be an idiot to also have a Switch at this point, so I assume OP doesn't and therefore it's pretty much a new game to him.
Yeah, now it's a portable Wii U with most of the library missing
Tons of Nintendo fans skipped the Wii U so not really. Of course people are going to be hyped for the first HD portable Mario Kart.
>Tons of Nintendo fans skipped the Wii U
Not really. 13.5 million basically represents most core Nintendo fans. People outside of that who bought a 3DS aren't really Nintendo fans but casuals who picked one up to play a few games
Nintendo's best selling consoles are bought primarily by non-fans. It's why the Wii and DS were so successful.
>13.5 million basically represents most core Nintendo fans
Keep dreaming, fag.
Same thing
Can't fucking wait
I actually haven't played the original. Is it any good?
I'm not sure who can call themselves a Nintendo fan and miss out on Nintendo's best console library since the SNES. At best you're a fair weather casual
the time forgive nobody
I would love to play it but here we are over a month after the Switch release and it's still out of stock
It amazes me that a company can be so fucking incompetent, I can't even give them my money if I want to
we should add each other, lads
>6 days til you can play a game that came out 1,065 days ago
Because most of them bought a 3DS instead and waited for the Switch. There are a lot of Nintendo fans out there but Nintendo have so many franchises. I know several friends who would only buy Switch if it gets Metroid for example.
Ports aren't bad per say. That doesn't mean you should get 'hyped/excited' for it.
Anyway, if you look at 100 million Wii owners or 154 million DS owners and you see 254 million fans, you're mistaken. If anyone who has ever bought a Nintendo product over the years is to be considered a fan, then Nintendo has lost over 90% of their fans over the years. While they've lost many fans, I don't think it's nearly that dramatic. I imagine they total about 20 million globally, and by fan I mean someone who has a vested interest in a franchise that makes an appearance on every Nintendo platform in some shape or form
>the cops and robbers mode
Excited as fuck
I don't know, Pokemon sells like 15 million alone and I've never even played it. 20 million is too small in my opinion, especially since all Nintendo consoles have been divided by 2, a console and a handheld. The Switch is really the first time Nintendo is creating a single console so it's hard to predict how many core fans there are.
still haven't finished zelda or shovelknight
the backlog begins
Pokemon is exclusively handheld so I wouldn't consider it a core franchise, it's not even owned by Nintendo
I'm sure many people who only ever bought a Wii or DS would consider themselves Nintendo fans so self-identification wouldn't work either
Anyway, I think my point can be revised as this: If MK8 and BotW were so great, why didn't they convince you to buy a Wii U? Or are you a Wii U owner who is just playing devil's advocate?
>one year late remaster its okay when nintendo does it
>it's not even owned by Nintendo
Wasted Slots.
Wii U didn't deserve Mario Kart 8
way to ignore my real point
Youre in for a treat
Best MK
unironically can't wait.
Mario Kart is the only mp game my sister will play, so I'll have someone to play games with again.
You don't have one, my friend. Again, like I said before, many Nintendo fans just bought a 3DS and waited for the Switch. It wasn't a secret Nintendo was making a new console.
Why add Splatoon characters anyway?
Yeah, I'd consider it the second best Mario Kart. There's just so much background detail and shit. The music is amazing. The roster could be less saturated, but it's good.
Is Splatoon 2, Xenoblade Chronicles 2, and Super Mario Odyssey going to be shit?
Is Nintendo done making games for their console already?
>No new courses
Who thought this was a good idea?
None of those games are out yet.
Because Splatoon is fucking massive in Japan. They're holding Splatoon holoconcerts over there.
It wasn't a secret that Nintendo released MK8 3 years ago. It wasn't a secret that BotW looked fantastic when they showed it off in 2014.
You can't say that these things were so great that they convinced you to buy a Switch when they didn't convince you to buy a Wii U.
You are either not a Nintendo fan or a hypocritical faggot.
b-but muh battle mode
3DS got all the Nintendo games hehehe
>I have no argument
I accept your concession
any /pinkgoldpeachbros/ here
>tfw still can't buy a goddamn switch because they are always out of stock and can't pick up the new bundle cause im going on vacation the day it comes out
Another reason to believe Nintendo blatantly shills on this board.
Nope, I'm still /Morton/ since day one.
because it takes games away from sony niggers
My argument all along was that most nintendo fans bought a 3DS though.
