Quake Champions

So whats the verdict?

Is it fun?
Are the champion abilities to much?

Personally I think they mix things up nicely, fuck the purists who want QC to be an exact copy of Q3/QL.

Also I wish Unreal Tournament 4 was even barely as polished as QC, everything from the menus to the actual gameplay in UT4 scream WIP.

It's okay, but I doubt anyone will be playing after half a year.

>Are the champion abilities to much?

I was skeptical at first but it's actually pretty good. They all seem to work mainly as ways of changing situations a bit and escaping from encounters where you don't really have a chance.

My big worry was that they would basically be 'I win' buttons, but I haven't experienced anything like that so far

yeah this

everything feels competently done (except the UI, fuck that) and the core quake gameplay is mostly good, but I'm still 50/50 on champion abilities. Clever, unorthodox use of them can actually feel really rewarding and fun, but most of the time they just gift you what feels like cheap, easy kills and they're annoying when you're on the receiving end.

After playing the game I'm willing to give it a chance but I doubt it's going to be a successful game long term.

wait, there's no colored variation in a team deathmatch but just a colored pointer above people's head?

I cannot be the only one having latency issues despite everyone being under 50 ping right? every person just seems so janky to hit, and it feels like im playing against 200 ping opponents. even blatant rails that are obviously landing aren't actually hitting anything.

everything just seems so stutterish

long story short the core gameplay is fine and feels like quake, but the overwatchization is cancer and all efforts to make the game into a 'hero shooter' are to the detriment of the game

characters/the announcer talks too much
heroes aren't equal because of differences in max health, armor, speed, etc
the abilities are just fluff that occasionally give you a free kill

>its a beta
but it runs like shit, takes forever to load and chews through RAM

i honestly can't see the game lasting more than a month or two after launch, it really feels like another evolve
the Q3/QL purists will stick to that because it doesn't have all this unnecessary modern bloat that QC has
and casuals won't like QC's fast paced movement and twitch gameplay

I was getting that too, and it was really bad. Lots of rubberbanding even. Yes it's a beta, but impressions like this are enough to make people lose interest.

if u play overwatch after qc comes out you have a slim boner and a small dick but if you play qc then you have a fat boner and a big dick

u know its true

I still can"t launch the game, sasuga bethesda

People are still playing quakeworld though.

It's fun but rocket delay needs to be removed. Also bonus damage while zoomed is gay as fuck.

The ping listed is totally off from my experience.

>Also bonus damage while zoomed is gay as fuck.

what the fuck?? Is this why I always seemed to get one shotted while it took me what felt like an infinity of hits to kill anyone?

that's bullshit, definitely needs to go

I'm connecting to US servers from Australia and the in-match ping reads as 40 a lot of the time even though I know it's sitting around 230.

Go away Slash. They made you into dollar store Harley Quin and I hate it.

So am I just bad or is the lightning gun too good?

1 - Gauntlet
2 - Machine Gun
3 - Shotgun
Q - Rocket Launcher
E - Lightning Gun
R - Rail Gun
F - Nailgun

i dont like the base weapon upgrading shit. stupid that i gotta pick up 2 shot guns just to do damage if i dont choose shotgun as my starter

its for the railgun and HMG which is gay

It's not the strongest Quake LG but it's a hair stronger than QL's. I think it's fine how it is except I guess the beam could be a little shorter.

The trick is to never move in a straight line and if you are in a fight and someone has LG and you either don't have anything to fight back with or are getting the worst of it then it's best to zigzag our ass away as fast as you can. You can use the LG's pushback to help you accelerate away a bit. This obviously all needs to be decided and executed on within a second or two, but you can survive.

Damn, are you literally this retarded?

Neat, those are exactly the same keybinds as me. I usually use 4 for GL, but since it's gone I ended up binding the ability button to 4.

Where's Crash and Doomguy?
And the Grenade Launcher, like why is the weapon line up smaller?
Is it because the new overdesigned versions of the weapons took too mich space?

Is there a game mode with no abilities? Does anyone play it?

t. No invite ;_;

Nope, no such thing. They did however mention in an interview that they were planning on allowing custom games where you could turn off stuff like that.

There is only DM and TDM, both with abilities

they said there will be one on release but there isn't one in the beta
just DM and TDM at the moment

The weapon balance is fucked and champion abilities are stupid. The actual core game feels okay though, I'll probably end up sticking to modes without the abilities and asymmetric stats.

>but it runs like shit, takes forever to load and chews through RAM

Well I assume that will be fixed on launch. It is an actual beta rather than just a glorified demo. There's a reason it's got NDA shit slapped all over it

Why not just play QL?

