ITT: Criminally overrated games
ITT: Criminally overrated games
Fuck you
Ummm...sorry sweetie buuuutt Nocture's story is shit and required updated version to be even decent on that regard. I'd say same about it's characters, but it barely has any. Most of it's dungeons are nothing special, not in gameplay sense or visually. And pretty much every part of it's gameplay has been done better on other games in the series.
>sorry sweetie buuuutt
take that momchat to tumblr you piece of shit
>muh story
>muh characters
Neck yourself persona fag
Go back to your shitty dating sims
Get the fuck out. Probably got locked out by Matador or Mot and decided the game is bad.
The entire SMT series is overrated.
In fact jrpg's in general are overrated. Even the ones that are considered "classics" are usually shit or have aged like milk.
Nocturne is just a series of hallways and battles
It's like Final Fantasy 13 with worse graphics and worse pacing, and oh yeah worse music
Noticed how I said it had shit story AND gameplay? Nocturne is literally mediocre in every sense.
Fuck you
Compared to Nocturnal, XIII has
>Better aesthetic
>Better world design
>Better combat (once you unlock all the paradigms)
>Better characters
>Better music
>Better endgame
>Better lore
It's literally in a different league
This, but more like the entire Zelda series.
Most overrated series I ever saw, but BOTW is a good game.
Underrated on Sup Forums, overrated everywhere else.
The gameplay isn't bad though, fuck off.
Name any semi popular game that ISNT overrated.
I agree, Nocturne is overrated.
I disagree, go fuck yourself.
I don't really care, never played Nocturne and never will.
Go back to Sup Forums.
Nocturnefags are pretty sensitive I see...
Even FFXIII is a better game than the heap of mediocre trash that is Nocturne.
Grand Theft Auto 5
it was actually high quality, NO BULLSHIT
The fuck is this?
>underrated on Sup Forums
We've been having shill threads nonstop since launch, and fanboys still refuse to see the game as anything but flawless.
>better than anything
Sure thing pal.
Any game that you like and I don't lmao
It's a good game, but still massively overrated. It's certainly not a 10/10. It feels like it might be, during like the first hour, then you leave the plateau. After the first divine beast the quickly starts to lose its luster, and feels awfully mediocre and repetitive.
Better than Nocturne at least....
Deus Ex
Fallout 2
any shitty souls game
Fallout New Vegas
MGS 2 & 3
frozen throne
Diablo 2
System Shock 2
go to any 3 x 3 thread and i guarantee a good majority of them will have at least one of these one of these games on there.
Maybe it's just the way of Sup Forums, but every thread I see about BoTW outside that is just someone calling it 1/10 trash.
Many people like to be contrarians to get a reaction
I doubt anyone genuinely thinks that it's a 1/10, even if they don't like it
dam ur right...woah...
>mfw still waiting for nocturne to hit ps store.
>story is shit and required updated version to be even decent on that regard.
This is why the Megten fanbase is so inviting and totally not full of "muh mainline SMT", "muh you're a waifu-fag" and "muh Persona 1 and 2 are better than 3/4/5" autists
>not emulate it
Yes, that is true.
Make a guess, weeb.
Akari is best girl.
Why did you post a blank picture?
The entire SMT series isn't even popular, tho.
You seem upset over over something, maybe try playing good games?
>never played Nocturne
Your loss.
No surprise there, only autists could actually enjoy SMT, especially Nocturne.
>every post I don't like is autism
Go back to Sup Forums.
Damn, how will he ever recover from that?
Its not even worth playing honestly
Its the definition of a game thats aged like milk in every regard
I get it youre an attention whore who is trying to force a meme for (you)'s
funny stuff haha
Fuck off this is not Sup Forums.
>Persona 1 is a good game. Sorry 3/4 baby. Do I fit in yet fellow SMT fans?
I agree with you completely. This is the worst meme on this site.
Not. An. Argument.
I'm almost done beating Nocturne for the first time and I had a great time. It helps if you really enjoy older JRPGs though. It definitely still holds up IMO.
What SMT game has the best combat?
I never got the negotiations meme, it's such a shitty mechanic
Post your 3x3, faggot
And who threw the first punch ITT?
i think you mean Underrated
everyone i know hates this game.
What are you talking about?
Stop replying to him, idiot.
Oh, you got me? Aren't you smart?
>attention whore
I don't think you know the meaning of that world, maybe lurk a little more before posting?
>unironically laughing at a retard
Top kek.
Strange Journey.
Play them and find out.
None, all are garbage RPGs.
The people who call themselves "SMT fans" are usually the same people who hate Persona 1 and 2, I don't see what point you're making.
SMT IV: Apocolypse. Ignore the memes around the game, a lot of it is built upon the atmosphere and background that are established by IV and people who never played IV or never fully explored it will usually bash it unfairly for it.
>Deus Ex
on Sup Forums its overrated. everyone here loves to talk about how naughty dog went to shit with uncharted even though jak 2/3 isnt much better.
2/5 try harder next time
lets be real here, it didnt matter what the games were you were gonna shit on it no matter what.
fair enough. it's still one of my favorites.
People who try too hard to fit in on Sup Forums without ever having played any SMT games pretend 1 is actually good.
post yours faggot!!!!!!!
but Persona 1 is a good game. I think the release of Persona 5 has just brought the opinions of people who don't usually go on Sup Forums to the board, who are the least likely to try to fit in.
Nice meme argument.
Dead Space is pretty good and The Darkness is alright. Haven't played any of the other ones but im sure they're all just fine (shit). Shenmue is a legit joke of a game though and only contrarians or nostalgiafags would try to claim that its good.
Persona 5 is actually extremely good user
totallt bro
>but Persona 1 is a good game.
What is your opinion on Persona 3 and 4?
another you please
Bloodborne and The Witcher 3
If anything I probably would've liked Final better if I didn't play IV. Why it's held up as the fix'd edition just screams thirstiness to me.
>glorified vn for retarded waifufags with mediocre combat
You didn't have one to begin with, kiddo.
>Underrated on Sup Forums, overrated everywhere else.
What are some games where the opposite is true today?
I like that face. Post more.
Fuck off, retard.
> :^)
What did he meme by this, lads?
They're a lot of fun, I'm probably blinded by nostalgia because they were my introduction into the series as a kid but I like the character-driven narratives. Gameplay wise, they aren't very challenging, but they aren't so easy that it makes the game not fun. The biggest aspect that they probably fall behind 1 and 2 in is in overall narrative and depth of gameplay. Persona 5 is a step in the right direction, I think, it incorporates a more linear and coherent narrative but retains the focus on characterization and social mechanics that 3 and 4 have.
Fallout New Vegas
The SMT series
Nier Automata
yakuza games
It's an easy and somewhat derivative indie pixel platformer, which isn't rare these days but holy fuck do people treat it like the second coming. The soundtrack also isn't as good as everyone makes it out to be, but it has a few stand out tracks.
some of you niggers need to realize that just becuase a game is overrated it doesnt always mean its a bad game.
I dunno, /r/megaten is pretty autistic and vocal about it.
Overrated threads are created and posted in by shitposters too lazy to think up of any creative ways to get (you)'s
All they have to do is post an image of a good game and boom guaranteed replies
>not one but TWO sports games
>literally all SEGA shit
And this is not a bait.
Or people who think a game is fucking overrated? I'm not saying Shovel Knight is bad, but it is fucking overrated.
ya we r
Mega Man 2
alright dude lmao