Degenerates like you belong on a New Vegas thread

Degenerates like you belong on a New Vegas thread.

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Make a barter playthrough.

Fallout 3 is better

Now you have even more money to spend on nothing

>being an NCR c*ck
>being House's lapdog
Yes Man and Legion are the only acceptable paths.

>do this
>get to novac
>hardcore mode
>sleep in novac house for a few days
>leave and clear bandit camp
>wipe out legion asssassins now and then
>dump gear at shop
>buy food and water
>sleep a couple days
>after weeks the shop is FLUSH
>tens of thousands of caps available
>crazy gear
>hundreds of bullets for sale

I made that fucking economy.

Daily reminder the Legion are equal to the niggers of history and their "civilization" will collapse and turn even more niggerish once their balding cuck emperor keels over from brain cancer.
>Captcha type in

so like the America of today then? Complete with balding cuck emperor?

>acceptable anything

How is it not? It's basically making yourself king. It's the "fuck all of you other faggots" route.

NCR = cuck
House = nu-male
Ceaser = beta
Yes Man = Alpha

It's the ending for retards who locked themselves out of other endings and retards who think the Courier actually takes over

NCR = cuck
House = make new vegas great again
Caesar = glorious warrior of the mighty Kaisar
Yes Man = original character do not steal

Replace House with alpha and the list is perfect. Only nu-male faggots think the independent meme ending is good. Two factors that make it horribly shit, Courier is mortal and will probably die first 50 years of running it and the successor is a fucking souless, self thinking AI. House is the king of enterprise and the best role model to rebuild the old world. He doesn't give a shit about ideologies, just wants to make money and rebuild Las Vegas into a reflection of his time.

Courier has the Big Empty and some bits of the Madre at his disposal.
Does House have a repository of pre-war SCIENCE! in his basement? No?

Daily reminder that if you didn't pick Legion in your first ever playthrough you're a profligate who should be crucified.

>post an image of the biggest thieving nigger known to mankind.

Hold your tongue, Wastrel.

>Picking Legion ever
I want Sup Forums to get the fuck out of my desert

>not ever doing a Legion playthrough even if it's just to try their quests
Actually that's kind of understandable considering they have like 3 side quests.

gr8 b8 I r8 8/8

Yeah I would consider doing a legion playthrough if they were more developed.

I massacred the entire NCR occupation with a modded varmint rifle and stealth archery, then failed the assassination because I killed the Legion during my killing spree

There's no reason to do Legion anyway. No one likes them and NCR is fucking everywhere.

Every option has its pros and cons, they're all good in their own way. The lack of actual content for the Legion harms them though

>play fallout 3
>love it
>play nv
>quests are disconnected from each other, short and easy
>all game is easy
>no need to use vac
>even if you use vac 5% smg shots will hit 95% of the time
>55 thousand caps to spend on nothing
>main story is find a guy who killed you (go from waypoint to waypoint, nothing else is required) then go to hoover dam
>hardcore mode is easy as fuck after you get a companion to hold your ammo
>literally walking all the game in sheriff clothes from primm because it does not matter
>no fun perks if you want to play a gunslinger
>melee combat is easy as fuck
>mr new vegas keeps repeating same shit on the radio even when i complete side quests
>speech and barter is op and breaks the game even more
>world feels empty and freeside is not fun to navigate
>kings quests is go to mormons go back and repeat 6 times
>nothing to do at khans

i dont know. im about to finish house playthrough and im not impressed so far.
should I make another character and try again? was thinking about explosives
how are the dlcs?
im waiting for ttw 3.0 to release desu

Nobody reply to it.

reply to what

How much content do you lock yourself out of if you have low speech?

You don't really lock yourself out of content. You just tend to have to take the long route of combat route in a quest.

The only quests that come to mind is that Khan sissyboy's quest and Bye Bye Baby (but you can still get this with high Medicine)

I haven't tagged speech or barter in forever.