>champion abilities are stupid
Proceed to ql or ut4 ples

>1 - Gauntlet
>2 - Machine Gun
>3 - Shotgun
>4 - Nailgun
>Q - Ability
>E - Lightning Gun
>R - Rail Gun
>F - Rocket

What the fuck are you talking about?

In QL, I use:
G - Grenade Launcher
4 - Nailgun
5 - Chaingun
6 - Proximity Mine

Can anyone give me a rundown of Visor's passive and Sorlag's abilities? They're not listed on the official website, or the wiki, or anywhere really.

That sucks. I hope those fuckers do include a game mode like that.

I do this as well it makes the most sense.

there's gonna be a team gamemode where you spawn with all weapons and full armor and be round based like in cs

i'm not blaming you for not liking modes where you have to pickup items but they're part of what makes an AFPS

wow you're retarded, but let me explain for you. the starter weapons you choose are weaker versions of those actual weapons, so if you choose to start with an mg you start with a shitty mg and if you walk over an mg pickup it becomes the regular mg

feels like a slower quake because most champs have lower movespeed than q3 default.

abilities are stupid, often resulting in a free kill or a free escape and pulling of either isnt particularly satisfying and being on the recieving end just feels like bullshit because you just happened to engage at a time when the ability was off cool down. Maybe it will be better in 1v1 but I dont see how youd be able to time your opponents ability without having complete map knowledge for all the time pickups. actually theyre probably still shit in 1v1. passive stats are even worse, forcing you to play a certain character just to get aircontrol, and essentially guaranteeing certain characters are forever worthless, its got a bunch of little unnecessary dumb things like zoom damage and rocket delay, and anarki is the only character worth playing and he is spouting bazinga memes constantly

its free so w/e, but you wont see me saying i like it

Doomguy's portrait was datamined in the first wave of the beta, so he'll be added eventually. IIRC it was mentioned that the grenade launcher will be added too, but I may have made that up

Visor is that he has not speed cap with bunnyhops

I use Mouse Button 4 (left side of the mouse) for the character ability. Feels way better than keyboard. I recommend it.

visor has an uncapped strafe jump > super fast if you are competent
sorlag has an easy bunnyhop > go fast but not super fast, for casuals

fuck yea cod maps

See through walls and acid spit
Both self explanatory

How can you play this game on 230 ping?

rate these keybinds boiii

>mouse4 - lg fire
>q - rl
>mouse3 - rg fire
>z - plasma
>e - lg (switch not fire)
>r - pg
>1 - gauntlet
>2 - gl
>caps lock- jump (caps lock is my ctrl button since I use emacs)

I'm fine with the active/passive abilities but not different stats/hitboxes

speed cap needs to be removed

>Inca ruins

m1 - fire
m2 - jump
q - RL
e - LG
r - rail
f - ability
1 2 3 4 - default
shift - zoom
space - crouch

>speed cap needs to be removed
I alrady imagining all those scalebearers just smashing each other

it's actually some cthulhu shit

>it's ruins
>they're green
>OMG CSGO Aztec ripoff
Get the slipgate


Q = Rockets
E = Gauntlet
F= Plasma/Nailgun
G= Grenade launcher
Shift = Shotgun
R= Chaingun
Mouse 4 = railgun
Mouse 5 = lightning gun
Mouse 3 = Ability

make a webm comparing the rockets between QL and QC in slowmo

Putting in rocket knockback prediction is an easy fix actually. I wouldn't worry about it too much, just need to get a bunch of vocal people complain about it on the forums and the devs aknowledge the problem.
I mean there's opensource AFPS with that feature so it wouldn't be really that hard to implement I think.

>is it fun?
>are the champion abilities too much?
yes, they're what makes it not fun, and also not a Quake game. nobody should have abilities, different stats, different hitboxes, different speeds, etc. the game is nothing like quake and they are using the name to push their overwatch clone.

special snowflake/10

i don't like active abilities but ur a faget if you really think something like MegaTF is nothing like quake

>complain about abilities
>use emoticons and dated memes

I think if they wanted this ability/different stats shit to work they should have put in game modes that are based around the fact.
I dont know what future modes they're going to have but DM and TDM are not good modes for it. Like it already feels tacked on these modes are obviously not designed around abilities

Visor gets the same strafejump as everyone else but with uncapped speed, Sorlag gets autohop where if you're jumping at all you gain momentum and she also gets decent air control. Pretty sure with Sorlag you can strafejump like normal and build speed faster than the autohop, as well.
Visor sees through walls for his active, Sorlag spits out 6 (?) projectiles that do 30 damage on hit and then leave an AOE on the floor and walls that apply a DOT of 10 damage a second. The DOT also lasts for around 3 seconds outside of the AOE, so guys on

>comparing QC and MegaTF

q - gauntlet
1- machine
2- shotty
3- nailgun would be grenade launcher but rip
4- rocket
5/e - lighting
r - rail

Rocket launcher delay makes this game stink atm so meh.

