New update. Time for speculations and data mining
Fire Emblem Heroes
More Gaiden characters.
Is Big Dick Zeph worth putting LAD on if I don't actually have a better A to give him? The speed is worthless and it doesn't seen worth lowering his ability to sponge.
LAD sucks on wary fighter users. Give him attack+3, Fury, or deathblow instead if you don't have a spare hector.
Where's the update?
Bring back daily missions.
I didnt' get one
That's weird. Maybe something wrong with my device then.
aceman more like GAYceman
Is it worth using a healer if I want to use somebody like Zephiel and just make him mantank everything melee or nah?
Dear god
Fuck fuck fuck
He wants Fury above all else right now, at least if you're not a whale with tons of Distant Counters lying around. Atk +3 is serviceable.
Mine does this too. I think it's something with not having enough storage space so it keeps deleting itself on apple products
Nigger, I just want Eirika
enjoy your 4 wrys and fir
She's a slut. Enjoy your green tomebreaker.
So how effective would a Armor meme team of Zaphiel + Effie + Hector be? Should the 4th member be a another armored or more buffs or something else if so who should it be?
Oh well. Maybe next roll.
Designated healer
is it possible (on iOS) to have 2 separate nintendo accounts, and switch between them using the account management shit/reinstalling the app?
Post defense results
If you delete and reinstall the app, yes, you can have as many accounts as you want.
does the defense score reflect how badly you whooped their team(no. of deaths) or the rank of the player attempting to beat you?
0 (zero)
Only if you give everyone distant counter.
4th should be Sheena for res tanking or a healer.
I only have 1. I hope you feel better about yourself.
but all my current stuff is 'saved' to my nintendo account? as long as i never use the 'unlink account' shit, i cant accidentally delete my stuff?
Are they going to introduce more characters I actually like at some point? It's like they're trying to avoid tempting me to spend money.
But you only need one
Yes, unless you tap the "Delete All Data" within the game you can delete the app and your progress will stay stored in your nintendo account.
>have the exact same team except Minerva instead of Michalis
>0 def
>this smug shithead again
Although i really, really, really hate donnel the most, man golly gee i sure do need 10 donnels to fill my barn-barracks with, aka shit skills unless i want to give everyone the shit healz
cool thanks, im going to make a dummy account and spend all day re-rolling until i get a Hector to play with because my life is meaningless
Only use this team for defense. It had 12 results last season but my 4 fliers team is just more fun to play with.
I have a -spd linde and aren't quite sure what to do with her. I had plenty of skill fodder lying around so slapped fury 3 and vantage 3 on her but not sure what else to give her. Suggestions?
Did you skill out your team?
p2 of echoes
Why can't i skill inheritance from 4* Odin, but can from 3* Odin?
Because you're a big dummy and still have the 4 star odin favorited.
Unmark him as a favorite.
Go to settings and make it so you don't auto-favorite 4*s.
Help me with defense please. I haven't gotten a single defense win since the big update.
Are we getting Celica? I hope she's a red mage if we do.
Anna, Takumi, Ephraim, Kagero
I want to bully Funabori, seduce her, then NTR her with Water
Grab the free Olivia, teach her Dance, and remove her weapon.
Use a dancer.
Do you have anyone with vantage 3? I'm pretty sure half my wins are from people surrendering after they fuck up having not realized my nowi has it.
Vantage Tiki or Taco is not as scary as vantage Nowi.
Tried it. 0 wins
I tried double vantage with Anna and Takumi. Still 0 wins
Generic free defense win team is dancer + 3 strong units with vantage
Extra chance of success if they have 1-2 range counters
Taco sucks, check the IVs on all your viable units. Consider promoting someone like the Meme Green Girl.
You could get your Effie to level 40 and slap draw back on the Takumi. It can give some team comps a lot of trouble.
Make a team entirely of your best greens and perhaps a dancer.
Should be defense team be:
Hector, Kagero, Nino, Ninian
Klein, Tharja, Nino, Ninian?
so am i just retardet or is this game not available in europe ?
Nino wants to thank you for reading that book to her earlier.
The latter. You won't get wins as often potentially, but you're guaranteed to get at lest one.
How disrespectful.
How nice of her.
>Didn't even spoiler it
Living on the edge, I see.
It won't show up in the app store if you're rootedor have a chink phone, try getting it with qooapp or find the app somewhere
>ywn wife Cordelia/Hinoka and be NTR'd by the ugly, purple slut
Why live
Anyone? I haven't had a decent caster before so not sure what to do. Is threaten any good on ranged units?
Stop rolling for Nowi
Need a better reason.
wow, would you look at all those artifacts.
I stopped after wasting 50 orbs sniping for blue and getting nothing but Oboros and Subakis.
Here's one
>this thread
I only have 6 orbs, so I don't have a choice.
Fuck off.
>implying he isn't trying to summon mods to delete the thread to begin with
All dragons are sluts
wtf i love pegisluts now
This thread is going places
Bad mommy
>Half-dragon Giraffeneck Sophia
>A slut
Very funny, user.
my main team is def team
apparently should be running meme blue def team?
Do dragons breed in human or dragon form?