
Starsector, is the RNG anti-piracy real or it's just a joke?

Other urls found in this thread: Portrait

Any idea when it's going to be finished? I want to build a trade empire but x3 is too autistic for me

go on the fuckin egosoft forums RIGHT NOW and look for guides you faggot. x3 is literally the best you will get for another 10 years for that sort of shit nigga

I have read the guides and I have 30 hours in game and still have no goddamn clue what's going on. I'm hopeless, it's just too hard for me. And this is coming from a guy who enjoys Distant Worlds Universe and Open TTD, and gsgs

>playing cuck sector

why would you actually get that mad about god damn character portraits that you could mod to be different with maybe about an hour tops of work??

I'm pretty sure the anti-piracy rng thing is just a joke
but what if it's not?

I just knows you've pirated the game, it'll change the odd thing but sometimes It'll raw fuck you

Not a single blonde male in the game. Now i regret purchasing it.

>scanning me after I've helped you in combat
Fucking Trikikes

Speaking of which, someone please port Messy Portrait Pack to 0.8. I need my qts. Portrait

Threadly reminder to NOT trust the Tri-Kikeyon

/vg/tier humor

the stig is blonde

i trust them to pay well for the ai-cores i'm about to sell them

It's there just to make you uncomfortable

>Starsector, is the RNG anti-piracy real or it's just a joke?

I have played several hundred hours of this game across different patches, and I have no idea what you are talking about.

What RNG effects are you even suggesting exist? Number and types of enemy ships in a fleet? Performance of those ships?

Starsector is so easy to break and become OP in that I don't understand what the problem could even be. After the struggle of the first ~hour till you get a destroyer, its pretty much smooth sailing unless you are retarded.

>Nazi-inspired modfaction
>all the portraits look like cyberpunk, well, punks


dont worry senpai, someones made a character portrait pack with anime characters, just the way you like it.
Im sure you can edit it even further to include your furry OC as well.
I dont even know if your post is serious or not

nazi punks fuck off

What faction?

diable when


I have a fatal: com/fs/util/C error with the crack, what to do?

Conservatives are the new niggers lol

enter a bogus key, then install the crack

>nazi punks

Well can't argue with that, that's what they look like.

New Galactic Order. They look cool and all but portraits are more future Neo-Nazis than Nazis.

>imply shit-tier races wont be wiped off the face of the Earth by the time glorious white races are fucking around in space proper
>no aliens
>no robots

Good thing they're easy to replace

dem bots are pretty easy to find and secret ones are pretty good

That don't works, it just say it's invalid then if I install the crack give me that error again

then your java is probably fucked.


inb4 crack/torrent when/where:

>Sup Forums 2017

Is there a way to make smaller fleets more common? It seems like most fleets I see are 10+ ships

No more crew leveling? What the fuck Alex? One of my favorite things about the game was starting out with a bunch of greenie crewmates and watching them harden through battle

IIRC it was too profitable to hire greens, gain crew experience bonus and sell elites for profits. IMO he should bring them back, even just for the flavor (and minor combat bonuses).
Honestly, I don't know what raises CR besides one skill, so basically now it doesn't matter what ships are first, no crew experience equals all ships having identical CR unless officers.

i'm increasingly of the opinion that every balance change in 0.8 was bad

So do you get some good weapon or something if you destroy the Remnant station or again only some ai cores?

He could have just made it so that you can't sell crew, only dismiss them

I'm fairly sure this is the most overpowered thing in the game.

Take a Doom, which is a phase cloak cruiser. Put ten antimatter blasters in all of the hardpoints that are forward-facing.
Load it out with as many flux capacitors as you can fit. In fights, phase cloak your way into knife-fighting range, uncloak and shoot all ten antimatter blasters. If it was big enough to survive this, it's now overloaded from the sudden spike of shield damage. Re-cloak. Phase cloak makes time pass faster for your ship, so by the time your antimatter blasters are off cooldown, the enemy ship will still be overloaded and defenseless. Put another salvo into the precise armor-wrecked spot where the last antimatter shots hit. Nothing survives this, not even an Onslaught.

You can even re-cloak right afterwards and do the same thing. Each time you cloak without venting flux you'll be able to fire less antimatter blasters, since phase cloak builds hard flux. This is why you want so many flux capacitors.

The only counter to this is ships that have fortress shield, the Paragon and Monitor. They can pulse the fortress shield online right before they're hit by the antimatter salvos.

You may be wondering how you kill fighters with nothing but antimatter blasters. The Doom has an 'interdiction field' ability which disables the engines of whatever ship you select, and if you do it to fighters it also applies the effect in an AOE. Engineless fighters are pretty trivial to pick off with the antimatter blasters.

In my experience there's no counter to this ship, you can dismantle huge fleets using only 1-2 of these. The hardest thing is finding enough antimatter blasters. By the way, you can also do a similar version of this antimatter blaster cheese using Medusas, but they don't 1hit huge ships like the Doom version does.

>babby discovers the AM-doom for the first time

not even the best fit for it baka desu senpai

Limiter is that Doom eventually runs out of CR, but before that happens he'll kill everything. Also, AI is notoriously bad at handling burst damage and apparently it's bad against phase ships as well. I think frigate swarms with torpedoes could soft-counter this by being hardly killable in 2 bursts and putting holes when you start to vent.

iirc When you cracked the game you sometimes get a pop-up about the game messing up the rng.



meant for

Go back to your containment sub faggot _donald

git gut

ded gaem

Lovin the new changes so far, all the scavenging makes it slightly easier to get ships but that also makes the player open to taking more risks and playing the game more naturally. Normally I'd abuse quicksave and quickload to reset any time I lost a ship but now I find I'd rather just continue playing and rolling with the setback. It fits the game's lore better giving the feeling of being post-apocalyptic space scavengers who are used to cobbling together whatever technology they can find to get on with their lives.

