>only April
>GOTY 2017 is already out
>only April
>GOTY 2017 is already out
I kinda want to buy it because I've nothing to play with my friend.
Is it fun? Looks like H1Z1.
>inb4 1 million triggered weebs shouting shill because a ridiculously popular game has a thread
Hella fun man. I'd reccomend it. Dev obviously gives half a shit and that puts it miles ahead of h1z1.
However it needs a good rig and it's not very well optimized.
>Early Access
>Runs like shit
>Loot crates
>1 map
Yeah, we got a real winner here OP
t. triggered weeb with no friends
I want a game to play this weekend.
Should I get Battlegrounds or Nier Automata?
snake pass is goty anyone that disagrees is the cancer killing the industry
top seller forever?
He is the creative director, yeah.
you must be 18 or older to post on this board
boi this is not goty...
Yeah GOTY is Persona 5 not this normalfag american shite.
>that username
PUBG if you want loads of fun with friends
N:A if you want a really good game and an interesting story
I know right, Persona 5 was fucking great
Got 113 hours in, starting to get bored
>flash in the pan meme stream game of the month
someone gift this shit to me im poor ;_;
the devs are asian you dumb retard
It's fun but sometimes the sounds can be a little weird and the optimization is pretty poor
>not very well optimized
Understatement of the fucking century
I turned on some stream, they were in a plane and kids' voices were saying "I fucked your mum, you faggot" at each other, then they dropped and it was like DayZ but not pretending to be about zombies.
typical weebfag
I just bought this game. You fellas got any tips for it?
You don't even need friends to enjoy it
t. guy who already sunk 40 hours in without grouping up once
It literally is just DayZ without the zombies
Why do people keep saying this game is only fun with friends? It was the same shit with Overwatch, but that I can understand because it's literally a team based game. This one though is a perfect solo game. Does no one actually enjoy playing games by themselves?
t. weeb
Looks like a more polished version of H1Z1, I might give it a shot.
>No arguments against the criticisms made, just calling people weebs
Thanks Mr. Shill I will now gladly pay $30 for your Early Access game made by 3rd world devs
Remember when everybody said The Culling was the next hottest thing?
Survival games are trash
One map that is 8x8 square kilometers big, thats about the same playarea as all Battlefield one maps combined.
I fucking despise every single human being who has ever purchased an early access game.
You are killing gaming.
CD Projekt RED wanted more money for Cyberpunk 2077 so the based Polish Government gave them money. At least there is some liability if they take the money and run (which they obviously won't do)
Fuck every single one of you who is playing an unfinished turd.
>Battle Brothers
Go fuck yourself retard
>Hella fun man
This is a LOT more successful than the Culling
There is a lot of examples of early access done right, fuck off you retard.
which makes it an absolute boring loot/campfest for 3/4th of the fucking game
sick update
>There is a lot of examples of early access done right, fuck off you retard.
nu-Sup Forums everyone
Go die.
Defensive early access shills subconsciously realizing the errors of their early access purchases.
Thanks again for contributing to the shittiness in the world.
Worse than feminists I swear
guys listen
there's a sick new [early access survival game] but trust me THIS ONE is different and a good game and won't be abandoned just like
-the forrest
-the culling
-7 days to die
-stranded deep
It's just like the socialism arguments
>point out how every socialist country has failed
>"Those weren't real socialisms, my unique specific special kind of socialism has never been tried!"
>shitting on battle brothers, a shining light in these dark times
kill yourself
People never learn. That's why glorious North Korea needs to strip the worlds population down a bit.
At least then there's a chance they might take out a few people who have purchased early access games.
exactly my point my dude ;)) [survival game] developers are the good guys, this one is gonna be different, fuck yea
where? you only said normalfag, and bashed the game solely because its american, and its not even american.
typical weebfag.
and on top of that, i didn't even buy the game.
i dont really care if its abandoned or not (so far it isnt), since ive already played it for like 200 hours lmao
you guys are just not having fun with a fun game
>Kerbal Space Program
>Prison Architect
> arma 3
> insurgency
> dirt rally
> satellite reign
> kerbal space program
> grim dawn
> darkest dungeon
> xenonauts
> nuclear throne
> killing floor 2
> divinity original sin
> wasteland 2
There, you hivemind faggot, now kys
dudes whats the big deal i just love eating shit are you guys triggered haha?? ;)
>stop liking what i dont like
It's right here senpai
Zelda came out last month kid
>exclusive shit
So is it fun?
