Buy a game for titties

>buy a game for titties
>it's a piece of shit

How often did this happen to you?

Every game I've bought for that reason has turned out to be great

Never because I'm not retarded. An idiot, sperg and relapsing NEET sure but not retarded.

Zero because I don't think with my dick.


Honestly when you buy games for tits everything else is just gravy.

Never because if a game has lewd designs I'm smart enough to realize that's probably all it has going for it, because devs know dumbasses like you cant stop thinking with their dick. How fortunate for japans industry though.

I also am very boring and safe and love to sandbag conversations

>buy a game for titties
>it's really fun and has titties
Happens every time.

I don't even care anymore, I buy it anyways as a middle finger to feminists.

My dick has good taste so I don't know that feel

List me some good titty games

buy rabi ribi for the boobies
>a few hundred hours later
best game of the last few years

Each of the two Senran Kagura games I bought.

I like fanservice and everything but that franchise is garbage.

I've bought many games for tits and the only b objectively bad one was Magna Carta

Horizon Zero Dawn
Nancy Drew and the Bull of Nubia
Dungeon Travelers 2

I don't get the idea of buying titty games.
Why not just go jerk off to porn/hentai/tiles?

When the heck is the Vita port coming out already?

I think it's the cocktease

Wut gaem

ok then: Yea man i always do i like to masturbate too pretty crazy right. hell yea just bought the latest anime titty quest, time to live dangerously


i just got my collectors edition hard copy for the pc, so it must be soon :)

Never because i have my hand and the internet and im not a sperglord neet who wastes money for tits i can get freely.

You've just named 80% of Japan's main export to America, and the reason anyone even cares about Anime or Japanese vidya anymore.

MeiQ Labyrinth of Death

she is not even a party member

>titty game

Ehhh.... wat ?

Honestly, the only time that happened was when I was 15. I bought Dark Souls near release because I saw Gwynevere's gigantic tits.

I don't even have a giantess fetish but that was too much.

Then the game turned out to be great.

it has a girl as a lead so the moron is calling it a titty game

Surely Tomb Raider would be a better example?

But user asked her for good games

>Feel compelled to purchase a game because the female protagonist is sexy
>Rub one out
>No longer feel compelled to waste my money

This trick will save you hundreds of dollars, gaurenteed

Source on this .gif? I've not been able to find it

hi newfriendo

Is this game good?
I see good titties on it.

YES, it's very good. it's very difficult though, although not so much as rabi ribi. it has nice dress up elements too

lol hell no

I bought every single Shantae game because of the sexy pixelart

I regretted it every single time. Especially since they just reuse the same ones every game, then put some shitty tumblr girls' drawings around it


Can I dress up my titty angel?
Can I undress my titty angel?

all these games are trash. Horizon sjw agenda isnt good at all.

MeiQ Labrynth of Death was surprisingly good despite some balance issues and being made by Compile Heart. Usually, we have to wait for Fellistella to come in and fix their balance and pacing issues before the game is honestly playable start to finish.

I only regretted buying Risky's Revenge, but Pirate's Curse was legitimately enjoyable.

Apart from Dragon

Fuck that fucking bossfight

Take out the monster spawner nonsense, reduce the health on the stupid damage sponge bosses and you have a decent game.

yes but you get new outfits through doing achievements so i hope you're good at 2d brawling :D

A few times, recent example being Black Desert

90's porn games were a weird lot.

Kiss la Kiss on youtube.

>Jill of the Jungle
It was load blowingly awesome for a 90's platformer.

Tbh it was okay.
>bought for the tna
>stayed for the platforming puzzles

Been a good bit of fun, but not much replayability, since the level creator is ass to use, and even though the game is not really demanding on hardware at all, every time you open the level designer, your video card fans will go straight to 100%, temps through the roof.

I'd like to see a Haydee 2 on Unity, or Unreal - something with actual physics and better platforming - not animation scripted tit bouncing. Though the dev released almost all the game files for editing, including a rigged .3ds copy of the MC, so I've been trying to import her into Unreal lately. First thing I've tried, so it's a learning process.

>buy game for tits
>spend entire time trading insults with everybody
Who thought this was good design?

I have a Vita and more times than not my penis has guided me to the promised land.

I'm actually having a lot of fun with Estival Versus which I really wasn't expecting.

>all the unlockable panties are less sexy than the default outfit
And you still have to grind all of them, quite literally

So much tedious work for some fap material, now I know how americans feel when they run out of lube

These games would be better if there were attack animations. Are there animations?

Never because I'm not a kissless virgin that buys games for my dick.

I didn't buy these but I was still disappointed. X-blades and Blades of Time.

Are you me? I did the same, bought the game because of the art and the game itself was garbage.