>Legionary, for your successes and physical prowess, you are hereby promoted to Veteran
>We took the liberty of hammering some nails into your armour
>You know, to make you stand out from all the other football uniforms
>Be careful putting it on, if you get tetanus we've got nothing to cure it with

>Khan sissyboy's quest
>i dont want to be khan i want to be follower
>ill go ask
>can he be a follower
>ok ill tell him
>you can be a follower
great quest


Yeah, there's way too many quests like that in NV in general

>complain about degenerates and profligates
>rape women and murder children
I wanted to like you guys, I really did, or at least not hate you, but you make it pretty impossible. Hell, I could even give a pass on the rape thing, but you just had to kill a kid in Nipton instead of taking them to raise in Legion society. I blame the writers for that more than anything, though, they had to make the Legion irredeemable and rather stupid bad guys instead of making them more morally grey and competent.

You ever notice their armor kind of look like Roman Soldiers?

I don't see any nails in it, must have been worn by a scrub

>>being House's lapdog
Underage b& who hasn't resolved his Oedipus complex detected!

someone post the "fruit in a toga" pic

How much content does the Legion actually have?

>black mountain quest line

>go and kill everyone
>go and kill nearly everyone and repair a robot

>that quest is so important it shows on the end card


i fell for nv is better than 3 meme

>join house
>bang his robot wife in secret

House has a repository of pre-war science in his brain, dipshit.

Almost nothing, hence why they might come off as "cartoon evil".

Well okay, just this once, you can save it but don't repost it

yeah NV was pretty shit
good criticisms m8

Fallout 3 is tons better.

That's the opposite retard, those with the Oedipus complex refuse all father-like figures and want to kill their father.

I wasn't sure if I had it saved somewhere and can't be bothered to look through all the screencaps. Thanks.

>repair howitzer with parts from boomers
>save some girl from 3 omertas gang members
>kill 4 ncr officers

>caesar tumor
>kill president instead of protecting him

almost nothing

Yeah, I worded that wrong. I meant think choosing to be House's point man was being his lapdog is a childish thing to think. Heavy is the head that wears the crown and all that, let House deal with the headaches of ruling while I enjoy myself rebuilding the Lucky 38 and going to Goodsprings to play pinochle with Easy Pete and Doc Mitchell on Wednesday nights.

>This is what NVfags constitute as "funny"

How fucking cringeworthy are you guys? Really?

Go crawl back to whatever weeb infested cesspool you came from

I really love NV, but it's not funny at all. I also hate that Easy Pete meme, one of the least funny things I've ever read on Sup Forums.

>your little costume party is going to collapse into anarchy
Isn't that kinda the point though? It'll fall apart into various factions all violently struggling for dominance until the fittest faction is able to rise up and conquer them all. If it's not, then it should be.

>Yes man
dude anarchy lmao
dude no rules lmao

It's just propaganda to keep raiders away.

>Isn't that kinda the point though
No, no it isn't. Not even slightly.

The entire point of the Legion is either to conquer the NCR and "civilize" itself, or to so thoroughly influence the NCR via constant conflict that something better than either civilization emerges. Something something the Hegelian dialectic.

I hate NV and I really hate the memes surrounding these threads.

>xD we all killed that guy with glasses thinking he actually won the lottery am i rite?
>xD profligate you belong on a cross
>xD I'm an idiot who accidentally ended up in charge of a power plant and I have no idea what I'm doing, isn't that WACKY?
>xD Mr. House is so redpilled!

This shit is literally Rick and Morty-tier when Sup Forums tries to act like they're better than Reddit. Don't bother replying to this because I'm hiding the thread again as soon as I post it.

Oh, well, if you're basing your new society on the Roman Empire and you don't have massive regular civil wars and survival of the fittest struggles between factions as a constant feature, you dun goof'd.

How many gun mods are you on?

At this point why not just go play a different game? Like an actual shooter? With actually fun guns? Cringe.

New vegas was disappointing as fuck. It felt like a mod party, some ancient rome stuff, vegas, raiders, a little bit of BoS, cowboy, etc plus the main theme of fallout games.

