What are the best sea or underwater games? Spookiness is optional but encourage.
Thinly veiled deep sea thread
What are the best sea or underwater games? Spookiness is optional but encourage.
Thinly veiled deep sea thread
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I mean sooner or later someone will mention Subnautica anyways so getting that out of the way
Bump for interest
Is subnautica good?
Or just post weird deep sea creatures
When my family took me on the Disney Cruise in the early 2000's I had the PRIVILEGE, the DUTY, and the HONOR of being able to play The Ocean Hunter arcade machine for about five days at sea. It was expensive and used a card payment, but it was worth it for the challenge, atmosphere and time well spent.
I never beat it, like all arcade games I was beaten by it, drained of my money and ultimately defeated. But my memory remains of a good game. I give The Ocean Hunter five harpoons out of five.
>Is subnautica good?
It doesn't even have spearguns, it's shit
Jaws Unleashed
Not having EZ weapons adds to the atmosphere though. It's mire about survival and exploring than combat and if the developers created more content based on that, it would be just great.
Subnautica is my favorite horror game
Every now and then I'll look off the edge of the continental shelf and have a moment of sheer dread
The bane of my childhood
Subnautica is fantastic if you have even mild thalassophobia or just have never been to an ocean before.
Easily subnautica.
Even if you hate early access shit, get this. It's fantastic and I spent over 200 hours in it already.
While I agree from a gameplay standpoint it makes the game more harrowing, but it is a bit hard to suspend my disbelief. This huge pan-galactic organization that has all this high-tech specialized underwater technology and they don't have basic means of self-defense aside from a small knife?
Anyone else get into the Sea of Thieves alphaand is it any good? I installed it but i haven't played it yet, looks like it would be shit with randoms.
I like to imagine that the Alterra company operates on ss13 Nanotrasen logic and hates all of its employees, so you can't make anything robust even in the event of emergency simply because fuck you.
They don't have personal firearms but instead literal war machines.
It's just that they achieved peace in a section of the universe and weapons were barely needed
I think the in-universe explanation is good enough.
>there's some kinda massacre involving fabricator-made weapons
>fabricator manufacturers block/remove weapon blueprints from standard fabricators
Now, this is just my interpretation
>space liberals throw a shitfit about the massacre
>Alterra doesn't want to lose any sales so they just join the other corporations in blocking weapon blueprints from standard fabricators
>now there's a man stuck on an actively hostile alien world without weapons just because coddled urbworld people lightyears from any real danger got a hashtag trending on space twitter
>needing a speargun
>not just punching everything to death in your prawn
the list goes on
>implying this is all it takes to prevent us from obtaining the Grim Reaper's Treasure
nice try, grim reaper
>dolphins trying to hide their rape caves
>there's nothing in this cave worth dying for
That's exactly what they would say so they can keep the treasure for themselves.
Nice job on the big one.
One is in the Grim Reaper's face, the other is in the background
I'm surprised nobody has mentioned Barotrauma yet.
The dev originally got the idea from a Sup Forums screencap about a game concept called PRESSURE. Its recently been greenlit on steam, and involves all sorts of underwater spookiness.
Treasures of the Deep for PS1 is pretty goddamn amazing.
post Delta P already
But this game turned out to be pretty shit user.
>spooky sea cretures
>digging around wreckage of spaceships trying not to asphyxiate
>Looking for minerals in a cave system when space pirahanna latch onto my arms
Pretty spoopy I reccomend it
Subnautica is definitely the best underwater game out there.
It's even terrifying at times,it's what you're looking for,OP.
I've been playing the pirated versions for a long time,just bought the game on a sale for about $5
Whale sharks are cute
One of my first pc games ever.
oh shit my nigger
you have autism
haha that makes sense
Is Diluvion any good? I heard it had its problems at launch but have they patched it up yet?
The far sky dev was sittin on a goldmine and chose to abandon the project before it was realized
It was underwater minecraft
Endless Ocean 1 & 2 for Nintendo Wii. Pretty relaxing although it does have some spooky parts. Great if you're into marine zoology.
>yet another minecraft clone
Boy oh boy do we need more of those
I am aware user
original webm is fine though
Aquanaut's Holiday on PS3 is great, it's pretty rare in english . You can easily play it in japanese though
no one has done underwater minecraft
>Start up Minecraft
>Custom Map
>Set Biome to Ocean
>Is subnautica good?
I'd say so. Here's a review for it.
Not seeing many deep sea creatures in this thread
What can we do about this
Abzu as well
>Archimedean Dynasty
>pic related
jesus christ now I feel old
still sucks
>tfw went underwater diving recently while attached to a boat
>even 10 feet down the pressure starts messing with your ears
I can't even imagine going as deep as scuba divers usually go, which can be more than 10 times that depth.
You just have to keep pressurizing, feels normal at any depth
Subnautica is some good shit, dude. it kinda sucks that you can't get a thread going about it without some rando posting that stuff one of the devs said though.
What stuff
You have to equalise your ears and everything's fine.