I'm trying to think of a time I bought a game for titties. Maybe Dead or Alive 3? I didn't really mind it, just had noone to play against in it. And Rumble Roses XX wasn't as good as the first game and the models' faces looked uglier.

Nope, that hasn't happened.

I was that faggot who bought DOA Volleyball 1 when it came out on Xbox at like, 13 years old.

I actually don't recall jerking it to that game. All I did was try to buy that string jewel suit and give it to the other girls to wear in our volleyball matches.

Was really annoyed when the game would just reset after 14 days, whatever stupid short time period they had.


Oneechanbara is a fun tiddie game.

What game is that?

I've never played a SK game before, but I will buy this once it goes worldwide. It looks like good, simple light-hearted fun.

Also, dat chance to waterblast the bikinis right off of Honoka, Ayane and Marie

I've only bought one Senran kagura game, so just once.

>Blades of Time
I thought it was bretty gud. It was like they listened to the criticisms of X-Blades. Don't know why they bothered to keep the ayumi name around when everything else got the full West reboot treatment.

Other than a couple of absurd character designs, the game is a very solid hack'n'slash.

D-don't tease me.

PC version had some of the cheapest, most obnoxious AI in vidya. PS2 version was braindead.

The first game isn't worth getting worked up over, but the second is definitely worth a spin.

I don't buy games unless they look at least moderately enjoyable to play, so never.

Senran games could definitely use more gameplay content, but they're still fun.

Oh yeah I bought that too, and got bored of it really quickly. Probably the dumbest purchase ever. Next to any game published by LJN I got, anyway.

Never. My penis only likes good games.

There is a overhaul mod that vastly improves the AI in that game. Enemies avoid getting shot at, flank you from multiple sides, run counters much better, are able to roll over weapons to pick them up, so you arent as able to hit them.

Check out Oni: Anniversary Edition - some videos of it all on Youtube too. It's a free mod, and there are a bunch of other mods as well that improve the game a LOT. This game needed this.

>pic not related, but tits

Same for me with Magna Carta 2.

I've never seen a game with titties that impressed me so much that I thought I needed to play it. Not enough tit interactivity.

I don't think Animal Planet makes video games, user

The anime tiddies were on point, the game wasn't.

>buy Bayonetta for the TnA
>stay for the everything else

I remember the game being hard as fuck as a kid, but now I have to install mods just to get an actual challenge. Also I'm so sad I'll never see Kunoko in those tight ass jeans in glorious HD.

Jill didn't really have tits.
But she had a helluvan ass

Even if the game has tits I still research to see if I may enjoy it mechanically or not.
I loved MeiQ as a result.

>Came for the tits
>Stayed for the fun

There was so much wrong with that game. It's a wonder why NISA didn't butcher it into being playable.

First is the 90 minute, unskippable control tutorial that explains how to use a console controller. Considering the game's rating, anybody old enough to reach that is old enough to know how to push buttons.

Second is the entire starting areas, it explains everything except what you actually need to know to succeed. Combat mechanics, item usage, damage sponge enemies? None of that shit matters. If you want to succeed, what you really need to do is to make sure you have the right counter equipment; do that and everything else the game susses over is details. The game takes the training wheels off and you flounder because it doesn't explain this.

I could go either way on Hetalia and her personality. Dislikable protagonists are a flavor I don't really savor.

what game?

There's a difference between buying a game for tits and buying a game with your dick.

>>buy a game for titties
People here don't seriously do this, do they?

Maybe cause I want to play a titty game you fucking faggot.

Is it possible for them to top SC4 Ivy's clothes design?

Donde piensas que estas?

never. i don't buy games for virtual tiddies

Hasn't happened yet, my dick has pretty good taste in vidya.

>Shit talks people as boring for not wanting to fap to a game
>Doing this on Sup Forums

I''m sure your life is filled with excitement too champ.

Moero Chronicle, Vita exclusive, made by the obscure department hidden in the basement below the innocent happy colorful dev studio that makes Neptunia
Dragon's Crown, same producer of Muramasa. the artist is a literal THICCsmith

Boku no Dungeons and Dragons: Shadow Over Mystara

Just kidding, it's Dragon's Crown by Vanillaware.

>buying games for titties

Naw dawg. I only buy games for butts.

Everyone that replied to this just fucking accepted Nancy Drew as a titty game.

Literally why

Because sometimes you just want to enjoy looking at aesthetically pleasing women while playing video games.

Literally why not
why are videogames and sexy girls somehow forbidden from being together? why must I look at handsome men all the time?

>not wanting to look at handsome men
lmao what a fag

Because then video gaimes wont be taken seriously as an art form :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

>Asian game
>Every chick is attractive
>Western game
>The most attractive chick is an alien
Makes you wonder, don't it