It's fun because it's casual; don't be coming back here and telling us about how deep and tactical the gameplay is
I've clocked in 100+ hours in batbros and I'm getting burnt out.
The best part of the game is the early stage. Outfitting a ragtag bunch of daytalers and farmhands in scavenged armor and overcoming bigger groups of bandits is surprisingly fun.
Once it gets to the point where you're force to use 12 minmaxed guys against twice the amount of enemies it just becomes a grind.
>Killing Floor 2
>Early access done right
Oh I am laffin
By that, I assume you mean getting the roughly 25 million people within North Korea vaporized by NATO?
Anyone who's fighting your general premise is an idiot. You're right, early access in general is bad for everyone. But exceptions are exceptions. I've enjoyed PUBG a lot, both solo and in a group, getting reamspecific with our formations and tactics.
The basic skeleton of the game is solid, and performance has improved since the latest patch. It's very tense either way you play. It definitely has issues, and there may not be much coming in the way of improvement (I'm not really sure what they could add that wouldn't be redundant at this point). But, ive enjoyed it more than any game I've had in months. So why would I pretend I didn't?
Please get off this board. You are clearly around twelve years old.
Games just as good or better than those would have been created if early access didn't exist.
Early access is NOT a necessity. It wasn't necessary a decade ago and it isn't necessary now
>it has issues but its going to get better
Hmm, now where have I heard that before...
>Solo only
I'd say no, not if solo is all you play
Hell yeah
There's a lot of downtime in the game, which is great with friends because it gives you some downtime to chat shit and discuss plans, but can get really boring alone, especially when you die out of nowhere.
the games perfect. ship it.
Buy Nier. Worth the investment while you wait for BG to be optimized well. I've put 54 hours into it as well as putting 70 hours into Nier and both are very fun games, but BG is obviously strictly multiplayer. Nier has a lot more to it
I play only solo and I'm having lots of fun
why do I even still come here. nobody on old Sup Forums would have stood for this shit. early access is cancer
Yeah P5 released like a week ago.
Yeah, I refuse to believe anyone who plays this doesn't fall into the category of: actual underage or retard that dribbles over whatever shit game his fav youtube celeb tells him to buy
>have to play on low settings because of how shit is optimized if you don't want lag
kek, go back to twitch OP.
>early access
The tumor is inoperable. RIP
Yeah thas not what I said at all. In fact I almost said the opposite. Good job.
You have to play on low setting because everyone else does so as well and you won't see them laying down in the grass while they have grass completly turned off and see you from a mile away
those games were successful
Out of all of those only h1z1 and the culling are battle royale games like PUBG. Shit like Rust, Ark and SD are really nothing alike.
>early access
Looks pretty finished to me. Why not just release it properly?
They are all still unfinished early access "survival" games retard, I never said it fell into whatever dumb meme subgenre you made up for this one
Definitely has some issues that the devs are actively working on day by day, fun game though. Extremely frustrating at times. rng loot but overall fun nonetheless
>hollow shit shills
>night in the dumpster shills
>now EA garbage shills
When will this end?
Why bother when retards e.g people in this thread will buy literally any unfinished shit
Why would it ever end?
what if ive never played any of those before except PUBG?
>mfw the best survival game is the Long Dark
>but not many played it because its single player only.
this game is hella fucking epic, my bros had so much fun pwning some losers who played alone and I love watching twitch streamers like lirik and summit play this. 10/10 GOTYAY
Then prepare to learn
you forgot to mention some nutty fragging out
f*kin sweet dude haha *upvote straight to the top*
I'm buying it just to annoy you.
this streamer is a fucking faggot and i hope he gets shot in real life
this my friends is the type of person that votes for trump just to annoy others and then gets deported
>stand-alone of some shitty mod
I guess they can't all be Counter-Strike quality.
Do I smell a ''flavor of the month, dead in 2 months'' meme game?
Yeah, I do.
That's not Friday the 13th
>Be stealthy as possible in solo games
>Avoid large towns
>Always keep up with the player area
>Still manage to win 3/5 games with 4 kills or so
>Mfw blasting the last faggot with an S1897
>user tries to discuss fun good game that everyone I know loves it
>over 80 people