Sup Forums what faction would you choose? personally I wonder why games have lost touch with internet culture. I feel like it's an easy cash in.
Sup Forums what faction would you choose? personally I wonder why games have lost touch with internet culture...
wow, by lack of responses I would say Sup Forums is full of meme snobs
nah, probably the Internet in general. It's edgy and cool to hate traditional memes now. It's all about the ironic bullshit unfortunately.
Are you
>A homosexual?
>A faggot?
Hmmm... Hard choice.
Who is this semen demon
>Not embracing all memes, ironic or otherwise
Memes are the truest worldly pleasure in this life
meme bobs can fuck off to reddit
who /premiummemesonly/ here
that is just another Ohayu face.
No, we've reached Post-Irony awhile ago.
Now we just hate memes in general because we know they'll explode with normies without fail, since everyone and their mother just snatches whatever OC comes out of Sup Forums and circulates it around the internet, where it'll eventually land in the hands of Facebook and die forever.
Its Tina, world's cutest sniper loli.
Meme bob. Praise kek.
If that's the case then why are Pepe and Wojak still around to shit up the board forever?
Because they're used by Sup Forums and /r9k/ who refuse to let them go.
This is the gayest thread I've seen in a while. Good job OP.
this is the best meme i hope they make a game out of it
>posts anime
So I guess your answer is "both"
>complaining about anime on an aboriginal meditation BBS
user, I...
>calling anything faggy while posting anime
Gay you...
What cartoon
>he's still posting.
Don't you start. Also, use google nigga
Enju is cuter
>Enju is also cute.
Fixed that for you user.
go back to with your p.edophilliac cartoons,not vidya
Sup Forums was once a loli paradise, and still is on occasion.
Don't get so uppity youngster.