Would you?

Would you?

Ganondorf has based taste.

i recognize the thing off the 4th panel. whats it from?

>pop idol who millions of teenage boys fawned over
ganondorf has generic taste

digimon my nig

>(((straight people)))

Did the black haired fellow become that Tuba Vore artist?

You're clearly a fucking baby since you didn't live through the first years of Brittney Spears. I be you were born in 2000.

i stand by my point

Fat men are the best men

t. lardass

You were 4 years old when she first debuted it.

You weren't there m8.

tuba vore is an 8/10 fetish

Shit, I totally forgot that existed.


I was born in 85. Give me Dana Scully over Brittney Spears any day.

Especially now. Gillian Anderson has aged far more gracefully.


>Gillian Anderson

got any more?

For anyone who doesn't understand the context, last night in a ask me anything interview thread, DingDong from OneyPlays said this was his first anthropromorphic crush when asked.
He referred back to it three times and then went onto make this comic edit and tweeted it like 12 hours later.

Despite him swearing he was being serious and no one normally believes him... can't honestly tell if he's trolling.

People also took pic related as "confirmation" but it seems like just sarcasm as a "sure, if the idea of it makes you happy, believe what you want."

I can't imagine anyone besides you who gives a shit.

It is essentially a frog version of Julian + tubas. I buy it.

>he loses his shoe
It's the little things.

Literally nothing wrong with being normal


let the man fuck his toad

Is this shitty meme so gud? Would you burn it if you could?


Just imagine that as a big flared, shiny, vibrating mouth.

yes good goy, just live your normal life as defined by those with authority, nothing wrong with that when everyone is doing it. Just do what (((they))) ask of you.

/r/ing the template

tweet @dingdongvg

>not the fox from hightail hall


Ja this tuba mouth is gud! We'd get eaten if we could.




Why would he be lying?

Reminder that half of the posts ITT are OP forcing his shit meme


they already are being eaten

mfw the tuba guy drains the spit valve and it gets all over my shoe

Imagine being in there as everything in that spit valve spills out on you

What's better, being eaten by a tuba or being crushed between inflating bullets?

Tuba because it lovingly buzzes you inside with each note.