How's that game coming along, Sup Forums?

How's that game coming along, Sup Forums?

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Awful. I haven't started. I have no ideas, haven't learned any programming languages. My art is bad, not a good sound designer. It's not looking good, pal.

Was close to completion but had to stop because google play realtime multiplayer makes NO FUCKING SENSE

Pretty much this


I'm waiting for Godot 3.0

Going ok I Guess.

Just start goofing around with c++ or gamemaker or something. Everything you'll make will be hot garbage for a long time but it's the only way to get good.

Not using Gamemaker, but pretty good. I mostly do all the programming because I find modelling and level design to be chores. Thank god for teamwork.

Moved to Unity so I could actually progress my programming skills. Finally learning how to implement command patterns and other design patterns.
There a god damn reason I chose electrical engineering over computer, this shit is rediculous

>Make something
>Looks good
>Start working on something else
>"Hrm, that thing I made earlier seems a bit off... "
>Scrap it all and start again

Why must I care so much about a few pixels? It's not like anyone would notice without a trained eye.

waiting to see how my previous game fares before taking the next step.

staying in uni to join an actual gamedev company sounds like the better idea though. doing everything as an indie is hard.

>wantd to get Gamemaker 2 but too poor for that

Being a poorfag is suffering

I'm making a simple RPG. I have the engine done, but I only have around half a dozen rooms. For personal reasons, it's been 8 months since I made the last room.

I can think of a solution to your problem.

made a few maps in rpgmaker

the layers thing are nice to play with
you can pull off some neat stuff even with just the default textures

now im just trying to make a plain fishing rpg game with it

Is it easy to put them on a portfolio website? Or should I just upload them to kongregate/newgrounds? I'd like to save all my work and not delete them out of embarrassment a month later.

Links pls?


What about the licensing though, can't really publish without a license right?

Buy it when your game is finished
you won't finish

I'd be down to help someone with art but i know y'all niggas unreliable, i've seen failure too many times to bother.

Only if you had some game under your belt i'd consider pledging my alliance to you.

>Want to make a tightly controlled, challenging 3D platformer where the protag can be captured and turned into a trap
>Have no idea how to make games

Pretty good. I've integrated swimming and drowning. Just have some movement stuff and 10 or 15 more enemies/hazards to put in and I'll be ready to start building levels. Turns out not being arrogant and fully designing the thing before starting really does make it easier.

post art faggit

Just go to bioware and cry opression, you'll have your game before the next generation hit the shelves.

Post game.

it's coming out on xbox and ps4 next month

cert is a bitch

aw yeah

Is it gonna have a more intuitive interface?

yes this was just a short prototype to get used to Unity, since I've only used Monogame and SFML before.

I'm also working with an artist that can anime.

making a game for Sega's SG-1000, it's a stupid little tile-based shmup
probably should have picked the MSX as my target because it's the same machine but with a fuckton more RAM and a better sound chip (and optionally faster, too), but I kind of like the idea of making a game for Sega's oldest console

only like 2 or 3 days in, most of it spent figuring things out and drawing the art
making SG-1000 tiles is actually kind of fun, the palette is pleasant and the 2-colors per line per 8x8 area limit means that you can suck at adding details while still having decent looking art for the machine

doing it just for fun, although I should actually be working on my serious game project (which is partially stalled because of art and I'm not going to pay anyone for it if I can help it)
I'm probably doing something wrong because I've seen several MSX and SG-1000 games update the a whole full screen of tiles at full 60fps (of course, those games weren't written in C)

Whats the quality control process on ps4 like? I'm noticing some real horseshit popping up on the ps4 store lately.

Just kidding, not mine, but you don't want to see a horribly animated chinchilla doing basic movement. Not yet at least.

Writing all my ideas down, drawing up some concept art (not a very good artist but im trying). Got some GMS tutorials on bookmark and will learn the language. Want to do a 16bit side scrolling shooter. Will have some metroidvania elements with a gun loot system.

How do I do 3D rotation that feels comfortable?
Stuff like Space Engine has rotation I like (camera turns in direction you move mouse, roll rotates screen no matter which way you're faced) but no matter how I arrange the rotation parts of a transformation matrix constructor, I can't seem to get everything to work right.

It always seems like the way one rotation behaves is dependent on the current orientation of the camera: e.g. what rolling does depends on which way I'm facing.

>Love 3D platformers
>Love traps

I'll help in any way I can! But I also have no idea where to even start

Working on muzak these days while the programmer fella takes another month or so to make a visual novel engine.

>putting names in quotation marks
>using Asian quotation marks

>quotation marks
don't nip quotes look like 「this」or whatever
those are just square brackets

I'd like to design the game, and have quite a few ideas, but my programming is incredibly basic. Here are some things that need to happen:

- Protagonist needs to be rough and confident, but has to be knocked down every once in a while. Aside from a death state, there should also be a captured state, where you are made a trap for a minimum of a few minutes for a rich lord. You can stay in this trap state for longer, and gather secrets and benefits, but the main goal is to escape

- Controls need to be tight, and highly physics based. Like a 3D LBP

- Multiple worlds, with each one having a different theme. Level design should be like Dark Souls, with secrets, and shortcuts

- Each death/capture should have a different animation, like the Crash games

- Protag cannot attack, they can only jump on enemies, and some enemies can't even be killed

- Protag should look like pic related through most of the game, but more westernized

Sculpting normal maps.

Suggestion, what if each time your character gets captured/loses/whatever, he gets a little more feminine? Like instead of going straight from masculine to feminine at the first loss, it happens gradually over time?

