Is this the best Mario RPG?

Is this the best Mario RPG?

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Objectively, yes. Though I subjectively prefer TTYD.

>Though I subjectively prefer TTYD
I love it when faggots get mad at TTYD

>I love it when faggots get mad at TTYD

That's partly why they're faggots. TTYD was a truly phenomenal game.

>muh backtracking

>there will never ever be a 64/TTYD-style Paper Mario again

It's still the best game of it's series yes.

It still blows my mind how nobody has managed to make a fan-game sequel. Compared to a lot of other games it would be hilariously simple.

Yes. PiT went backwards and the rest are all missing what made it the best.

Just to be clear, the whole M&L series is better than all the Paper Mario series.


>better than PM, TTYD or even SPM

Why did he have to bring up the the no successor.

At this point I would be happy with another Super Paper Mario, it's 10000000 times better than their recent """"""Paper Mario"""""" garbage

Yes, you heard me well.

Yes absolutely

>Paper Jam did Sticker Star's (& Color Splash, if counting the Koopalings) job better without having to be mandated.

>have critically and commercial successful series
>ruin it

what did Nintendo mean by this

like i could be forgiving if they didnt dilute the fuck out of M&L series, reducing the characters in that to mainline Mario-only as well

who thinks this is a good idea? I dont know anyone that likes it

While SPM's gameplay was pretty poor, everything else made up for it.

>only person in the world who loved PiT

I just really liked 4-brothers combat, even if items were inferior to Bros. moves.

Well I liked it, but it is probably the worst game in the series. It was disgustingly linear, had a mediocre soundtrack and inferior sprite art. The setting was pretty neat though.

I was mad that present time only was used as hub area. I hoped for some present - past shenanigans in the different areas

> if they didnt dilute the fuck out of M&L series, reducing the characters in that to mainline Mario-only as well
That was done because the game was already crowed, with Paper versions of Mario, Peach, Kamek, Bowser & Bowser Jr. running around along with the Koopalings (they also planned to have Paper Luigi as a fourth character at one point) so they refrained from using OCs for that title. Paper Jam isn't the direction Mario & Luigi is going in (unless AlphaDream goes crazy or something).

Theres a lot of things you have to get just right

I like it, I think its underrated. Still not as good as SSS

PJ Did have a mandate to focus on existing characters rather than male new ones. I actually liked this was the first time we actually saw be koopalings speak.

No, that was Sticker Star. Per the Developer Miiting:

>Oh no, nothing to do with that! This time, since we had so many paper characters and doubles of the same character together, we had to prioritize moving the story forward and communicating the contrast between them. It would have been really difficult to put in original characters and work out when would be the best time for them to appear.

It was the first and last of the Mario RPG series to require the player git gud at the combat.

This, TTYD, and Super Mario RPG are my favorites. Too bad the franchise is ded

It's still a good game. But it's a sequel to a far better game.

i want dream team to do tomato adventure 2

Is this one any good?

Yeah it's pretty good, if not short.

It's alright.

You may or may not like the Bowser bits. I didn't mind them.

The final boss alone is worth it.

Inside Story is generally considered the second best of the series
>Brings Fawful into the role of main villain
>Makes a second Battle system for Bowser and generally gives him more focus without making him too menacing like later games.
>Has a pretty great final boss theme
>really started taking the duel-world gameplay concept further
It has it's flaws, but it's overall pretty good.

pit story was good but the gameplay was bad the 4 characters combat was a clusterfuck and making bros moves consumible items

You ever wanted to play a game where god boss Bowser steals the show? This is pretty much that. The Mario Bros. take back seat to his adventure of saving the Mushroom kingdom.
Real good shit there from a game play perspective as well as character.

This is my favorite mario rpg, I mean character wise it was great. The boss characters were original and not just koopa kids or recolored enemies. The writing was entertaining and had good humor, it could just be nostalgia but SMRPG was definitely a 10/10

overall I prefer Dream Team a bit for certain elements
superstar saga
Paper Jam