''I hate the Rick and Morty game because of the Redditors who like the show

>''I hate the Rick and Morty game because of the Redditors who like the show.
Ummm...no sweetie you can't just hate a game because of the fans.

Okay. The game is shit because it only has a few hours of content but its priced at 30 dollars. Games should go off a dollar an hour margin unless they happen to be the most groundbreaking thing of all time or is SO fun they can break through that.

I wish I was a wizard.

I love to smell my fart.

what game?

Rollin for potato wizard


>>Inb4 virgin wizard

Rollinfuck this gay spam filter I wanna roll idiot

>you can't just hate a game because of the fans
Oh yes I can.

I fucked up

can i just hang out and be friends with kat instead

Rolling for 1 4 or trips

Wiz me daddy

six pls
trips also okay

Umm Sweatie xD pumpkin this is not how it works LEL umm haha funey memes. You see Rocksteady and Bebop are good shows.
*BARP* Rick I'm pop culture reference *BRAP* I'm so smart and nihilistic *BRAPPPRPBA* You're are not real Memey you just another clone XD I'm so genius *BRAPAPRA* GOOD BUY MOON MAN HAHA SO FUNNY, HOLY SHIT I"M SO toTALLY NOT REDDIT

I can dislike a game for any reason. Try and stop me.

shit wizard getto

>dollar an hour

That's nothing. I have 387 hours in Killing Floor and bought it for $5. (This is an extreme case, but I do expect to play a game for more than 5 hours if I spend $5 on it. Even a free game can be fun for 5 hours.)

Multitrack rolling for dick wizard and 2Bass

>Games should go off a dollar an hour margin
t. retard that understand what powercreep or MGSV syndrome is.MGSV has about 100 hours if you're looking to 100% it, is it worth 100$?

I don't like that.

Post more condescending stuff.

>he doesn't have a monsterwaifu

rolling for NEET

>all those people who say FFIX is their favorite FF just because too many plebs like 7
What a pathetic life it must be changing your opinion just because the masses also share it


This is the lowest form of shitposting.

If you're going to work so hard to lower the quality of this board, at least be entertaining while you do it.


Am I the only one that thinks the sweetie meme is complete faggotry?



Can you tell me the source of the sweetie meme

I believe in Kiryu-kun.


Liberals on Twitter.

there's a duplicate of hobo wizard


inb4 cube

ha ha umm ok Swetties you've had your dumb roll game. Now please can we get back to the topic on hand?

You shouldn't be so full of hate Honey it's bad for your skin and you wouldn't want to be on the wrong side of history anyway.

futaba, 2B or zelda pls


Watch me prove you wrong.
I really love Rick & Morty tho my famalamadingdong.


Number one PLEASE!!!!


shut up idiot

This one sucks.

Is a shit show anyway faggot

Let's do this

that's what you get



>marry Zelda
Now that's what I call one lucky roll. Sorry Kiryu-san

Give something to fap to later please

Rolling for 2B, she's the cutest!


I won't get it but rolling for trips.

I would kill you if I was given your location.

Makes me want to vote for Trump again.

rolling for 6 so 2B can sit on me and crush my face with her 400 lb ass holy shit i want to die

Wow really make me think

Wow, really made me think, OP.

>this gets deleted
>this is 100% janny approved Sup Forums quality thread