>not being excited for this
>on a handheld hybrid, can play any way you want
>now in native 1080p60fps on TV instead of 720p upscaled like on the WiiU
>reduced loading times compared to WiiU
>can now hold two items instead of just one, no more only getting a single lame coin
>karts, bikes and the parts etc. all rebalanced to slightly nerf heavies and make other options more viable (lights, bikes and so on)
>purple boosting stage added to make up for fixed fire hopping exploit
>full on proper battle mode with multiple new game modes added and several completely new arena tracks
>all DLC included from the start, no more split online or problems of only ever playing on basic or dlc maps, all maps weighed equally now and accessible by all
>new characters, new karts, new parts (unlock Gold Mario for beating all 200cc cups)
>new items (feather and boo)
>can now change your character and kart online while in a lobby between the races instead of having to back out completely
Sup Forums absolutely BTFO
pinnacle of kart racing right here
kart or bike?
>no new courses in a racing game
>all the new arena courses don't count because they are not traditional tracks but battle tracks
The game already has 48 fantastic tracks, more than any Mario Kart ever. Most content-rich and overall best Mario Kart of all time.
It's over, you are finished.
48 tracks that I already bought.
Which characters are new?
>writing this much and expecting people to not realize you're employed by Nintendo
>I know several friends who would only buy Switch if it gets Metroid for example.
I guess they're never buying a Switch then lol
Gold Mario and squids.
>inflating the roster with costumes
All the other changes listed in are so good (especially the rebalance, the battle mode, the 1080p, purple boosting and fix of fire hopping, dual items etc.) that MK8D is worth buying EVEN for people who owned MK8 + season pass on the WiiU.
Gold Mario
Inkling Girl and Inkling Boy in three variations each
Dry Bones
Bowser Jr.
King Boo
Is that It? How did they make a perfect square then?
yeah you spent 75 doller for game n dlc.
60 dollers for deluxe with new characters karts mechanics and battle mode seems fair to me.
The fuck is that even supposed to mean?
Inklings, Bowser Jr, Dry Bones, King Boo and a Metal Mario reskin.
Nvm, answered
And they all could have been a DLC, not a $60 game. Not even Sony sells their remasters at full price.
Like the only other game worth playing on Switch, you can play it on WiiU and save yourself $300 on a new console.
Or like, you can pay to go outside where theres sun glare and shit.
but they do.
Um, sweetie. Actually.. TLOU remastered, which added way less than MK8D was 50€. Same price as I paid for MK8D.
Last of Us Remastered was $50.
>Nintendo lets glitches like fire hopping into online mode because they're shoddy programmers
>charges you $60 for the fix
or i can pay for 1080p 60 fps
Thanks for beta testing wiiu cucks.
At least you admit Nintendo is run by a bunch of scumbags.
>Mario Kart Pay For Online Edition
There's literally nothing wrong with ports, especially in this case when it's suddenly portable.
Uncharted and Last of Us remakes are part of the reason why I bought a PS4. I never owned a PS3.
>botw, port, also on Wii U
>fast rmx, port, also on Wii U
>mk8, port, also on Wii U
why would anyone want a switch?
I'm not excited for 8D but Mario Kart rosterfags keep forgetting that every game is padded with clones.
Even if you were to take out every Koopaling and even some of the more unique characters, 8D would have more non-clones than Wii and DD.
So many hideous people in one picture
I'll accept that. I think she looks better in a dress, though.
Splatoon and Arms. Which is why I don't have one yet.
>this victim complex
what do you suppose you do when ur console fails?
>fruit slices
Shit taste
Its just hilarious that Nintendo fans are turning on the people WHO BOUGHT A FUCKING NINTENDO CONSOLE.
Just shows you care more about your favorite company's profits than video games.
i do too but her anti gravity trick in bike has to be my favorite in the game.
I like how in every single MK8D thread, after a bunch of back and forth, it turns out that the only reason some people are salty as fuck and keep shitposting it is because they are furious over Nintendo having the AUDACITY to present the best Mario Kart they ever made in an enhanced version to a new audience on the Switch.
I never bought a wiiu fag.
ill turn on idiots who eat up stupid purchases.
Its a multiplayer game. Its completely understandable that people are upset that a game they spent $75 on is obsolete barely 2 years later.
Holy shit Sup Forums getting BTFO
So like a ton of other games?
Hell if anything, 2 years is a long time. Plenty of multiplayer games come with season passes right away yet are completely dead online or the devs go MIA within just half a year or 1 year.
So the Switch is good and the Wii U is bad even though the Switch is just a Wii U with less games currently.
lol k
>don't want to pay for a meh/average port
>want to play mario kart Sup Forumseekend again
im so conflicted.
Um sweetie... just relax. I didn't play mario kart 8 like many people and now I can.
Andre from Gamexplain said it best, this is the definitive version of the best kart racer. It's so good that even people who already put 500 hours into MK8 can get the same joy all over again out of this one, all the changes make it refreshing and fun enough to go at it once more.