Who /scanmission/ here?
Pretty much all I do now. What, you'll pay me 100k to just go scan some shit in the outer rim? And I get the salvage? And I get to survey all dem planets for extra bux? And there's no pirates out in the boonies? And I get relation boosts with the factions?
Sign me the fuck up.

You could try X2. It has a more than sufficient tutorial by way of the story mode. And it still looks good. Sort of. Human models are atrocious but then they seldom appear.

it works now, i just tested it


Reminds me of a thing I did with the big cheese phase cruiser (Lucifer or whatever it was called) plus the Shadowyards tactical lasers. Someone forgot to flag something so those lasers not only actually fire whilst in phase but they do double damage for some reason. And since they're shitty lasers (even if there's 12 or 14 of them or something of the sort), the flux barely rises any faster.

Is there a way to check what each market sells or at least a way to know how many units of a thing it has before I go there? Procurement missions are a pain because I never know where to buy stuff, even with breaking even.

I had a mission for crabs now and I have no idea how to check where I can buy a large amount.

Cool thing about singleplayer games is that the balance is pretty much what you set it to be. Not saying it\s excusable but I can simply choose not to cheese the game.

if it's lobsters try volturn in askonia, it's one of the red giant systems in the middle ruled by the sindrians (pink-purple guys)

It's one of the features I want the most, but Alex doesn't listen :(

>it's a tier pic with no standards
the only ones in there that aren't shit tier are Expanse, the first 2 seasons of Galactica and Bebop and the odd futurama episode that's not too reddit/bazinga-tier, "oh le so cool funneh nerds".

>star trek god tier

found the pedo


Why do people like Star Trek? Ships were ass, tech was ass, non-existent guns. Bunch of fucking hippies sitting around talking about muh peaceful non-interaction while surrounded by an 8 year old's idea of the future of technology.

tap the relays for more market info

blow me

>taking a mission you have no idea how to complete

hired help smdh

>tfw was looking for this
Based piratebros

Who in the flying fuck cares? It's not like anyone uses the base portraits anyways.


So what is SS's version of the scorpion? Being jumped by a Paragon or 2 everytime you enter hyperspace?

Spookiness. Seriously, game doesn't care actually, only tries to scare you into buying it

I'm just waiting for my favorite mods to get updated

Bombing runs are satisfying as fuck. I'm glad fighters are good again.

How do you know if a debris field has been salvaged by you before?

Misspoke; question is what WOULD be its version. Maybe randomly spawning black holes. Nearly had a crisis when one of them nearly got me. Coulda sworn that sucker was still pulling me back after I enter HS.

Terminator drone with 0.1 shield, 20000 flux and 4000 dissipation, and rapid-fire plasma cannon
Alternatively REDACTED base following you

What fighters should I load up on a Mora? It seems more of a brawler, so bombers look like a bad idea.

You can have her in double duty.
Lot of alpha, have fighters keep the enemy busy, then swoop in and say "hi" with weapons at full blast

>mission to scan a planet on the edge of the map
>it's a class l "just another rock" planet
>get payed 100,000 space shekels

I'm having trouble getting started. I try and scavenge but I run out of Heavy Machinery way too fast and never have enough money for the crew AND the supplies to gather derelicts. Also, ships should sell for more so that scavenging ships is a viable career path.

>Take the mission and go there
>Stability 2
>Nothing on free market
>27 units on black market
>need 300+

Welp, there goes my reputation. Fuck this shit.

You should only salvage each debris field exactly ONCE.

Volturnian lobsters actually are quite uncommon on Volturn, which is shit, because you can't find them easily unless you know where to look already. Honestly, trading desperately needs remote market access to at least check what market exports and imports and what it has for sale. It's bad right now.

How is Drover spam allowed? This is so OP it isn't even funny.

See Don't worry if it says you don't have enough fuel for the round trip. You can scavenge both on the way and once you're done scanning the derelict station/ship. Just pack some heat, some of those cunts are armed.

man i fucking LOVE reapers

DESIGN DECISION: you're supposed to recover ships you want to use and have the rest broken into resources. DESU salvaging is already profitable as of now, it's just you shouldn't get ship unless you want it (also it has an advantage of not disabling your emergency burn since you don't have mothballed ships).

Another thing is that if you want to scavenge GET FUEL TANKERS and go to Askonia for cheap fuel

You mean metal boxes? LOL, they're so easy. Only big and PD ones are immune to just spamming missiles at them.
Basically: shoot missiles and boxes and don't at stars

This is now a lobster thread.

Jesus, is that shit even cooked?

reminder that lobsters are disgusting garbage-eating sea bugs

>red shell

you tell me m8

>tfw you'll never have your own Volturnian Lobster empire

Nope; it's sashimi.

I had a small one (~$30) once. Truth be told I prefer scallop, salmon and hirame (flounder) sashimis more

Can't remember which, but one mod adds gold crabs or smth

What do Volturnian Lobsters taste like?

bags of sand

Do you have to do the tutorial every time you start a new game now?

>Park myself on a debris field.
>Able to trade a handful of crewmembers and heavy machinery for a full hold of fuel and supplies.

This doesn't seem fair.

Keep a savegame available. If you delete all savegames, the game thinks you haven't played the tutorials

Are Salvage Rigs worth it?