It just felt like a game that wasn't 100% sure on what the fuck it was doing

>>xD we all killed that guy with glasses thinking he actually won the lottery am i rite?

>multiple lottery tickets can be found around the wastes, they have different value
>there is nothing you can do with them

>>xD profligate you belong on a cross
>one dimensional faction just there because game "needs" a bad guy

>>xD I'm an idiot who accidentally ended up in charge of a power plant and I have no idea what I'm doing, isn't that WACKY?
>that was actually a nice and fun thing

>>xD Mr. House is so redpilled!
>any faction ends up with you doing the same things just for different people, why even bother having so many factions

>literally an explosive skill check and nothing more not even early supplier of explosives because you get shit tone of them from powder gangers anyway, worst meme of all time desu

Post couriers.

Kill yourself.

What mod gives you that shoulder thing?


also i refuse to believe that nowhere in the whole kings school was a name "elvis presley" written anywhere

I've beat NV like 4 times so far. Any worthy mods worth looking into?

I thought we usually leave this faggotry for later.

Tale Of Two Wastelands.

Go to the Capital Wasteland and then never go back, enjoy your better game with the slightly improved mechanics of NV.

lovin' both your dudes

I've got 41.6 GB of mods if you want them.

>not curing the balding cuck emperor's brain cancer
>having low Medicine or luck
Not our fault you built suboptimally

What mod gives you that eyepatch?

Westerns were hugely popular in the 1950s. Caesar's Palace was a major iconic Vegas casino for decades. So cowboys and Romans together actually does fit the setting and the whole 50s thing they were going for.

How? I have only 20 GB and my game is already shitting itself.

>want to do a mccree run
>.44 revolver has a shit spread
>end up using the ranger seq

Otherwise pretty fun run.

xEdit, plugin-mergers, bashed patches, and diligent load order management.


So we've reached the point where Sup Forums has finally turned on New Vegas. How long until NV is worthless shit and F4 is the true classic?

>play NV with a buttload of mods activated
>have one that adds Fawkes back into the game
>it was made by some foreigner who made Fawkes' dialog extremely buggy
>go to Nipton, instantly encountered by Oliver "Reddit Lottery" Swanick shouting
>see some new dialog option saying "Let us travel together"
>he becomes a companion, whenever I talk to him he says "FUCK OFF"
>whenever we move to a new area he instantly starts running away as his npc script has to work
I've cursed him to follow me forever

Why are there so many good Sexlab mods while Sexout is so shit?


> good sex mods

lol. name one

Sup Forums is a contrarian shithole. Hell they hate games like Planescape and Diablo now. Soon they'll even be turning on their precious weeb games.

more like
>small dedicated fanbase
>start saying our game is better check for yourself
>or people check the game out of curiosity
>they may not like it
>lol Sup Forums is a contrarian shithole!

But New Vegas has always had a huge fanbase, especially on Sup Forums.

>NewVegas would get additional funding if they got 85/100
I blame Todd.

it may have huge fanbase and at the same time small part of it is the "dedicated" fanbase. the type of fans that you mostly see on Sup Forums

I can really admire yours and the first guy. It's a massive pain to make a good-looking grizzled character.

My fuccboy+hat+authority glasses brother.

>A thieving nigger who can be a greater danger than any other piece of shit in the wasteland

Because it's not Obsidian's terrible coding ability on a terrible engine, right?

Courier for President 2262. We need to build a wall to keep the Legion out. We need to create a gambling tax so that Vegas can be a proper contributor to the economy.

>hurr durr the past is DUMB, we should be looking forward with hope, not backwards with regret dude lmao
>this is good, original writing

>My fuccboy
is actually a grill

thats not the conclusion lol

>Still! Mad!

>>he becomes a companion, whenever I talk to him he says "FUCK OFF"
Gay. He should say "Smell that air! Couldn't you just drink it like booze?" every time you talk to him.