Hey the hand guy. So what is your game going to be exactly? Looks like Psycho but with a random zombie guy wandering around. In fact it kinda looks like mother's corpse as well.

Good idea...

Spent all week improving the starting town, but I think it looks a lot better now.

Whatever happened to this guy?

Set in the 1970s, our universe colliding with another and "leaking" in at certain points. One such leak is in the basement of some guy's farmhouse, which he stumbles into curiously. This causes all sorts of damage to his cells and chromosomes which leads to him looking the way he does.
Also going to have some really weird otherworldly creatures as well.

hue shifting


Those skill icons look really familiar.

Still working on that, it's mostly automatic based on time of day.

The character I use for these screenshots is almost always a warrior.

Converting BSP geometry to static meshes, also started implementing the first unlockable move segment from the first map.

Playing with UE4's foliage placement tool, which is super-useful.

It's coming along.

what's walkable can pass, but the buildings and background shit looks like alpha-tier artwork.
you could learn something about using colors from Stardew Valley

programmer graphics / 10

So like a midwestern Planescape?

Check it out:

Haven't been making as much progress as I wanted because I'm studying web development so I have a chance at having a job maybe I hope (please)

how are you pushing your enemies back on attack, user? launch character?

I'm waiting until i'm out for the summer then i'll finally have time to work on my fan made visual novel

I wouldn't put a high res hud with low res pixel art. Also avoid flat sections of colour.

>physics based platformer

No because I can't into math

Despite how much Sup Forums raves about Planescape, I've never actually played it and know nothing about it aside from the blue dreadlocks guy.
I've been looking up a lot about multiverse theories and stuff like that, so I've based a lot of it on that. I still need to do more research though.

I love how hard it is to discern whats b8 and what isn't on this board.

it'd be really tough to compete with same genre games like dark souls, bloodborne, nioh etc especially by yourself.
good luck and look after yourself user

alot of baiters are actually genuinely fucking serious about their nonsense

Thanks, user. I don't really mean to compete, though. I make videogames as a hobby.

Success for me would be to make a good game and m-maybe h-have s-some people play it... i-it's okay if you d-don't want to...

Its sort of a weird nexus where all the realities blend in and out of eachother. Tonnes of random gateways that could be anything like a portal, magical gem or a memory. Lots of weird patchwork societies of lost people. I'd say definitely play it before continuing with your story since everyone is gonna compare it.

Cheers for the heads up, but I don't think it sounds too similar. My idea is based off the theory of there being multiple universes each with their own physical constants and such which are infinitely rapidly expanding, causing two to collide together like two bubbles.
Still ironing out the details and filling in the gaps, but that's the gist.

how relevant will that be for the gameplay

I finally made a trailer and put it on Greenlight. Hoping maybe I can get through before they get rid of it. Not likely but figured it was worth a shot.

That was a picture for ants, Its a feature

It's not a particularly story-driven game, this is essentially the setting and explanation as to why there's monsters and weird surreal environment within the house. As far as the protagonist knows (and what he's expecting), it's simply spoopy paranormal ghostly events that he's there to get evidence of through photographs. I actually want to make it pretty vague and mysterious, so you'll have to connect the dots yourself a little.

I don't want to spoon-feed it like you find a convenient note left by some cunt for no particular reason that reads
>Dear diary, today a universe collided with ours and now there's ayylmaos in my basement, I hope they don't find my secret gun stash in the attic, and I double hope they don't know that the keycode is 1234

is there a way to descend quickly with ease

>That fucking npc exit

Yes, there is a ground stomp you acquire for rapid precision landing.

What are they replacing it with?


Added armor and ammo/health pickups, so it's looking more like a game.

Steam Direct, where you pay them "200-5000 USD" for a direct pass onto Steam...

I made this earlier because I was bored. And I know there's shit missing it's not quite done yet.

Other than the 5 or so similar 3-D models it's gone fucking nowhere.

looks like it'd be trippy with vr
good luck user

I wanna f ly that ship.

I'm trying to fucking finish it but you fags keep distracting me

How naive. You distract yourself.
nice fem designs tho

Apparently you get that money back from sales though. Its just to deter asset flippers and Russians.

Thanks user. I think it also has something to do with 4/20 yesterday, I smoked an ungodly amount and now I just don't feel like doing shit today.

I'm rewriting my code cause it's ass burgers and I'm taking an actual course by HeartBeast for how to code for dummies.

what game?

save everything

even when your work is trash, if you keep working on projects you'll find yourself looking at past scripts for reference

stay strong and keep making things user

im making the music for it first before i make anything else like drakengard but its at a glacial pace because of college work and procrastination

Doing good, but lately I've been busier daydreaming about my game than I am actually working on it.

It's kind of a silly game I've been working on my spare time, I'm not exactly willing to commit to a serious story or anything, so I just put whatever is in my mind there.

They pay you $2 for every dollar you make up until the fee price is met in gross sales?

Thanks m8

Looks good user, keep it up.

It's goin alright.

Lots of UI work and general polishing lately, gearing up for the demo.

>so I just put whatever is in my mind there.
best way to dev

lookn gud

Very nice spritework, did you do it yourself?

that bright flash from the game over screen could be something that gets annoying quickly

That's actually terrifying as fuck.

Steam takes about 40% of the money you make. I'm guessing they suspend that until you cover the cost of submitting it. This is based on stuff Jim Sterling and Total Biscuit were hinting at so not 100% sure.