Any divers here? Have any pics from your dives? Pic related, a small cave system under an island in my local harbor
One dev said there were no guns because of sandy hook or something. Its just the one dev though, and not the whole company.
I did, but I was still surprised at how shallow the pressure started setting in. Really interesting experience in any case.
>no guns because of a hoax
It works the same way in a deep pool. Try to go to the bottom.
abzu has some nice spooky moments but it's mostly calming and beautiful, finding the basking shark was the spookiest part for me, there is only one in the entire game and it lives at the very bottom of a level near the surface. as you descend it gets darker and darker until your diver has to turn on his head light. You can look up and see the surface animals swimming above you. Then if you look around the sea floor you see a huge shape emerge from the darkness. Such a cool moment.
if you like this check out abzu, biome simulator type shit with the art style and music of journey its amazing
SOMA had some pretty neat underwater areas, even a DEEP SEA part.
How's diluvion?
Yes because a spear gun is going to take down the reaper instead of just let me hunt fish for fun.
The fanboys subnautica has don't into reason, user
I've only dived in a lake in Illinois. Where would you suggest? Got more pictures?
Either bait or genuinely stupid
Either way you fucking suck
The people who shit up the threads with that stuff are usually so stupid or edgy that we just dismiss them as some ADD gun nut who can't stand games if there isn't blood/gunfire every 20 seconds (or just bait for the sake of bait), so we figure they aren't worth the effort.
There's an item that kind of already does that. It's this sphere thing that magnetizes small fish towards it so you can grab them. This would make adding a spear gun pretty redundant, and the sphere thing has been in the game since it first went on early access iirc.
I like Subnautica but I want a diving game set on Earth that instead of being open world has like challenges and stuff. Like you have to navigate cave systems or other things like that. I haven't looked at the other stuff posted in this thread though so maybe there'll be something similar in there.
Adding to this, the shitters also usually seem to be really mad because it involves left-wing politics so they just brainlessly shit on the game, so that's more reason to not even put in the effort.
So is this just like dedicated autism posting or is it the retarded dev? The shit grav sphere isn't anywhere close to as fun as spear fishing. Go fucking suck your boyfriends tiny dick you fag.
I've dived down in Mexico. GoPro got flooded the day before so I have no pics.
Nice ad hominem, retard. Ya really got me. I take it you really like spear-fishing because it's SO FUCKING MANLY RRRRRR and you're a bit upset that it's not represented here. Too bad, so sad.
If that is not the case, then why would they add spear guns (at least any time soon) anyways? They've got larger things to make and work on, and since the gravsphere already does what a spear gun would do (as a utility), the spear gun would just be a "for fun" thing and working on it now or soon would interrupt the more important things. Also, since it was just the one dev who cried about violence and the others were like "wow fuck that guy lol" and it still isn't a thing, maybe it's not in the game yet for a reason? Probably for the reason that I just stated, but there could be something else that neither of us are considering.
I have my best memories of when i was a kid thanks to that game, i currently am looking to buy one
Why would there not be an spear gun in an underwater survival game? It should have been one of the first things in the game. But then again you are actually autistic.
This will always be a bitter sweet game for me just because the police arrested me when I was playing it.
More importantly, it was fucking impossible to get the cover photo for the Blue Tang.
They probably figured a spear gun would be too easy and they really wanted to add to the whole "whoah its the future" thing, so they did the gravsphere instead. Take that and combine it with the previous reasons, and there isn't a spear gun in the game.
Do you even think before you post?
"whoah its the future" thats why the subs are WW2 tier and the battery tech is abysmal. Also why you have a knife and almost nothing runs on solar which survival equipment in modern day normally has. Knifes are so futuristic right?
I heard its shit.
wait what
The whole deal with batteries is probably to keep the gameplay balanced. It would probably be a lot easier of all of your tools charged using solar power. The battery-charging fins are shit iirc, and you can get upgraded batteries, but that's in the late-game.
The subs probably have their design just so they look better or immediately register in people's brains as being a submarine. You'd probably figure it's a submarine, even if it has a strange or different design, but having a little moment where you expect a submarine and get this big, weirdly-shaped thing might be a little offputting. They also probably made them like that for the sake of aesthetics and also probably because it was easy to do.
>implying a knife needs to be improved upon or wouldn't be useful
>implying a knife isn't really easy to make since it's just a piece of metal and some rubber, making it a good survival tool
>Is subnautica good?
Subnautica is pretty good. I would wait a while to play it, though. They're relatively close to the 1.0 release of the game, so I would just wait for that.
It's impossible to get a cover photo image for the Blue Tang, pisses me off
These are fake, there's nothing to worry about in that cave boys
what is that
There is something that doesn't seem right about you
Why don't you go closer and find out
Wow, SIDF sure is strong today. You're trying to hide treasure or gather soldiers for your skeleton pirate army, either way I don't trust you
inb4 >hurr not all skeletons are bad
too spooky for me user, please tell me
>fucking voxel terrain cripples my performance even with a i7 3770
I can't imagine how pissed everyone is going to be if the 1.0 release doesn't remove the voxel-based terrain