How do i get an invite?
I've been trying for a while

>yes, they're what makes it not fun, and also not a Quake game. nobody should have abilities, different stats, different hitboxes, different speeds, etc. the game is nothing like quake and they are using the name to push their overwatch clone.

>Overwatch clone

You are the fucking worst. if it was an overwatch clone you wouldn't be able to pick up weapons, there would be no quad damage, you wouldn't rocket jump, you wouldn't strafe jump, you wouldnt have armor pickups, you would have objective based gamemodes with linear map design.

You probably have never fucking played Overwatch and are just repeating this dumb fucking meme over and over again

There will be a classic mode anyway, there is literally nothing wrong with adding some fun spins to the TDM mode.

>characters have abilities so it's a ow clone
Kill yourself retard

Will there ever be another single player Quake like the first one?

Different stats, speeds, etc are all part of TF and there's nothing inherently wrong with it. There is something wrong with shoddy balance and tacked on abilities.

Man, the new Counter-Strike: Modern OverWarfare - Ghosts 12 sure looks great.

>Rail goes from 80 to 100
>hmg goes from 9 to 12
Holy fuck it's cancer.

QC seems like a game you would play for a few hours, have fun and then forget forever because it doesn't have any real depth to it. Dead two months after release I think.

Is the game optimised well?

Yeah, 50 people.

>being this triggered
too easy, neo-Sup Forums

Loading times too long, pretty much no reason for new players to join which means that this game is dead in 6 months time, scummy microtransaction system (not all heroes unlocked)

Enjoyable game to shoot people in but it's a really pointless release honestly, there's no audience for this and the game has some real issues. I'd rather play Quake Live honestly

>game you would play for a few hours, have fun and then forget forever because it doesn't have any real depth to it
Sorry, but I think you made few mistakes in the words "For Honor"

those 50 people will still be playing it while other shooters die after a few years

I want to marry Slash!

I can get 144+ fps with a midrange setup maxed out but the game in its current state has a lot of stuttering.

>Sup Forums constantly whines about normies and popular games being dumbed down
>same people now shit on Quake for being too difficult and not popular enough


And none of those people are going to be playing Quake Champions, the only way this game could even live for more than a year

That's nice for those 50 autists. However, for rest of the millions of shooter players, they'll want something else.

I said the same thing about For Honor actually. It's what developers do nowadays. Make cash grab games without any lasting appeal. Easier on the servers that way =^)

Bethesda desperately wants to get into the esports scene.

Wow, it's almost like there is a nice middle ground between casualized overwatch and autistic arena shooters? Hmm, maybe something like TF2?


Would it be cancer if everyone just gets every weapon at the start of the match like clan arena but be dm/tdm instead of counter-strike rules?

yeah they want early access indie survival game #9547

Isn't nu-DOOM basically a singleplayer quake? With all its vertical map design it might aswell be, just lacking the lovecraftian vibe

Some tell the game runs like shit. Some tell it's smooth as silk. I have i3-2100, r7 250x and I on low settings have a few stutters at the start of the match but then it runs at perfect 60+ fps

yeah like another early access piece of shit like playerunknown's stolen game idea lmao

>Blizzard go it right
>valve got it right
>id/bethesda fucked it up
I find that to be funny.

Do you really want one?

Think hard before answering.

TF2 was never good
competitive fags for TF2 were always seen as a joke before overwatch came out

Blizzard didn't get it right at all, OW's rockets suck dick.

Valve got it right using the same id codebase they've been using since the 90's and with good reason. Apparently rocket jumping doesn't even fucking work in Source 2 because they redid the whole engine and fucked up the physics.

Then why try to compete in a market thats totally locked down by Blizzard with OW and partly by Valve with TF?

It would be like apple deciding to compete in the desktop market instead of focusing on the first iphones.

Is anyone else having trouble running Blood Covenant? It skips like fucking crazy for me, just that map specifically

Or an autistic, hundreds of hours of knowledge required to be competitive game like Dota 2 or CS, that are both about 8 times as popular as TF2? hmmm