If you are in the UK or can otherwise listen to classic FM UK there is a 1 hour show at 9pm about video game music

If you are in the UK or can otherwise listen to classic FM UK there is a 1 hour show at 9pm about video game music.

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hey generally thanks for this I always miss them

In the interest of honesty, you will most likely get annoyed when you find out the presenter is part of the chinese room.


No thanks.

She seems alright to me

>some literally who game

Lmao it's all going to be obscure shit isn't it?

bafta themed so games from here I assume.


>AMD eSports Audience Award - Clash Royale

What the fuck


Every time they ever have vidya music on here the Twitter is bombarded with angry baby boomers. Should be gud.

Where the fuck is Ducktales moon theme?

What is this fucking moaning shit?

Abzu has some nice music to compliment the visuals. I wouldn't call it a game though.

>it was an all male line up

Gender politics? In my vidya music?

>indie shit
what's the fucking point?

I was hoping for something more in line with VGL but what we got so far is Austin Wintory fan-wanking so far.
Hell, I like his music, and I still find it bad taste to do two of his songs in a row.
I bet even he would find issue in that.


why are you guys so angry???


>another Sonybro theme

Man this woman is a hag.

Stop posting shitty Sony music

Nintendo and Microsoft have used orchestras far more interestingly

I'm not angry so much as Curry's just being a uncharismatic and boring "bla bla bla" host so far.
So far I'd rather listen to a live VGL recording. Say what you will about Tommy Tallarico, he knows how to hype up a track, and build a good set-list that celebrates both modern and retro.

>that Mario Bros style Classic FM theme



Zelda, Mario ,Ori, halo all way better

>every gamer in the world knows this theme
>It's some uncharted shit

Lol only sonyfags like this garbage series.

Uncharted music is great.

It's different hearing it on the radio than it is hearing it in game.

I cbf to listen, can someone just record so I can listen when I'm bored. I'm playing ace attorney rn.

Just put it on in the background, autist.

They're playing some generic Uncharted song.

Halo music is shit now, all it is is strings.

>Coming up next the ICONIC themes to Fat Princess and Infamous!

Let me know when they start playing Morrowind theme.

she looks like she has had a few too many curries

>no 3D world big band

Fuck off opera cuckks



Happy now?

>unironically listening to video game music outside of playing games

jesus fucking christ, the lack of any taste or shame at all is appalling.

I kinda hope they play some japanese stuff. Imagine Nier or Xenoblade 1 music by london orchestra.

>just playing overrated Bafta themes from Indieshit and Sony games

Never mind. I'm going to drop this now.

>all it is is strings.


The entire show had been created for the opposite of what you just did.

The soundtrack to Nuts and Bolts was legit great.

How was Mike Pence's game, I never played it

>shitting on battle music
If you don't think Final Fantasy's battle themes are the tightest shit ever, then get out of my face Curry.
Put some Nobou Uemastu on. This theme I'd choose:

>Halo music is shit now

As in Halo 5 and most of 4.

It's pretty cool to think there will be some older ladies and gents listening to this that haven't played a game since pong or Pacman that might enjoy some of these songs and be surprised they are from games.

Just because a show has been created for something doesn't mean it's any good, look at Miranda Hart's sitcom

>Classic FM
>No Agnus Dei from Ace Combat 4

>The soundtrack to Nuts and Bolts was legit great.

I actually remember hearing a song from it played on Classic FM at one point. I can't quite remember which song was played though.

>Titanfall 2

Did anyone even play this game?

Allow me to go full weeb for a moment and guess they aren't too keen on playing Japanese game music.

Thats some good shit too.

Nah, I'd rather listen to good orchestral music instead of generic crap for nerds.

It's actually pretty cool. There are currently a good 300,000 people at least (probably more since its a new event being hyped up) listening and most of them will be over the age of 40.


>plugging her own song


what a fucking plug

>doesn't sound like video game music
Shots fired

>ending on a plug for their own song from Everyone's Gone to the Crapture

>Choir in English



What else would it be in?

Is it any good? Can't listen since I'm not in the UK.

See for yourself.

It's over now.

This week's theme was the BAFTAs so it was quite limited, but good.

it's all classical
I mean, that's what you should expect from Classic FM but hollywood-style orchestral scores have to be my least favourite OSTs

I disconnected at that point.
Her choices weren't inherently bad, she just presented them with an aura of pretentiousness that I think even her target audience would find off-putting.
Plus she's ignoring a large part of a related scene: Remixes and arrangements.

Most of the best indie composers started with making orchestral arrangements of classics. Some mainstream game composers arrange their music all the time still.

>not The Unsung War
You disgust me.

Meh. A couple of good ones though.
Might as well keep the thread alive.


Oh the kind of music that gets awarded for being well done and being fitting but no one can remember outside of the games.

I don't like the live versions mostly, because the cheering people do when they recognise the music drowns out the actual fucking music.
Xenoblade has some great stuff to it though

True. It's annoying how it usually takes a minute or two for the audience to shut the fuck up. It's not like its a metal concert where once the song starts its so loud you can only hear that.
>Those videos with the guy constantly commenting
>Constantly saying the name of the game and doesn't stop

>All request show at some point

Fuck is there a castlevania orchestra out there to request?


Smash Bros has always had some fantastic live arrangements.

I'm still hoping for live renditions of Dark Souls songs.


Name a better soundtrack.

I'd like to say you're wrong but I don't know



Does Kirkhope still flood polls with all his twitter followers? I like the guy but it always seemed such a stupid thing to do.

Semi-related but I thought Bloodborne's was an excellent orchestral OST.

Not just that, but with metal/bands that really require an audience, the songs they play have clear hooks, or bits where they can get the audience there to do it too, orchestra music isn't made with that in mind, the audience should just be the audience there

>an actually nice and helpful thread about vidya
>allowed to stay up for 2 hours
Wow mods must be asleep. Thanks OP.

Nice choice. For me it's likely FFX. That soundtrack has a bit of everything for every mood.


Exaclty. Imagine Video Games Live playing Ornstein and Smough's song. You'd likely get an absurd amount of "YOU DIED" "GREAT CHEST AHEAD" "SOLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIRE"