Hollow knight

>tfw your girl is stolen by chad

>your girl

Not into fatties.


my favorite thread

if you bought less than 3 copies you are not a real hollow knigt

Sup Forumsiral marketing

This thread isn't saying it's GOTY or best game ever though, it's just mentioning something ingame.

I don't mind

>first image off google is the one that's posted the most often
ITT: newfags learn how internet and imageboards work

people are just googling 'hollow knight' and pasting the URL into their OP

this is true for almost every 'shill' thread that seems to start multiple times with the same OP image, it's always one of the first google results.

Some are probably shill threads but who really knows

Stop posting this simplistic meme game you indie fuckhead

I'm not getting at the image itself, that's just a random hash I used for opening posts so I wouldn't have to dig for stuff, what I chose and picked from were the opening comments however

>not into thick girls

I prefer women look like women instead of amorphous globsters.

She has an exoskeleton. That's not how it works.

people on Sup Forums routinely start threads with bait, it's even a tradition in monster hunter threads. It's just more effective at starting discussion, even if it's a little blunt

I'll leave it up to viewers to decide what they make of it

what it's resulted in is however people calling it advertising which has detracted from discussion about the game itself, which I don't personally mind but it's something that has clearly happened

>look like

Different meanings, when the female body is so fat it loses all form and signs of femininity (inward curving waist, smooth, wide hips, etc) it becomes less attractive. This even extends as far as the face.

>detracted from discussion about the game itself, which I don't personally mind

welcome to the Sup Forums club, I find it funny honestly, I guess it's because I don't care too much about hollow knight, I've bought it and found it alright though, that's about all I can say directly about the game itself

7/10, not rating it based on how it compares to the genre

>it does not bother me if I intentionally derail threads
You realize you are the problem, right?

a problem to you maybe, though I won't spend time falseflagging nor making the actual claims, I just left something for others to make up their mind from

You did not leave anything. You are still here trying to bait offtopic conversation.

Official Sup Forums Metroidvania Power Ranking:

1.- Metroid (Super Metroid)
2.- Castlevania (Aria of Sorrow)
3.- Hollow Knight
4.- Ori and the Wind Forest (Non-Deluxe Edition)
5.- Cave Story (Steam version)
6.- Valdis Story
7.- Axiom Verge
8.- Environmental Station Alpha
9.- La-Mulana (PC Remastered version)

God fucking damnit, i'm not the one making these threads but i'm seriously tired of you faggots accusing OP of shilling. Let's just discuss the fucking game. Don't like it? Then fuck off and go back to your console war threads

All me!

Don't ever insult my wife's sons thread ever again. You hear me, heeb?

>Ori that high up on a Metroidvania list
Everything else is spot on.

yes I did and people are already making something of it

>I've been playing the shit out of this game by watching northernlion play through

How is Ori better than any of the ones below it besides graphically? It's hardly even a metroidvania.

It has better gamefeel

Nothing stops you from talking about the game even if there's a bunch of people calling you out.

>please please PLEASE respond to me
No (You) for you.

>no Guacamelee

Don't worry I'll give one to myself. You see you'll even get more bumps to your threads, though I guess that hurts the reputation of the game, which is probably important to you.

What does that even mean?

having gamefeel = giving kinoskin

>"Game feel (sometimes referred to as "game juice") is the intangible, tactile sensation experienced when interacting with video games. The term was popularized by the book Game Feel: A Game Designer's Guide to Virtual Sensation[1] written by Steve Swink. The term has no formal definition, but there are many defined ways to improve game feel. The different areas of a game that can be manipulated to improve game feel are: input, response, context, aesthetic, metaphor, and rules."

>"Game feel is usually attributed to spatial games whose mechanics involve controlling the movement of objects or characters. Since the majority of games are spatial, studies involving game feel mainly focus on the movement and physical interactions between objects in games. The goal of good game feel is to immerse the player in an engaging and rewarding experience. A way to test game feel is to see if interacting with a game's most basic mechanics feels satisfying. At minimum, the game should feel engaging to play even after the plot, points, level design, music, and graphics are removed; if it is not, then the game may suffer from poor game feel.[2]"


you just know when you feel it

The entire point of these threads is to advertise the game you fool. Or as you guys put it, put the game out there and maybe someone will join the discussion :^)

reminder not to reply to the same autistic NEET that spams these threads all day.

>let's play

do i get map function in this game ?

i have the short time memory of a potatoe but really enjoying the art style

>do i get map function in this game ?
literally 5 minutes into the game.


le sad hunter face

does this game have any depth to its combat or do you learn any new moves as you progress or what?

You learn 3 moves (one of those are pretty useless)

There is a charm system, where you have a limited number of slots to equip charms of different sizes, giving or changing your abilities (longer range, speed, shields, etc)

Besides that, fighting is simple, there are no combos. Enemies usually have good attack patterns, and most of the time you must be careful when fighting, this isn't like SotN where you get OP and kill enemies with one hit before they do something.